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How do you use embedded XVMSymbol in latest nightly ?

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I noticed you recently embedded XVMSymbol font into XVM, how to use it?

When I have this in hitlog, I see empty space instead of class icons:

"formatHistory": "<textformat leading='-3' tabstops='[13,48,87,130,238]'><b><font color='#B5B5B5'><font size='13'>×{{n-player}}: </font></font><font size='13'><tab>{{dmg-player}}<tab>| <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font><tab>| <img src='cfg://Aslain/icons/{{c:dmg-kind}}.png' width='32' height='15' vspace='0'><tab>|  <font color='{{c:vtype}}' size='14' face='xvm'>{{vtype}}</font>   <font color='{{c:vtype}}'><font size='13'>{{vehicle}} </font></font><tab>|  </b><font color='#F8F8F8'><font size='12'>{{name}}</font></font> <font size='11'><font face='Consolas'><font color='#DFDFDF'>{{clan}}</font></font></font> <font size='12'>{{dead}}</font></font></textformat>",


"vtype": {
      // Text for light tanks
      "LT":  "\u003A",
      // Text for medium tanks
      "MT":  "\u003B",
      // Text for heavy tanks
      "HT":  "\u003F",
      // Text for arty
      "SPG": "\u002D",
      // Text for tank destroyers
      "TD":  "\u002E"

"texts": {
    // Text for {{vtype}} macro.
    "vtype": {
      // Text for light tanks
      "LT":  ":",
      // Text for medium tanks
      "MT":  ";",
      // Text for heavy tanks
      "HT":  "?",
      // Text for arty
      "SPG": "-",
      // Text for tank destroyers
      "TD":  "."

When I used <font face='xvm'>ABC</font> I also see empty space without letters.

Using XVM nightly 4110

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I see you embedded different font. Why there is so many versions of the same font people? Why so big mess.


Can anyone tell, and also give a souce of this font? Who is making it? 


Embedded XVMSymbol:



My XVMSymbol font (same version and date!):



Edited by Aslain
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My XVMSymbol font (same version and date!):

It's not valid XVMSymbol font, it's custom modification, you must to change name of the font, pls!



Can anyone tell, and also give a souce of this font? Who is making it? 

The author of the real XVMSymbols font is @demon2597, his topic

Edited by Duv21
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