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XVM 9.5 code to show ally/enemy wr above tanks

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Hi guys,


I need only one thing, which is:


how can I edit markersAliveNormal.xc to show ally/enemy wr above the tanks with all other info before (e.g.56,45%) constantly, not just when I press ALT?


Only thing I've done was to copy the code part from markersAliveExtended.xc (the folder which contains info with the press of the ALT key)

but it didn't work.

// Text field with win ratio.
      // Текстовое поле с процентом побед.
        "name": "Win Rate",
        "visible": true,
        "x": 0,
        "y": -46,
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": "{{c:rating}}",
        "font": {
          "name": "$FieldFont",
          "size": 11,
          "align": "center",
          "bold": true,
          "italic": false
        "shadow": {
          "alpha": 100,
          "color": "0x000000",
          "angle": 45,
          "distance": 0,
          "size": 6,
          "strength": 200
        "format": "{{rating%2d~%}}"

All I need is that xvm show me that one plus info, ally/enemy winrate, without pressing ALT.


Thanks in advance :ic:

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you put the code in the wrong place , you added it at the end of the config , do this

line 177-203 ADD CODE

this is line 177-228 , it needs to be added here, this is for allies , do the same further down the config for enemy

"textFields": [
      // Text field with the name of the tank.
      // Текстовое поле с названием танка.
        "name": "Win Rate",
        "visible": true,
        "x": 0,
        "y": -46,
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": "{{c:rating}}",
        "font": {
          "name": "$FieldFont",
          "size": 11,
          "align": "center",
          "bold": true,
          "italic": false
        "shadow": {
          "alpha": 100,
          "color": "0x000000",
          "angle": 45,
          "distance": 0,
          "size": 6,
          "strength": 200
        "format": "{{rating%2d~%}}"

        "name": "Tank name",
        "visible": true,
        "x": 0,
        "y": -36,
        "alpha": 100,
        "color": null,
        "font": {
          "name": "$FieldFont",
          "size": 13,
          "align": "center",
          "bold": false,
          "italic": false
        "shadow": {
          "alpha": 100,
          "color": "0x000000",
          "angle": 45,
          "distance": 0,
          "size": 6,
          "strength": 200
        "format": "{{vehicle}}{{turret}}"


note the brakets  { --------}---------},-------------- all like they are above

Edited by soulza
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no problems hope your sorted :)

this is my config it also shows tank effc. in over tank markers



note the little tank icon is color coded to the players effc. in that tank , i did this by using a font to represent the icon.


code for this would be :-


              "x": 52,
              "y": -40,
              "name": "\u0025 tank win rating",
              "color": "{{c:t-rating}}",
              "shadow": {
                "distance": 0,
                "size": 5,
                "color": "0x000000",
                "strength": 200,
                "angle": 90,
                "alpha": 100
              "font": {
                "italic": false,
                "align": "right",
                "bold": false,
                "name": "XVMSymbol",
                "size": 14
              "alpha": 100,
              "format": "*",
              "visible": true

Edited by soulza
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whole ton of mods there that i have made/altered :)

you can probably clean the fruit rating code up a little as i did it a while back,

for the circular health meter to work you need the fonts installed in xvm/res/fonts

Edited by soulza
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