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[] Mac Os Catalina support

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Is not planned for WoT 1.6.1 due to enourmous amount of work on porting XVM Native components to 64-bit.

But, AFAIK, even Mac Wrapper, Wine and Crossover are not compatible with Catalina. 


So, take a rest or rollback to Mojave.

Edited by Mixaill
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1 час назад, aster сказал:

Модеры на форуме танков  отписывают, что и  сами танки себя не поддерживают официалоьно на макоси больше.


Модеры на форуме танков не отличаются умом и сообразительностью, зато у них всегда чешутся руки побыстрее закрыть тему, чтобы никто не мог ответить им, что их ответ - неправильный.

Синдорм вахтёра + иллюзия значимости и власти :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great job you are doing with nightly 8.1.6. It loads on Catalina. In garage it shows win rate for tanks but no inf about account. During battle there are no damage counters. On the Minimap there are no indicators, where tanks were last seen. Also on Minimap the circles are default without small proxy circle. That is all I could see at the moment.

All the best

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Hi Mate,

tit is still the same. I'll make a list what I noticed.
1. No account stats on the right of the selected vehicle in garage

2. No colours in the battle dashboard when loading and in the battle

3. No damage counters. Any of them

4. No bulb sound when it shows up the you are spotted.

5. No received damage log.


So far this is it. 
Logs attached

python.log xvm.log

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Well, I see that something went wrong when loading the XVM swf files on MacOS + WGC. WoT client finds them, but as a result they are still not loaded.


I will try to find the problem. But please note that I don't have access to Apple hardware, so it may take some time.

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