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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Helkar

  1. кнопка обслуживая моргает и без данной опции, данная опция именно блокирует выход в бой. приведен выше пример с Е100. у нее с топ пухой 50 снарядов. 20% это 10 снарядов. если вы считаете что это нормально выходить в бой с 9 и меньше снарядами, можете не использовать данную опцию.
  2. прям в папке игры python.log, xvm.log
  3. так а в чем собственно проблема? вроде все работает
  4. ниже 20% снарядов в ангаре начинает мигать красным кнопка "обслуживание", и именно этот критерий выбран.
  5. в чем резон выходить в бой без снарядов?
  6. ERROR: WOT_PATH is invalid in the build/xvm-build.conf WOT_PATH=/cygdrive/d/work/games/WoT откройте файл build/xvm-build.conf поменяйте значение переменной
  7. please try latest nightly build: http://nightly.modxvm.com/
  8. in file res_mods/configs/xvm\\default\\markers.xc line 9 change 'truee' -> 'true'
  9. as we can see in xvm.log: JSONxLoaderException: ("Bad pair: <value> expected, got 'truee' at line #9", u'res_mods/configs/xvm\\default\\markers.xc') obviously 'truee' is typo
  10. @embed, please next time attach the files and not put their text. also, your config seems not working at latest release, but it does work on latest nightly build: http://nightly.modxvm.com/
  11. maybe because this tank (Cromwell B) is new, the expected data about this tank was unreliable and the calculations went wrong. anyway, you must understand that 5000+ rating in wn8 is top players of WoT =)
  12. in the game folder, xvm.log python.log note: xvm.log will be empty if the game runs, and will be filled when you close the game
  13. as the name says, it does not auto-puts eqiup, it auto-returns. the mod is applied only on removable equip (Camouflage net, Stereoscope, Toolbox) for the first time it runs, it learns which equipment is installed on tanks. it also learns which equipment you manually put later on tanks. when you switch tanks on carousel, it returns the remembered equipment to the current tank. also, even if on current tank there is no remembered equipment, the mod cares that you will have at least 1 type of each equipment so you can set on this tank.
  14. можно логи и папку конфига?
  15. from what i've asked, we don't have history per-day. from your overall account stats it does not look like 5k wn8.
  16. for your information, all stats are updated once per 5 days. probably what you saw 5 days ago are stats from 10 days ago (or something like that) so it's not 23 battles what lowered so much the stats, but simply update. anyway, i will ask to look at your records if that is possible.
  17. тоже за чекбоксы. в них был режим "скрыть с отличием", оставляющий не выполненные задания + улучшаемые.
  18. how much battles do you have overall? 5233 in wn8 is very high rating. maybe it was because of your lucky start and then normalised?
  19. при переключении с танка на танк мод заботится о том чтоб в наличии оставалась как минимум 1 единица каждого оборудования. если такая есть на складе - ничего нигде не снимает. если такой нет на складе - снимает с последнего использованного танка
  20. http://nightly.modxvm.com/ however you must keep in mind that those are experimental builds, official release will be on main website.
  21. it's wrong. in order to use any directory (including directory with name 'default') there should exist file xvm.xc that appoints to that directory. otherwise the XVM uses inner config (not directory with name 'default'). xvm.log in regular conditions is filled when you close the game, and erased once you start a game.
  22. tankrange.xc приложите еще этот файл
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