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"Ночные версии" XVM / Nightly Builds


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XP sp3,  вычищенный кеш, первый бой, 2925,wERR3,танк в ангаре,клиент запущен...

(может пригодится для сравнения ?)


Edited by tricsi
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нажал в бой и вылетел (2925)




2013-11-07 21:17:05: xvm-stat 1.0.2 (http://www.modxvm.com/) for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 21:17:05: Revision: 2925
2013-11-07 21:17:08: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 21:17:13: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: introVideo
2013-11-07 21:17:14: [X:018] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: login
2013-11-07 21:17:14: [X:019] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: login
2013-11-07 21:17:14: [X:020] [XVM:PING] processView: login
2013-11-07 21:17:28: [X:021] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:17:28: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:17:28: [X:023] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:17:28: [X:024] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:17:28: [X:025] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:17:45: [X:026] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:17:54: [X:027] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:18:05: [X:028] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 21:18:05: [X:029] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 21:18:05: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:18:15: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:18:15: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:18:15: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:18:15: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/505130652=4625,513152072=11777,513879885=7713,514709453=1537,506334164=8785,511591640=3345,513938522=1041,501638223=1=1,506576348=11777,512603230=6913,504664544=10273,508243554=6721,511099236=1537,506814609=1537,503906793=1057,510621037=10529,513012346=10529,513122062=15633,502482925=10273,514762897=3105,503625111=11777,509507868=1041,513293089=13585,506132261=1041,500433890=1057,506640796=4657,514873012=17,515027641=3345,512127932=3105,501589858=257
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:18:16: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:18:17: [iNFO] Time: 706 ms, Size: 8923 bytes
2013-11-07 21:18:17: [b:008] Minimap: localized map name: Airfield
2013-11-07 21:22:10: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:10: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:10: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:11: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:12: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:22:12: [X:018] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:22:12: [X:019] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:22:12: [X:020] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:22:12: [X:021] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:22:27: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 21:22:27: [X:023] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 21:22:27: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:22:35: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:22:36: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/502000517=9489,511594462=12113,500019230=11841,501121548=10785,505869332=52561,504937374=9505,504592545=9489,508522149=13569,506418729=4929,501624625=5697,502052917=13825,500193720=11521,511980346=15649,502918332=8481,507043649=9745,504225092=14145,500744261=14609,500772364=3649,501071950=9489,501638223=8193=1,506515898=4929,503690334=9489,500378721=13889,504229092=3649,511560809=2593,501314669=3649,501961332=9745,502463913=13825,507598840=16161,501617788=9489
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [iNFO] Time: 659 ms, Size: 11991 bytes
2013-11-07 21:22:37: [b:008] Minimap: localized map name: Swamp
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:44: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 21:28:45: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:28:45: [X:018] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:28:45: [X:019] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:28:45: [X:020] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:021] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleResults
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:023] BattleResults.as: BattleResults
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:024] BattleResults.as: onAfterPopulate
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:025] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:026] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:027] BattleResults.as: onViewChanged
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:028] View loaded: battleResults.CommonStats
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:029] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:030] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:031] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:032] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:28:46: [X:033] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:29:06: [X:034] BattleResults.as: onBeforeDispose
2013-11-07 21:29:06: [X:035] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 21:29:16: [X:036] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:29:40: [X:037] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:29:45: [X:038] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 21:29:45: [X:039] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 21:29:45: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:29:53: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:29:53: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:29:53: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:29:53: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/511768555=1041,500656135=16385,508267208=16385,505618124=3585,506331021=11553,511320334=2817,501458509=7201,513338869=17,504689027=11777,510562051=2625,502009245=10497,511845071=4657,500501344=2321,509386658=55073,514856931=849,512693540=3361,509092071=2881,502488360=2817,509012907=1537,508774575=11553,502008688=1041,507788721=11777,513260405=11777,508149944=17,514938297=8209,513460539=2817,510598204=2321,506276478=6161,512943231=2817
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:29:54: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 21:29:55: [iNFO] Time: 672 ms, Size: 10226 bytes
2013-11-07 21:29:55: [b:008] Minimap: localized map name: Serene Coast
2013-11-07 21:34:13: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:13: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:13: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:018] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:019] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:34:14: [X:020] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 21:34:15: [X:021] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:34:34: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:35:00: [X:023] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 21:36:09: [X:024] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:18:39: [X:025] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:18:58: [X:026] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: profile
2013-11-07 22:19:01: [X:027] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:19:15: [X:028] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 22:19:15: [X:029] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 22:19:15: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:19:21: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:19:22: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/510953984=6481,512951253=1041,501639429=7201,503358598=1553,500850951=11777,506904840=7201,500808972=11281,514851406=1809,510623697=11281,501296270=16145,514996089=2817,500624792=12289,510896218=2625,502866203=10017,500149148=2817,500752613=16145,504697632=1041,505719459=16145,510035622=16145,509683558=1057,503381928=5169,504045309=9553,514135221=2321,510244534=849,508970105=849,514632314=1,500663548=6945,514225981=2897,506128127=11553
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [iNFO] Time: 536 ms, Size: 9434 bytes
2013-11-07 22:19:23: [b:008] Minimap: localized map name: Abbey
2013-11-07 22:27:30: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:30: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:30: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:31: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 22:27:32: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:27:32: [X:018] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:27:32: [X:019] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:27:32: [X:020] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:021] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleResults
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:023] BattleResults.as: BattleResults
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:024] BattleResults.as: onAfterPopulate
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:025] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:026] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:027] BattleResults.as: onViewChanged
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:028] View loaded: battleResults.CommonStats
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:029] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:030] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:031] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:032] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:27:33: [X:033] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:28:17: [X:034] BattleResults.as: onBeforeDispose
2013-11-07 22:28:17: [X:035] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:28:24: [X:036] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:28:51: [X:037] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:29:09: [X:038] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:30:36: [X:039] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 22:30:37: [X:040] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 22:30:37: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:30:44: [DEBUG] FlashInit: battle.swf
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [DEBUG] FlashInit: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: Application.swf
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [V:000] xvm -> ["VMM"]
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [V:001] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [V:003] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [V:002] xvm -> ["VMM", "VehicleMarkersManager"]
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [V:004] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/501398272=7425,505372160=11521,500010626=10513,503094023=14625,500356238=8225,501648911=4385,502692884=13825,507040799=4353,509638054=7169,500788268=3137,500743597=5713,507402548=15649,500878902=4385,502923969=5137,504616770=16401,501638223=2593=1,511031636=7169,503242510=4353,514115545=3377,501998050=54289,501548134=5377,500968295=13569,502829419=7425,503395949=3905,502910062=7169,503185391=16161,502366454=7953,503286265=6145,508680186=5377,501893886=8449
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [b:000] xvm -> ["Minimap"]
2013-11-07 22:30:45: [b:001] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel"]
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:002] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:003] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel"]
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:004] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle"]
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:005] xvm -> ["Minimap", "PlayersPanel", "TeamBasesPanel", "Battle", "StatisticForm"]
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:006] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:007] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [iNFO] Time: 570 ms, Size: 12079 bytes
2013-11-07 22:30:46: [b:008] Minimap: localized map name: Fjords
2013-11-07 22:38:57: [DEBUG] FlashInit: Application.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:57: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: VehicleMarkersManager.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:57: [DEBUG] FlashBeforeDelete: battle.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:000] LoadFiles: ['xvm.xc']
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:001] LoadFiles: ['en.xc']
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:002] Locale: Loaded 'en' language by XVM Team
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:003] Config loaded. Region: EU (detected), Language: en (config)
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:004] [XVM] Preloading swf: companiesListWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:005] [XVM] Preloading swf: companyWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:006] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleLoading.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:007] [XVM] Preloading swf: squadWindow.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:008] [XVM] Preloading swf: profileSections.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:009] [XVM] Preloading swf: battleResults.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:010] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-autologin.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:011] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-company.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:012] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-crew.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:013] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-hangar.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:014] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-ping.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:015] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-profile.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:58: [X:016] [XVM] Loading mod: xvm-squad.swf
2013-11-07 22:38:59: [X:017] [XVM:AUTOLOGIN] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:38:59: [X:018] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:38:59: [X:019] [XVM:PING] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:38:59: [X:020] [XVM:PROFILE] processView: lobby
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:021] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:022] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleResults
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:023] BattleResults.as: BattleResults
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:024] BattleResults.as: onAfterPopulate
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:025] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:026] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:027] BattleResults.as: onViewChanged
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:028] View loaded: battleResults.CommonStats
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:029] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:030] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:031] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:032] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:00: [X:033] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:39:16: [X:034] BattleResults.as: onBeforeDispose
2013-11-07 22:39:16: [X:035] BattleResults.as: page()
2013-11-07 22:42:50: [X:036] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: hangar
2013-11-07 22:50:04: [X:037] [XVM:HANGAR] processView: battleLoading
2013-11-07 22:50:04: [X:038] [battleLoading]
XVM_VERSION=5.0.1-test2 for WoT 0.8.9
2013-11-07 22:50:04: [DEBUG] cmd=loadBattleStat args=[true, null]
2013-11-07 22:50:04: [iNFO] HTTP: /2.0/505839853=9489,503831922=10785,508991732=3905,504615293=7937,501953026=305,500287241=10753,507357263=4929,500037773=6145,505345453=3649,507488272=13857,502282781=8193,505503778=16401,512082083=11521,509711661=11521,502116533=13569,500282166=8449,508672058=5697,509960380=6145,503204541=5697,508984257=2593,509716558=10753,509634467=15393,507622359=8737,502862808=3889,504166747=10785,508766558=9745,507384165=8721,503594812=3649,500834667=10785
2013-11-07 22:50:05: [iNFO] Time: 453 ms, Size: 11520 bytes




BigWorld Release Client (compiled at 16:29:33 Oct 18 2013) starting on Thu Nov 07 21:17:05 2013
Checking ./res_mods/0.8.9: mods found
[XPM] preloader gui.Scaleform.locale
[XPM] Working dir: ./res_mods/0.8.9/scripts/client/gui/mods
[XPM] Loading mod: xvmstat 1.0.2 (http://www.modxvm.com/)
[NOTE] (scripts/client/post_processing/__init__.py, 273): The quality = 4 was selected.
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/31_airfield
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/22_slough
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/47_canada_a
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/19_monastery
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/33_fjord
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 620): Failed to find parameter named 'mode' in sound event named '/objects/fire/house_burn_light'
[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium_halloween
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/73_asia_korea
MF_ASSERT_DEV FAILED: g_renderThread == true
Edited by ciscoasa
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первый вылет

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 32, in __call__
  File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Battle.py", line 237, in onPostmortemVehicleChanged
KeyError: '31130594'
The BigWorld Client has encountered an unhandled exception and must close (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION : 0xC0000005 @ 0x00B0F9E1) (Read @ 0x4C525100)



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Из интересного нигде выше не видел при вылетах в python.log


[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/85_winter
[WARNING] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 33): Method "__run_write" takes too much time 6.73900008202


[ERROR] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 210): Client couldn't read file. (EOFError(), 'NB2HI4B2F4XWGZJOO5XXE3DEN5THIYLONNZS44TVF5SGG33OOQXWG3DBNZZS6ZLNMJWGK3LTF4YTMNRYGIXWK3LCNRSW2XZWGR4DMNC7ORQW42ZOOBXGO===')
The BigWorld Client has encountered an unhandled exception and must close (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION : 0xC0000005 @ 0x00AA6D64) (Write @ 0xACB24000)


[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/37_caucasus
[ERROR] (scripts/client/account_helpers/CustomFilesCache.py, 210): Client couldn't read file. (UnpicklingError('pickle data was truncated',), 'NB2HI4B2F4XWGZJOO5XXE3DEN5THIYLONNZS44TVF5SGG33OOQXWG3DBNZZS6ZLNMJWGK3LTF4ZDGL3FNVRGYZLNL43DI6BWGRPXIYLONMXHA3TH')


Версия 2924


XVM.log не сохранился, т.к. перезапускал клиент.

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странно, играя в режиме совместимости, при выходе в ангар, в питоне пишет:



AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 22): Avatar.onLeaveWorld()
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 28): Avatar.(03)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 30): Avatar.(04)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 32): Avatar.(05)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 34): Avatar.(06)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 36): Avatar.(07)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 38): Avatar.(08)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 40): Avatar.(09)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 42): Avatar.(10)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 59): Avatar.(15)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 61): Avatar.(16)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 68): Avatar.(17)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 70): Avatar.(18)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 78): Avatar.(19)before_destroyGUI
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 152): Avatar.destroyGUI()
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 153): Avatar.destroyGUI(01)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 155): Avatar.destroyGUI(02)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 158): Avatar.destroyGUI(03)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 160): Avatar.destroyGUI(04)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 162): Avatar.destroyGUI(05)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 164): Avatar.destroyGUI(06)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 166): Avatar.destroyGUI(07)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 168): Avatar.destroyGUI(08)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 170): Avatar.destroyGUI(09)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 172): Avatar.destroyGUI(11)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 174): Avatar.destroyGUI(12)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 176): Avatar.destroyGUI(13)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 178): Avatar.destroyGUI(14)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 180): Avatar.destroyGUI(15)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 182): Avatar.destroyGUI()-allisOK
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 80): Avatar.(20)after_destroyGUI
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 86): Avatar.(21)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 89): Avatar.(22)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 91): Avatar.(23)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 98): Avatar.(24)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 100): Avatar.(25)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 107): Avatar.(26)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 109): Avatar.(27)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 116): Avatar.(28)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 118): Avatar.(29)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 125): Avatar.(30)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 134): Avatar.(32)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 140): Avatar.(33)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 142): Avatar.(34)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 144): Avatar.(35)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 146): Avatar.(36)
[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 148): Avatar.onLeaveWorld()-allisOK
[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium


Но из игры не выкидывает

Edited by JustShooter
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А проверьте этот файл.


Всё равно вылет после 2 боя




В общем самый простой способ играть с XVM без вылетов это включать совместимость с WinXP Sp3... иного выхода пока не вижу... видимо чем то семёрке не нравятся эти ошибки....

играя с совместимостью, услышал в начале боя звуки ангара, после боя вылета нету, но в логах питона было следующее:


'Логи питона'

[EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py, 621):

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "scripts/client/helpers/EffectsList.py", line 618, in create

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'seekSpeed'

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 22): Avatar.onLeaveWorld()

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 28): Avatar.(03)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 30): Avatar.(04)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 32): Avatar.(05)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 34): Avatar.(06)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 36): Avatar.(07)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 38): Avatar.(08)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 40): Avatar.(09)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 42): Avatar.(10)

[EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 34):

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 32, in __call__

File "scripts/client/gui/Scaleform/Battle.py", line 237, in onPostmortemVehicleChanged

KeyError: '57239818'

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 59): Avatar.(15)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 61): Avatar.(16)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 68): Avatar.(17)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 70): Avatar.(18)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 78): Avatar.(19)before_destroyGUI

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 152): Avatar.destroyGUI()

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 153): Avatar.destroyGUI(01)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 155): Avatar.destroyGUI(02)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 158): Avatar.destroyGUI(03)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 160): Avatar.destroyGUI(04)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 162): Avatar.destroyGUI(05)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 164): Avatar.destroyGUI(06)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 166): Avatar.destroyGUI(07)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 168): Avatar.destroyGUI(08)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 170): Avatar.destroyGUI(09)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 172): Avatar.destroyGUI(11)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 174): Avatar.destroyGUI(12)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 176): Avatar.destroyGUI(13)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 178): Avatar.destroyGUI(14)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 180): Avatar.destroyGUI(15)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 182): Avatar.destroyGUI()-allisOK

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 80): Avatar.(20)after_destroyGUI

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 86): Avatar.(21)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 89): Avatar.(22)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 91): Avatar.(23)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 98): Avatar.(24)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 100): Avatar.(25)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 107): Avatar.(26)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 109): Avatar.(27)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 116): Avatar.(28)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 118): Avatar.(29)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 125): Avatar.(30)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 134): Avatar.(32)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 140): Avatar.(33)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 142): Avatar.(34)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 144): Avatar.(35)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 146): Avatar.(36)

[ERROR] (log_avatar.py, 148): Avatar.onLeaveWorld()-allisOK

[sPACE] Loading space: spaces/hangar_premium

Edited by JustShooter
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При игре взводом на экране загрузки не отображается тэг клана, так же один раз на танке из соседней команды была иконка "игнора", но в бою она не отображалась (к сожалению не успел сделать скрин). При просмотре реплея всё отлично отображается.

Версия: 2922





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sirmax а в  r2926  profile: start page fixed починено только открытие странички нужной?

ведь остальное в этой страничке не работает


Edited by booch_124
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2926: иногда не показывает список танков, как на картинке выше.

вроде где то говорилось, если не показывает

поставьте Номер начальной страницы на 1

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вроде где то говорилось, если не показывает

поставьте Номер начальной страницы на 1

у меня показывает,но при загрузке какое то "размытие" на секунду выходит, а потом нормально



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