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Damage Log Position

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Since the last update of xvm my damage log has shifted to above the left players panel and I cannot seem to find the settings to move it to the right of the panel. Now, as I play, the damage scrolls down the panel obscuring the names of my team mates etc, also making the damage log unreadable.

I have updated all the latest xvm files to 7.2.2 and I am a bit savvy with php (no expert though). I have checked out damageLog.xc, hitLog.xc, battleLabels.xc and battleLabelsTemplates.xc and cannot see where I can make an adjustment to move the damage log to the right by about 250 pixels (I have a 27" monitor).

Hoping you can help.


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Ok, thanks.



"x": "{{pp.mode=0?5|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},50)}}}}


"x": "{{pp.mode=0?5|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},550)}}}}


no difference




"x": "{{pp.mode=0?5|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},50)}}}}


"x": "{{pp.mode=0?555|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},50)}}}}


no difference





"x": "{{pp.mode=0?5|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},50)}}}}


"x": "{{pp.mode=500?5|{{py:sum({{pp.widthLeft}},50)}}}}


no difference



Still haven't a clue what's going on...

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Hi, sorry english.

This is mine..
Resolution 2560x1440.
I see it at the bottom right, near minimaps with the maximum zoom


"def": {
    "hitlogHeader": {
      "enabled": true,
      "x": 1550,
      "y": 1170,
      "width": 500,
      "height": 1000,
      "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 },
      "format": "{{hitlog-header}} {{py:xvm.total_hp.avgDamage('{{l10n:avgDamage}}: ',{{hitlog.dmg-total}})}}"
      // Format of the full hitlog (header and body)
      // Формат полного хит-лога (шапка и тело)
      // "format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}"
    "hitlogBody": {
      "enabled": true,
      "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": "true", "visibleOnHotKey": false,
      "x": 1550,
      "y": 1190,
      "width": 500,
      "height": 1000,
      "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 },
      "format": "{{hitlog-body}}"





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