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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Aslain

  1. On screenies below, base icons in XVM are huge, while the original wot client has it nice and small by default. Map 600m2 ------------------------- Original WoT Client ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XVM 3.5.0-test6 -------------------------------- Map 800m2 ------------------------- Original WoT Client ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XVM 3.5.0-test6 -------------------------------- Map 1000m2 ------------------------- Original WoT Client ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ XVM 3.5.0-test6 -------------------------------- I didn't check but does it means you did it on purpose, enlarged the base icons to match the circle on the ground? If so, could you make it selectable in a config (e.g. false: default wot size, true: current enlarged size) ? Locastan's minimap had this issue but he managed to fix his mod and base icons are ok there, but I would prefer XVM's minimap as it has better features. Of course I meant XVM compatible with 0.8.5 CT :)
  2. This is the problem, you wrote it's fixed while I have proof it's not :) I'm using test6 and have different base sizes, depending on map size (800m vs 1000m). ps. How big are chances for XVM for 8.5 today? Thank you for helping, and good work guys!
  3. Can we change the size of the minimap base icons? They are huge, I would like to have them like in the original client.
  4. Is there any explanation what particular stats on UserStat window means?
  5. Thank you, however it changes the size of vehicle icons as well. Which value represents default WoT base icon size, and default minimap vehicle icon size?
  6. Hi Please help with minimap, look at this picture: How to disable the white rectile, and how to reize base and spawn icons?
  7. Ok but it will only change color, and I would like to have the shape too, green laser line starts with more wider size, then turns into thicker and even more thicker on the end. Have a question about minimap base/spawn icons, why they are this large? In default client they are 1/3 smaller at least.
  8. Hello, I have two questions regarding the minimap. First question: why the base & spawning icons are bigger than original minimap? Is this a bug or feature? Second question: how to use green laser line as my aim, instead of tank direction? I would like to switch it over. This is my minimap code: Thank you for any help.
  9. Hello, I have two questions regarding the minimap. First question: why the base & spawning icons are bigger than original minimap? Is this a bug or feature? Second question: how to use green laser line as my aim, instead of tank direction? I would like to switch it over. This is my minimap code:
  10. Question regarding a minimap. The base and spawning point icons are bigger than locastan's hd minimap mod, also bigger than default wot client, is that intended or a bug? (I'm using iconscale: 0.75 if that helps)
  11. Which flash files are needed if I want to use a hitlog only, and everything else would be original like in WoT?
  12. Is there a way to translate hitlogs messages into different language? I mean: attack, ramming, fire... ps. raising my previous question about hitlog binded to the bottom of screen, does anyone can give a example? negative y values only puts it over damage panel, which is not bottom of the screen alignment.
  13. Tried that, but it wont go to the bottom as I want, it stops about 10cm above dmg panel on my screen , tried y=-1, tried y=-150 and it's going up instead of down. I would like to see a hitlog config example of this. I'm pretty sure someone already did it.
  14. How to place hitlog in position marked on the screen below, aligned to bottom (so it's multi-res friendly)
  15. Is that possible to add a decoration like a png icon to a vehiclenames ? edit: nvm it is possible, just checked out, yet the best effect would be adding a separate marker for that, hope they will find some time for that someday :(
  16. Hello Dear XVM team. I would like to ask you to add a new feature to your XVM, it's a tiny thing but would help a lot on the battlefield. Could you add a marker (like you did for stock turret), that could show if the tank is premium or not? This is small improvement but I belive easy in developing. Let me know what do you think about it. I have also another idea, but that's probably more complicated, a marker to a vehicle that is showing tank nationality - you could use a tiny flags or something, or just text abbreviation. Regards,
  17. Wish the XVM authors reads this topic at least once a week.... or two :(
  18. Bumped... the problem persist in 3.3.1 as well...
  19. The newest XVM 3.3.0 is missing Chinese "113" vehicle name in a config, have you added support for it or it's overlooked? The same for current XVM editor.
  20. Any ETA on next XVM version to be published? It's been very long time since last update. Same for CT, the test is available since two weeks and we dont have compatible xvm for it yet. No hard feelings, just a question :)
  21. What does it fixes actually? What is the official reason that new macros introduced recenty like tdb etc. are not working on the EU server? What's eta on re-enabling it?
  22. I did, but it wont work How to make c:dmg macro to work for color of dmg on hp bar? Part of the code: "healthBar": { "height": 5, "x": -41, "y": -34, "color": null, "fill": { "alpha": 30 }, "damage": { "alpha": 80, "fade": 1, "color": "{{c:dmg}}" },
  23. Is it possible to display color of damage done to vehicle on it's own hp bar by a source? (dynamicaly colored for ally, enemy, squad etc.) e.g. My own hits are colored by blue, my squad damage is showed as orange etc. Currently it's always the same (two colors, one for ally one for enemu), dmg done to enemy is showed as red, almost the same as color of hp bar.
  24. Question for XVM 3.2.1-test1: Why sometime is 0, sometimes is nothing? Is it a bug or....? :) Actually today I never seen it working, always 0 or none. "formatRight": "<font face='Consolas' size='9'><font color='{{c:tdb}}'>{{tdb:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t_battles}}'>{{t_battles:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:t-rating}}'>{{t-rating:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb:3}}</font> <font color='{{c:eff}}'>{{eff:4}}</font> <font color='{{c:rating}}'>{{rating:3}}</font></font>",
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