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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2017 in Posts

  1. Сделал ежедневный расчет, доступен по постоянной ссылке: http://static.modxvm.com/wn8-plots/wn8-win.png
    4 points
  2. Мы посмотрим, тут действительно не понятно.
    2 points
  3. I would call this addon a script that is "just for fun". It does not add much of anything important to improve or enhance game play, but it might make you smile. =D Over the years, I have found myself here often and have learned quite a lot. (Unfortunately, I have not yet learned Russian though!) =). So it only seems fair to share with everyone a little something I wrote. A simple python script. I have been using it in my own config since about a year ago and without any issue. No slowing the game down or worries about new versions. The nature of the script doesn't rely much on the game itself. Just how you use it in the config. Though there has been some significant changes to help make things easier and simplify it's use for other languages. Just drop it in and away you go if your config is close to default. If not, no sweat! Below is a step by step install process. Easy! Very small sample of what it does: Images: What it does, is it simply randomizes text that is stored in a config file and is displayed as part of the OTM's when dealing damage or destroying another player via markers.xc section. Both as yourself and the other players in the battle. I use it to add a little humour to the game. You can now enable and disable certain sections of the config. Enabling the default section for markers_ahmUTData.xc will turn on the built-in counter and override any settings or arguments you have passed on to the macro. {{py:ahm.deathMSG('{{vtype-key}}', '{{squad}}', 'top|bottom')}}: Use to display custom randomized text from config file for upper and/or lower OTM while checking if squad and vehicle type. Currently Only NA and a very rough RU - (needs a Russian speaker to correct my horrible attempt!). You can see how languages are added by simply looking at markers_ahmData.xc {{py:ahm.utMsg('{{my-frags}}', 'counter|random')}}: Use to display frag message dependent on how many kills you have. Works well with UT Announcer mods. Change config file to match your audio mod if you use one. 2nd argument is for static messages - 'counter' or randomized messages - 'random' Known Issue: {{my-frags}} does not seem to keep track of "blind shot kills". A kill when the destroyed vehicle was invisible at the time. I can't help this. Bug the XVM devs ;) Currently Only NA and a very rough RU - (needs a Russian speaker to correct my horrible attempt!). You can see how languages are added by simply looking at markers_ahmUTData.xc As long as a language is in the config, it should work seemlessly, right out of the box. {{py:ahm.sDmg('{{ally?E|A}}dmg_kind', '{{py:ahm.dmg-kind-key('{{dmg-kind}}')}}')}} Used to display which texts from the proper config section for damage types. Tip: Leave shot blank as it can be annoying! =) I cannot see what other uses one might have other than what it was intended for. But here it is. It is meant to simplify the config. Texts found in markers_ahmData.xc, specialDamage section. {{py:ahm.dmg-kind-key('{{dmg-kind}}')}} There is no {{dmg-kind-key}} macro in xvm, similar to say, {{vtype-key}}. This again, simplifies the config and keeps icons to a minimum. (naming schemes) {{py:ahm.medals('{{frags}}')}} Another exclusive/dependant macro to AHM. Used to pick and display medals achieved by other players. This again, simplifies the config. I see no other use outside this addon. Installation: In @xvm.xc file, add the following somewhere after "markers": ${"markers.xc":"markers"}, @xvm.xc In markersAliveNormal.xc file, change: def.damageText section: ally.damageText section: enemy.damageText section: markersAliveNormal.xc In markersDeadNormal.xc file, change: def.damageText section: ally.damageText section: enemy.damageText section: markersDeadNormal.xc Then add these .xc files to res_mods/configs/xvm/default (or to your own config folder if that is what you are doing) markers_ahmUTData.xc markers_ahmData.xc markers_AdvancedHitMarkers.xc Then add these python scripts to res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro collection.py by Ktulho - from THIS post. advancedHitMarkers.py And then add the icon files to res_mods/mods/shared_resources/xvm/res/icons ahm_icons.zip To give you an idea of what and how many random messages you can have, here is my own markers_ahmData.xc file. ( included in the archive ) Just by looking at it, many of you can easily figure out how the script works. If you happen to know more than one language and have an itch to help out, please by all means, fix an existing or add a new language and share here! This is a work in progress and a learning experience for me. There is a lot of talent here, so any recommendations or changes are welcome! The Russian frag counter has been made to synchronize with night_dragon_on's frags announcer audio config for XVM. Found here: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/18955-замена-звуков-sound-changing-звуки-на-различные-события/ ToDo: I would like to add a {{hit-by-shellType}} macro. That would actually be useful and informative. Until then, I'm learning though. Unless someone beats me to it. ;) (hint, hint) The entire archive: advancedHitMarkers_v2.5.zip Enjoy! Changelog:
    1 point
  4. Обновил архивы!!! удалил папку vehicles_old (в ней остался один танк - американец Т-18, не критично) Новые катки не красил.
    1 point
  5. Такое себе обновление, в демке мусор прогружается метрах в десяти от танка, выглядит хуже, чем сейчас танки.
    1 point
  6. Build 8175 "removeVehicleLevel": false, "removeVehicleLevel": true, если иконки не скрываются, можно попробовать удалить папку WorldOfTanks с кешем и настройками: C:\Users\Имя учётной записи\AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\
    1 point
  7. Ога, есть косяк, только при изменении акка (выбрасывает из игры, но лог при этом чистый). При добавлении/удалении акка у меня все было нормально.
    1 point
  8. Тот кто тырит идеи наших модов, и реализует как новые моды в просранках, не будем называть его имя в слух ты и так знаеш кто это.
    1 point
  9. Может хватит уже??? Развели тут базар-вокзал. Вам же ясно сказали... Перевожу на русский)) Вы хоть усритесь тут от негодования, приводите тыщу примеров и довыдов, но мы будем делать так, как нам надо.
    1 point
  10. Если-бы в моей предыдущей конторе продукт ушел в релиз с такими косяками, то на следующий день весь отдел тестирования точно и половина отдела разработки искала-бы себе новую работу... Для приличного списка найденных в релизе косяков достаточно было "пробежаться по меню" ;-)
    1 point
  11. Мде , как всегда. Нубул исчезни:)
    1 point
  12. В микропатче есть пересобранный lobby.swf и battle.swf. Эти флешки оверрайдятся xvm, и с большой вероятностью будут проблемы несовместимости. А могут и не быть. В итоге у меня выбор: подстелить соломку и завести новую версионную папку под моды, что, конечно, осложняет жизнь мододелам и модоюзерам, так как надо моды проапдейтить/переустановить, но в целом стандартная рутинная процедура. Либо не заводить папку и получить сложнопрогнозируемые проблемы у всех игроков с установленным xvm (а это почти половина аудитории). Как бы ты поступил на моем месте?
    1 point
  13. Всё же хотелось бы сделать его схожим с дамагЛогом.
    1 point
  14. спс, время позволило, решил тему создать.
    1 point
  15. а сколько стоит сделать такой мод?
    -1 points
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