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Playing WOT and using XVM in Linux.

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Yes it all runs in Crossover, but there is one issue. It is with the VehicleMarkersManager.swf file. Not sure what it is but if it is in place and you play, once you get a kill it closes WOT, no errors, no messages, nothing. Rename it or remove it and everything else works great. I even made sure the fonts were all registered and it worked for a while and then just closed after a kill. What is this doing when you get a kill? Is there a way to fix this, change this so we can have all the other stuff tied to this?

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Windings is present, when I added the fonts it worked then it out of the blue closed after a kill. It had been running for over an hour and I had several kills testing it out to be sure. Adding them did make a difference.

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How do I change it in the xvm.xc file? meaning I know how to edit and all, I did not see a line in the xvm.xc file since this is aslain's mod. This is what the xvm.xc looks like:



* Config was created in XVM Editor v0.64

* at Fri Sep 20 10:31:39 GMT+0200 2013



"configVersion": "5.0.0",

"editorVersion": "0.64",

"definition": {

"author": "Aslain",

"date": "12/27/2013",

"description": "Config for Aslain's XVM Mod",

"gameVersion": "0.8.10",

"modMinVersion": "5.0.0",

"url": "http://goo.gl/LsVZo"


// Options for player statistics (only with xvm-stat).

// Блок управлением статистикой (только с xvm-stat).

"rating": ${"rating.xc":"rating"},


// Parameters for login screen.

// Параметры экрана логина.

"login": ${"login.xc":"login"},


// Parameters for hangar.

// Параметры ангара.

"hangar": ${"hangar.xc":"hangar"},


// Parameters for squad window.

// Параметры окна взвода.

"squad": ${"squad.xc":"squad"},


// Parameters for userinfo window.

// Параметры окна достижений.

"userInfo": ${"userInfo.xc":"userInfo"},


// General parameters for the battle interface.

// Общие параметры боевого интерфейса.

"battle": ${"battle.xc":"battle"},


// Parameters of the Battle Loading screen.

// Параметры экрана загрузки боя.

"battleLoading": ${"battleLoading.xc":"battleLoading"},


// Parameters of the Battle Statistics form.

// Параметры окна статистики по клавише Tab.

"statisticForm": ${"statisticForm.xc":"statisticForm"},


// Parameters of the Players Panels ("ears").

// Параметры панелей игроков ("ушей").

"playersPanel": ${"playersPanel.xc":"playersPanel"},


// Frag counter panel.

// Панель счёта в бою.

"fragCorrelation": ${"battle.xc":"fragCorrelation"},


// Special XVM hotkeys.

// Специальные горячие клавиши XVM.

"hotkeys": ${"hotkeys.xc":"hotkeys"},


// Hit log (my hits calculator).

// Лог попаданий (счетчик своих попаданий).

"hitLog": ${"hitLog.xc":"hitLog"},


// Ingame crits panel by "expert" skill.

// Внутриигровая панель критов от навыка "эксперт".

"expertPanel": ${"battle.xc":"expertPanel"},


// Capture bar.

// Полоса захвата.

"captureBar": ${"captureBar.xc":"captureBar"},


// Parameters of the After Battle Screen.

// Параметры окна послебоевой статистики.

"battleResults": ${"battleResults.xc":"battleResults"},


// {{turret}} marker display strings.

// Отображаемые строки {{turret}} маркера.

"turretMarkers": ${"turretMarkers.xc":"turretMarkers"},


// Text substitutions.

// Текстовые подстановки.

"texts": ${"texts.xc":"texts"},


// Icon sets.

// Наборы иконок.

"iconset": ${"iconset.xc":"iconset"},


// Minimap.

// Миникарта.

"minimap": ${"minimap.xc":"minimap"},


// Over-target markers.

// Маркеры над танками.

"markers": ${"markers.xc":"markers"},


// Color settings.

// Настройки цветов.

"colors": ${"colors.xc":"colors"},


// Options for dynamic transparency.

// Настройки динамической прозрачности.

"alpha": ${"alpha.xc":"alpha"},


"consts": {

"AVG_BATTLES": 1000,

"AVG_GWR": 48,


"MAX_EBN": 200,

"VM_COEFF_FC": 0.93,



"VM_COEFF_VMM": 0.88,



// Vehicle names mapping.

// Замена названий танков.

"vehicleNames": ${"vehicleNames.xc":"vehicleNames"},


"language": "auto",

"region": "auto"



// Automatically generated by this script:

// http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/4643-

Edited by Freejack
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It is not the font, changed it out did the same thing using Arial font. That is why I asked what does this do when you get a kill. It only does it then, you get a hit it post it to the log, A tank get's killed up goes the name in wings and the damage. It only happens when you get a kill.

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Ok I think I found the issue, what is the entire list of required fonts for the mod? I think a few are not registered, If I do this it may fix the entire issue and a whole Linux community will be happy.

Edited by Freejack
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@Freejack, as official FAQ page says:




But we are can't know which fonts used in custom configurations.

Completely understand.... I think I may have found it, wingding.ttf is not the same as Wingdings.ttf, I know the w and W can be different but no "s" or "s" so I am back to test it will let you know and thanks for the help. I will post results shortly.

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Completely understand.... I think I may have found it, wingding.ttf is not the same as Wingdings.ttf, I know the w and W can be different but no "s" or "s" so I am back to test it will let you know and thanks for the help. I will post results shortly.

Wine should use case insensitive names, so I don't think that problem in it. 

Also, "Wingdings" is a name of font, which stored in wingding.ttf.




Try to replace CodeWeavers version of wingding.ttf with Windows one and copy it as "Wingdings.ttf" and "wingding.ttf" .


Also, try to:

1) use vanilla Wine (not codeweavers version)

2) install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" (something like this) package.

3) install all fonts using winetricks 

winetricks allfonts


Edited by Mixaill
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Not the fonts still does it......I installed every font plus. I will re-install all the fonts from a windows xp install into the bottle.

Ok it is not the fonts, what could it be next?

Edited by Freejack
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@Freejack, it's fonts. You can just change them in config and check. afaik wingdings is not supported in Crossover and Wine. It will not work even if you install it.

Wine/Crossover support wingdings as font, but default wingding.ttf file consist of very small subset of symbols http://source.winehq.org/git/wine.git/blob/HEAD:/fonts/wingding.sfd
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Ok this is mixed info. I replaced the wine one with the win xp one. It still did it. Ok but it only does it When you get a kill, everything else works.


Ok your saying change them in config. So replace wingdings with what? Arial? These fonts are used in other things and they seem to be working. That is why I keep going back to it only happens when you get a kill.


So your saying go into all the config and change wingding to something common, correct?

Ok here is what I just did to be sure it was not a mod isue or the author. I took out the Aslain's mod and installed straight XVM 5.1.0 got s kill, client closed. So what should i change the font too? What do you suggest other than what I have done renaming the VehicleMarkersManager.swf.


Changed it out to arial got same result........

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  • 3 weeks later...

Freejack did you get this resolved? If you can upload your XVM config so I can take a look at it in the editor. Sometimes the font situation can be tricky to troubleshoot. I am not on Linux but I can still troubleshoot it for you and check the file on my Linux laptop verifying the fonts for you. 


Congrats on getting it to work on Linux by the way, how is the performance? I always wanted to try that but was afraid at how the compatibility would work. 


Feel free to email me at owwithurts at gmail.. I am in NA and can be found online also with this tanker name. 

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  • 5 months later...



my first post :D


any help with this?


don't work for me


I've tried install the fonts XVMSymbol_4.0.ttf, XVM.ttf, wingding/s.ttf, etc etc and allfont package from win 8.1 installation


the fonts is installed in systemwide/localwide/copy in wine directory prefix.... . nothing works :S


when kill any enemy the game is closed without any message/error.


tested with  xvm- and nigthlybuild. with the Aslain 3.9.16 config (wout installer)


the version  of wine is 1.7.28 vanilla (without any patch) (no POL, no crossover/cedega)


other question. xvmfs (0.4.0) still need with 5.x version of xvm?



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I've tried install the fonts XVMSymbol_4.0.ttf, XVM.ttf, wingding/s.ttf, etc etc and allfont package from win 8.1 installation


the fonts is installed in systemwide/localwide/copy in wine directory prefix.... . nothing works :S


when kill any enemy the game is closed without any message/error.

Currently XVM default config isn't depends from wingdings.


tested with  xvm- and nigthlybuild. with the Aslain 3.9.16 config (wout installer)

Try to test with vanilla config


other question. xvmfs (0.4.0) still need with 5.x version of xvm?

No, xvmfs no longer used.
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ok. now works if edit the Aslain hitLog.xc and revert "deadMarker": "blowupMarker": to images instead of font.


that lines set font instead image with change the color of font to red #ff3b3b,


then i make a screencap from WPS editor (like MSoffice) with that character ('M' wingdinds, '+' XVMfonts_4.0) in size 400, and then edit/colored with GIMP, then saved with 12x12px


this is the result


'M' wingdings.ttf -> blowedup.png

'+' XVMSymbol_4.0.ttf -> dead.png


im sure XVMSymbol_4.0.ttf or XVM.ttf also have problems if run in linux. anyone can confirm this?



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