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Everything posted by panteror

  1. I have a problem with new carousel, all my tanks are not displayed with no filter, stop after tiers V, my tiers IV, III, II, I are not displayed and don't see neither buy slot, buy tanks cell. I need to put filter to see them. see screenshot And my carousel.xc Thanks
  2. http://nightly.modxvm.com/download/default/ dont have 6239 here :)
  3. problem is in 6240, 6238 6236 6234 6232 are ok
  4. it was and is ok on 6217 the last i tested it yesterday After few more test, it's not hp bar the problem, seems playerspanels switching cause fps frop.
  5. Hi, thanks for the fix but since today and 6240 test, i have big fps drop with the use of these hpbar. No fps drop before. It's not a computer or internet problem. here screen 115 fps to 40 fps when i show the bar
  6. Hi, I use nightly 6203. I set hp bar in players panel to replace the old hitlog alternative, when i press L-ALT the health bar appears here a screenshot of what it's look and my configuration for playerspanel.xc The problem is that some health bar stay grey even if players are ready to play. The example in the screen see a tank spotted with the lamp icon but the bar stay grey. Is there a problem in my configuration or a problem with the ready state in xvm ? "bgColor": "{{ready?{{squad?#FFB964|{{ally?#6FC605|#F30900}}}}|#CCCCCC}}" Thank You // HP BAR "hpbartext": { "enabled": true, "x": 150, "y": -1, "bindToIcon": true, "valign": "center", "align": "center", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": true, "format": "<font face='mono' size='13' color='{{FFFFFF}}'>{{hp}}/{{hp-max}}</font>", "shadow": {} }, "hpbarbg": { "enabled": true, "x": 100, "y": 0, "bindToIcon": true, "valign": "center", "width": 100, "height": 22, "bgColor": "0", "alpha": "{{alive?35|0}}", "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": true, "shadow": {} }, "hpbarratiobg": { "enabled": true, "x": 100, "y": 0, "bindToIcon": true, "valign": "center", "width": "{{hp-ratio:100}}", "height": 22, "bgColor": "{{ready?{{squad?#FFB964|{{ally?#6FC605|#F30900}}}}|#CCCCCC}}", "alpha": "{{alive?70|0}}", "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": true, "shadow": {} }, then for each extrafields "extraFieldsLeft": [ ${"clanIcon"}, ${"xvmUserMarker"}, // XMQP service marker (see above). // Маркер сервиса XMQP (см. выше). ${"xmqpServiceMarker"}, ${"hpbarbg"}, ${"hpbarratiobg"}, ${"hpbartext"} ], // Set of formats for right panel (extended format supported, see above) // Набор форматов для правой панели (поддерживается расширенный формат, см. выше) "extraFieldsRight": [ ${"clanIcon"}, ${"xvmUserMarker"}, // enemy spotted status marker (see above). // маркер статуса засвета противника (см. выше). ${"enemySpottedMarker"}, ${"hpbarbg"}, ${"hpbarratiobg"}, ${"hpbartext"} ] }, playersPanel.xc
  7. you re right, my bad, a modpack installed it ty
  8. Hi, In 6159 there is a problem with rating icon for markersalive. it's no more a bar but a square, i didn't change my config see screen
  9. sorry but i don't have the xvm fire alert. I tried without mods, only xvm and default config here the video and logs attached python.log xvm.log
  10. same problem 6123, i enabled it in my config too in previous test. python.log xvm.log
  11. here the replay and xvm log 20160727_1347_germany-G73_E50_Ausf_M_38_mannerheim_line.wotreplay xvm.log
  12. Hi, Seems xvm firealert are not working, sixthsense is working. here my sound.xc and python log in attach file (2016-07-27 16:20:38.074: INFO: [sOUND_ERROR] Sound fail: 3917054405 Code: 15) Thank You /** * Extra sounds settings. * Настройки дополнительных звуков. * http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/18955- */ { "sounds": { "enabled": true, // List of extra banks to load from folder res_mods/X.Y.Z/audioww. // Use semicolon for multiple values: "bank1.bnk; bank2.bnk;..." // Список дополнительных банков для загрузки из папки res_mods/X.Y.Z/audioww. // Несколько банков необходимо указывать через точку с запятой: "bank1.bnk; bank2.bnk;..." "soundBanks": { "hangar": "xvm.bnk; sixthSenseMGS.bnk", "battle": "xvm.bnk; sixthSenseMGS.bnk" }, // Enable sound events logging in the xvm.log // Включить логгирование звуковых событий в xvm.log "logSoundEvents": false, // Sound events remapping // Переопределение звуковых событий "soundMapping": { // Event mapping // Переопределение события //"originalEventName": "newEventName" // To disable sound event use empty string for value // Для отключения звукового события используйте пустую строку для значения //"originalEventName": "" // // Disable original sixth sense light bulb sound event // Отключить оригинальный звук лампы шестого чувства "lightbulb": "", // // Disable original enemy detection event // Отключить оригинальный звук обнаружения противника //"enemy_sighted_for_team": "", // // Disable original fire sound event // Отключить оригинальный звук пожара //"vo_fire_started": "", // // Disable original ammo bay damaged event // Отключить оригинальный звук повреждения боеукладки //"vo_ammo_bay_damaged": "", // // Disable original notifications informing about the imminent end of the battle event // Отключить оригинальный звук оповещения сообщающий о скором завершении боя //"time_buzzer_01": "", //"time_buzzer_02": "", // // Sound events added by XVM // Звуковые события, добавленные в XVM // // Sixth sense perk // Перк Шестое чувство "xvm_sixthSense": "sixthSenseMGS", // Sixth sense perk for Т-34-85 Rudy // Перк Шестое чувство для Т-34-85 Rudy "xvm_sixthSenseRudy": "xvm_sixthSenseRudy", // Enemy detection (Use in together with disable original enemy detection event) // Обнаружение противника (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука обнаружения противника) "xvm_enemySighted": "", //"xvm_enemySighted": "xvm_enemySighted", // Fire alert (Use in together with disable original event) // Пожар (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука) "xvm_fireAlert": "xvm_fireAlert", //"xvm_fireAlert": "xvm_fireAlert", // Damage ammoBay (Use in together with disable original event) // Повреждение боеукладки (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука) "xvm_ammoBay": "xvm_ammoBay", //"xvm_ammoBay": "xvm_ammoBay", // Notifications informing about the imminent end of the battle (Use in together with disable original event) // Оповещения сообщающие о скором завершении боя (Используйте вместе с отключением оригинального звука) "xvm_battleEnd_5_min": "", //"xvm_battleEnd_5_min": "xvm_battleEnd_5_min", "xvm_battleEnd_3_min": "", //"xvm_battleEnd_3_min": "xvm_battleEnd_3_min", "xvm_battleEnd_2_min": "", //"xvm_battleEnd_2_min": "xvm_battleEnd_2_min", "xvm_battleEnd_1_min": "", //"xvm_battleEnd_1_min": "xvm_battleEnd_1_min", "xvm_battleEnd_30_sec": "", //"xvm_battleEnd_30_sec": "xvm_battleEnd_30_sec", "xvm_battleEnd_5_sec": "" //"xvm_battleEnd_5_sec": "xvm_battleEnd_5_sec" } } } python.log
  13. Hi, Few things about testing with 6083. 1- Here my alive markers, in ct there is a space between rating and healthbar, not in What i did wrong in my markersAliveNormal.xc ? attached file 2- sixthsense xvm sound not playing, i have the default wg sound, custom image working. 3- my extrafields on carousel working but not 3 rows, only 1 row 4- hitlog hp left not display with alt key, work in progress ? 5- no minimap lines, no minimap alternative markers : normal ? not ready yet i guess Thank you and sorry for speaking english here. markersAliveNormal.xc
  14. Hi What is the right 9.5.1 version for testing ? 5869 or 6044 nightly ? both were built today, what's the difference ? Thank You
  15. Same here, i have this problem too with alert fire, a sound (bip....bip) keeps playing at the end.
  16. Hi I have a problem and I'm not alone with drums tanks like amx 50.100, tvp 50..., we don't see drums at screen we have a problem with camera.xc and j1mb0 crosshair, I don't know if it's an xvm problem or a J1mB0 problem cause : Default crosshair + XVM = working J1mB0 crosshair without XVM = working J1mB0 crosshair + XVM camera.xc disabled = working J1mB0 crosshair + XVM camera.xc enabled = not working Seems there is something wrong with camera.xc, i asked J1mB0 too but no response at the moment. Thank you for your help ! After some more test, if i disable the zoom indicator it's working ! Do you have an idea ?
  17. no default to 16 25 but an option to choose ingame priority or xvm priority I built a modpack for various users, some wants only distrange, some only zoom default, some only dynamic camera disabled. and there is only one switch in camera.xc to enable all options. the new in game zoom sniper options x16 x25 doesn't work if camera.xc is "enabled" the only choice is to set zooms on 2, 4, 8, 16, 25, but if users dont want zoom max....
  18. Hi, It seems there is a problem with zoom in game options x16 x25 and camera.xc, if we just want to use distancerange and camera dynamic option in camera.xc and not use zoom sniper we set "camera": { // false - disable camera settings. // false - отключить настройки камеры. "enabled": true, to use camera.xc settings, then edit distrange ..... The problem : in the default camera.xc, the zoom sniper is blocked to x8 max and the new ingame option x16 x25 are not working and not overpass the camera.xc, the zoom is always blocked by camera.xc settings. Maybe you shoud add an "enabled switch" for the zoom sniper settings in camera.xc for manage it by in game or by xvm. Thank You
  19. Hi, Seems website not working http://translate.by-reservation.com/projects/xvm-client/ Thank You.
  20. Hi, What is the difference between unchecked "Enable Dynamic Camera" in game options (screenshot attached) or set "dynamicCameraEnabled": false in camera.xc ? It's the same effect ? camera.xc // false - disable dynamic camera // false - выключить динамическую камеру "dynamicCameraEnabled": false Thank You
  21. Здравствуй, Макросы файлы из yasenkrasen в присоединять файлы (лучше читать с хорошим текстовом формате) :) Yasenkrasen wotstat использовали сделать его sessionstats. Yasenkrasen перестал обновлять свои моды, но он был очень используется в сервере ЕС. На данный момент я использую ПМОД статистику, поскольку она обеспечивает больше макросов, но я предпочитаю yasenkrasen статистику и wotstat. Если вы можете добавить больше макросов в вашем wotstat, это будет должно быть :), вот пример макросов, отсутствующих в wotstat. An example of wotstat notification center with yasenkrasen macros (french text sorry) : English : Hi, The macros files from yasenkrasen in attach files (better to read with a good text format) :) Yasenkrasen used wotstat to do his sessionstats. Yasenkrasen stopped updating his mods but it was very used in EU server. At the moment, I use pmod stats because it provides more macros but i prefer yasenkrasen stats and wotstat. If you can add more macros in your wotstat, it will be a must have :), here an example of macros missing in wotstat. place => Place in last battle avgPlace/medPlace => Average place in battles fought : totalPlace / battlesCount grossCredits => Credits received from battles netCredits => Credits received from battles (services deducted) service =>Total service cost from battles (ammunition, equipment & consumables) totalDeathsCount => Total deaths deathsRate => Number of deaths in percent (totalDeathsCount / battlesCount * 100) totalDmgRec => Total damage received avgDamageRec => Average damage received : totalDmgRec / battlesCount Thank You for your work. Stat script available macros.txt stat_yasen.zip
  22. Здравствуй, Спасибо за сохранение этого мода в живых. Планируете ли Вы, чтобы добавить некоторые новые макросы, как YasenKrasen сделал? смерть, повреждение получил, общая стоимость услуг от сражений ... Здесь полный список: Source code and details : http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/209229-098-yasenkrasen-coloured-messages-session-statistics-eng/ English : Hi, Thank Tou for keeping this mod alive. Do you plan to add some new macros like YasenKrasen did ? death, damage received, total service cost from battles... Here the complete list (spoiler) :
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