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Мод "Антитоксичность" - антикликер, спам-фильтр, безразмерный "черный список"


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>Задержался же ты Шура давно пора было открыть тут тему спасибо!
Тут очень "чудный" редактор - иногда просто не хочется с ним бороться ;-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Задержался же ты Шура давно пора было открыть тут тему спасибо!


Получается гасить вывод сообщений из модов в ангаре?

Edited by Delysid
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>Получается гасить вывод сообщений из модов в ангаре?
- Настраиваемый фильтр всплывающих сообщений в ангаре
- Настраиваемый фильтр сообщений в системном канале

Edited by ShuraBB
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  • 4 weeks later...

Выпущен релиз 0.9.14 #02

  • Полная переделка модуля "черного списка":

Файл AntiToxicityBL.json больше не используется, вся работа со списком делается штатными средствами клиента.

Следует иметь в виду, чрезмерный размер списка ПАГУБНО сказывается на производительности в бою.

  • Оптимизация фильта чата:

Фильтр теперь не делает разницы в регистре, в пробелах внутри слова, в словоформах

  • Общая оптимизация кода
  • Upvote 3
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey there......  Thanks for providing the mod.

However, there is something wrong with it that's been occurring for a long time.


It blocks phrases that contain entirely normal and fine words, nothing even close to the banned words.

For example, I wrote the word "though" and the mod blocked it.  Why?


There is no "though" or anything like it in my block list.

The mod has blocked other sentences with perfectly fine words.  It occurs all the time, so much that I can't really even say anything in chat.

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>There is no "though" or anything like it in my block list.

Show your content option "DeletedMessages"



Here's my config.....





The main configuration file fashion "antitoxic (AntiToxicity)".


// - Line commenting

REMINDER: Before closing brace "}" should not be a comma!

Description JSON syntax: http://goo.gl/zUTTCX

You can in your config file to specify only those parameters that change with respect to default values ​​(ie actual "default" configuration will look like this: {} )

Encoding a file must remain always UTF-8 without BOM

To edit using Notepad ++ (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/)

In the case of the Windows Notepad: Save As -> Encoding: UTF-8




// Filter switch activity when viewing replays. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"FilteringReplay": false,


// Switch Message Filter dynamic activity platoons. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"DynSquadDFilter": true,


// Switch Active filters combat posts on the mini-map. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"BattleLog": true,


// Message Filter Active switch damage / repair modules. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"DamageLog": true,


// Activity switch of black list of players. true - enabled, false - off

"BlackListSize": 2000,


// Message on the release of a new version of the mod. true - display, false - do not show.

"CheckNewVersion": false,


// Setting message display options in combat. [Life, Alpha]: Life - Time (sec.) Displaying a message. Alpha - Time (sec.) for which "dissolves" message.

"MessageLife": {

  // Setup for chat messages. Standard value: 10.0, 3.0

  "ChatMessage": [20.0, 5.0]

  // Set the system channel for messages on the minimap. Standard value: 12.0, 3.0

  // "KilledMessage": [1.5, 1.0], not yet available,


  // Setting channel for the system at the module (reports of damaged modules and wounding) messages. Standard value: 12.0, 3.0

  // "VehicleMessage": [1.5, 1.0] are not yet available



// Filter command combat chat

"CommandChatFilter": {


// Switch filter activity. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"Enable": true,


// List of types of fights that filtering works. The list of codes, refer to the end of the file.

"Filter2Battles": [1,2,16,17],

// List of types of teams fighting chat, which will be blocked. The list of codes, refer to the end of the file.

// Filter blocks command in full (not displayed on the minimap and the command message is not displayed in the chat).

"DeletedCommand": [],

// Switch active combat command message filter. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

"DeleteMessages": true,


// Lock switch clicks on the minimap killed by allies. true - clicks are available, false - clicks are filtered.

"ClickDead": false,


// The number of consecutive valid clicks in the series. Anything longer blocked.

"Repeat": 2,


// Minimum delay in seconds. between the series of clicks on the player. All filtered quickly.

"Delay": 2,


// Duration (sec.) "Flashing" of the highlighted square on the mini-map. The original value of 3.0 seconds.

"Duration": 1.0


// Filter hangar pop-up messages

"PopUpMessagesFilter": {


  // Switch filter activity. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

  "Enable": false,


  // List of filtered words and phrases (case sensitive)

  "DeletedMessages": ["dear", "password", "Welcome", "modxvm"]



// Message filter in the system channel

"SystemMessagesFilter": {


  // Switch filter activity. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

  "Enable": false,


  // List of filtered words and phrases (case sensitive)

  "DeletedMessages": ["Dear", "password", "Welcome", "crew", "Hardware", "Bought", "studied", "Repair", "Customization", "set", "Ammunition", "The invitation is not valid", "The invitation was accepted", "Complaint", "you are excluded from the team", "Error", "the group added", "financial transaction"]



// Filter combat chat

"BattleChatFilter": {


  // Switch filter activity. true - the filter is enabled, false - off

  "Enable": true,


  // List of types of fights that filtering works. The list of codes, refer to the end of the file.

  "Filter2Battles": [1,2,16,17],


  // The number of allowable consecutive messages. Anything longer blocked.

  "Repeat": 2,


  // Minimum delay in seconds. between the series of messages on the player. All filtered quickly.

  "Delay": 5,


  // List of filtered words and phrases. Register is not important. List of works in template mode, ie, "Core" will filter any word containing the "core" - the root, measles, snag, king, cognate, etc.

  "DeletedMessages": ["ahole", "aholes", "aids", "anal", "anus", "arse", "arsehole", "ashole", "asholes", "ass", "assbag", "assbags", "assbandit", "assbandits", "assbanger", "assbangers", "assbite", "assbiter", "assbiters", "assclown", "assclowns", "asscock", "asscracker", "asses", "assface", "assfuck", "assfucker", "assfuckers", "assfucks", "assgoblin", "assgoblins", "asshat", "asshats", "asshead", "assheads", "asshole", "assholes", "assjacker", "asslick", "asslicker", "asslickers", "assmonkey", "assmonkeys", "assmucus", "assmunch", "assmuncher", "assmunchers", "assniger", "assnigers", "assnigger", "assniggers", "asspirate", "asspirates", "assshit", "assshole", "asssholes", "asssucker", "asssuckers", "asswad", "asswads", "asswipe", "asswipes", "axwound", "azhole", "azzhole", "ban", "basstard", "basstards", "bassterd", "bassterds", "bastard", "bastards", "basterd", "basterds", "beavis", "bich", "biches", "bitch", "bitches", "blovjob", "blovjobs", "blowjob", "blowjobs", "blumpkin", "boffing", "bofflng", "bollokk", "bollokks", "boob", "boobs", "brain", "brains", "breast", "breasts", "bumkin", "buttfucker", "buttfuckers", "butthead", "buttheads", "butthole", "buttholes", "bvtthole", "bvttholes", "bvttvlpe", "bvttvlpes", "cancer", "cancerous", "chinga", "chingas", "clicker", "clickers", "clit", "clits", "clitty", "clown", "clowns", "cock", "cocks", "cocksucker", "cocksuckers", "cum", "cumdump", "cumjunki", "cumjunkie", "cumjunkies", "cumjunkis", "cumjunky", "cumjunkys", "cunt", "cunts", "d11dos", "damn", "dick", "dickhead", "dickheads", "dicks", "dildo", "dildos", "dipshit", "dipshits", "dipwad", "dipwads", "dlldo", "dogshit", "dogshits", "dufus", "dufuses", "dumb", "dumbasses", "dumbo", "dummies", "dummy", "dummys", "dyke", "dykes", "ejaculate", "ejakkvlat", "enema", "enemas", "fag", "faggot", "fags", "fail", "fanny", "fart", "fck", "feg", "felch", "Felkher", "filth", "filthy", "flkken", "fllkker", "fltt", "foreskin", "foreskln", "fotse", "fu", "fuck", "fucked", "fucker", "fuckers", "fucking", "fucktoy", "fucktoys", "fuhrer", "fuk", "fvk", "fvkk", "gangbang", "gangbanged", "gangbanging", "gangbangs", "gay", "gays", "gook", "gooks", "gtfo", "heil", "hitler", "ho", "hoe", "hoes", "homo", "homos", "homosex", "homosexual", "hos", "idiot", "idiots", "ignor", "ignore", "imbecil", "install", "jack", "jackass", "jakkoff", "jerk", "jerks", "jew", "jews", "jude", "knts", "kokk", "krap", "kvnt", "l2p", "llpshlt", "madre", "madres", "mamhoon", "mofo", "mofos", "monkey", "monkeys", "moron", "morons", "motherfucker", "motherfuckers", "n00b", "n00bs", "nastt", "ngr", "nig", "niger", "nigers", "nigger", "niggers", "niggr", "niggrs", "nigr", "nigrs", "nlgg", "nlgvr", "nllg", "nllgr", "noob", "noobs", "noshit", "ns", "nut", "nuts", "nvtsakk", "omfg", "orafls", "orgasm", "orgazm", "pecker", "peckers", "pekker", "pekkers", "penas", "penis", "penls", "penvs", "penvvs", "pig", "pigs", "plmmel", "polak", "polakk", "poo", "poonanl", "poontsee", "poop", "pootang", "porn", "preteen", "prick", "puss", "pussy", "puta", "putas", "puto", "putos", "queer", "queers", "qveef", "qveer", "rekktvm", "rektvm", "retard", "retards", "sadlst", "schlong", "scrotum", "scrub", "scrubs", "semen", "sex", "shemale", "shemales", "shit", "shitlord", "sht", "shut", "shutup", "skank", "skanks", "skhlong", "skrotvm", "skullfuck", "slut", "sluts", "splooge", "stfu", "stupid", "suck", "sucks", "tard", "tards", "tees", "teets", "testlk", "tetris", "tlt", "trombone", "turd", "turds", "tvat", "twat", "twats", "uninstal", "uninstall", "vagina", "vaginas", "vaglna", "vajaja", "vajajas", "wanker", "wankers", "whore", "whores", "wtf", "xrated"],


  // Switch activity module replacement words. true - is enabled, false - module is off

  "Replacement": false,


  // List of substitution of words. Format: "replaceable", "substitute", "replace" is case sensitive.

  // # 80D63A - allies, # DA0400 - opponents. Replacing these color codes are available to other posts in the chat with another color.

  "Replacing2Word": {"scout": "<i>sheep</i>", "idiot": "<i>sheep</i>", "idiots": "<i>sheep</i>", "fool": "<i>sheep</i>", "fools": "<i>sheep</i>"}




Codes such as fighting for "Filter2Battles" parameter:

0: 'Special'

1: 'Random'

2: 'Training'

3: 'The company commander'

4 'Tournament'

5: 'CLAN',

6: 'Learning'

7: 'Team'

8: 'Historic'

9: 'Fight to the last'

10 'fortified areas, sortie'

11: 'Battle for fortified'

12 'Ladder'

13: 'Global map'



16: 'Training'

17: 'Training'

18: "Fight to the last '


Command codes combat chat:

23: 'Help!'

24: '... for me!'

25 'Attack!'

26: 'Protect the base! "

27: 'Exactly!'

28: "No, sir! '

29: "Focus on the square ...! '

30 'Attack ...!'

31: "... back! '

32: "... help me! '

33: 'Support for the fire ...'

34: 'recharge, more ... c!'

35: '..., stop!'

36: 'It shot through the ready ... with, shells in the magazine: ... pcs.'

37 'For a shot is ready!'

38: 'It is ready to shot! Before discharge cassette shells left: ... pcs'.

39: 'Ammunition is empty.'


To support the author you can always here: https://money.yandex.ru/to/410013932903103


Edited by leeuniverse
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>Here's my config
Have you read the filter algorithm is not careful.
It works by "entering" that "ho" will filter out any word containing the "ho"

those of "nig", "niger", "nigers", "nigger", "niggers", "niggr", "niggrs", "nigr", "nigrs" enough to leave only a "nig"

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hmmm ..... That's not good then, because then any normal benign word can be filtered.


Home, hommy, hopper, hobo, horny, whatever ....


What if someone's name is "Nigel"?

Or I want to go to "Nigers"?


Well crap, there's no way to really safely configure this then because it's going to potentially block any number of perfectly fine words.

Thanks for the info.

Edited by leeuniverse
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NP, appreciate the effort and contribution to the community.

I'm going to have to go back to Krzysztof_Chodak's version over on the EU forum because of this sadly, cause it was getting irritating that I would write perfectly fine posts and then it would not post.

His I configure to look for "words" only, and it's all good.


Take care.

Edited by leeuniverse
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