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...but when used on 0.8.6 CT server...

At first I used 4.0.0-test2 on 8.5, and it caused strange behaviour. I was confused because of folder 8.5 inside, on 8.6 everything is fine except foreign characters. I'm getting squares instead of special characters on capture bar:


  "captureBar": {
    "primaryTitleOffset": 7,
    "ally": {
      "secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFCC66'>{{points}}\u0025</font>",
      "extra": "Zajmujących: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Pozostało czasu: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
      "shadow": {
        "color": "0x000000",
        "strength": 5,
        "blur": 8,
        "alpha": 70
      "captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Nasza baza została zajęta!</font>",
      "primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FF0000'>Zajmują naszą bazę! {{extra}}</font>"
    "appendPlus": true,
    "enemy": {
      "secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFCC66'>{{points}}\u0025</font>",
      "extra": "Zajmujących: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Pozostało czasu: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
      "shadow": {
        "color": "0x000000",
        "strength": 5,
        "blur": 8,
        "alpha": 70
      "captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Zajęliśy wrogą bazę! </font>",
      "primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#00CC00'>Zajmujemy wrogą bazę {{extra}}</font>"
    "enabled": true


Special chars are encoded with ANSI, but also tried UTF-8 without success, it was all fine in xvm 3.5.0.




And strange button on finalstatistics:




Hope it helps :)

Edited by Sadman
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I have generated my own XVM config using the tool on the XVM website and put it in the correct directory, but XVM (3.5) is not applying any configuration stated in there. My config is attached. Any idea?

PS: I am not using XVM-stat.


Edited by Sethcon
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At first I used 4.0.0-test2 on 8.5, and it caused strange behaviour. I was confused because of folder 8.5 inside, on 8.6 everything is fine except foreign characters. I'm getting squares instead of special characters on capture bar:


  "captureBar": {
    "primaryTitleOffset": 7,
    "ally": {
      "secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFCC66'>{{points}}\u0025</font>",
      "extra": "Zajmujących: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Pozostało czasu: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
      "shadow": {
        "color": "0x000000",
        "strength": 5,
        "blur": 8,
        "alpha": 70
      "captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Nasza baza została zajęta!</font>",
      "primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FF0000'>Zajmują naszą bazę! {{extra}}</font>"
    "appendPlus": true,
    "enemy": {
      "secondaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#FFCC66'>{{points}}\u0025</font>",
      "extra": "Zajmujących: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{tanks}}</font></b> Pozostało czasu: <b><font color='#FFCC66'>{{time}}</font><b>",
      "shadow": {
        "color": "0x000000",
        "strength": 5,
        "blur": 8,
        "alpha": 70
      "captureDoneFormat": "<font size='17' color='#FFCC66'>Zajęliśy wrogą bazę! </font>",
      "primaryTitleFormat": "<font size='15' color='#00CC00'>Zajmujemy wrogą bazę {{extra}}</font>"
    "enabled": true


Special chars are encoded with ANSI, but also tried UTF-8 without success, it was all fine in xvm 3.5.0.




There is possible WG changed default game font and this symbols was removed. You can use any other font from your system:

"<font face='Arial'>...</font>"

And strange button on finalstatistics:


Hope it helps :)

Fixed in test4.
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Thank you Sirmax for reply, I have a new one :) You have updated the editor to 0.50 for XVM 4.0, does it open the new config format? (multiple files) or only supporting single file one?


When I tried to open res_mods/xvm/xvm.xc (${"configs/Default/@xvm.xc":"."}) I see this error:




When I tried to open directly res_mods/xvm/configs/Default/@xvm.xc I see this:




and this (different default config):




(of course I have those files there)

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You have updated the editor to 0.50 for XVM 4.0, does it open the new config format? (multiple files) or only supporting single file one?

Yes, it have support of new format in multiple files.


When I tried to open res_mods/xvm/xvm.xc (${"configs/Default/@xvm.xc":"."}) I see this error:

Wrong, you don't need to load this file, it have no settings, just link to config.


When I tried to open directly res_mods/xvm/configs/Default/@xvm.xc I see this:

You need to select all config files. All files must be placed in one subdirectory. This is the technical restriction of Flash engine, so I can't do it better. Anyway, you'll have one file after saving, also due the Flash possibilities.

Edited by sirmax
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Question regarding the Editor:


This is my part of my markers code:

          "damageTextPlayer": {
            "color": "0xFFFFFF",
            "damageMessage": "-{{dmg}}",
            "font": { "bold": true, "size": 15 },
            "maxRange": 60,
            "shadow": { "angle": 0, "distance": 1, "size": 5, "strength": 400, "color": null },
            "speed": 3,
            "y": -65

When I open it in editor, and then save immediately, this is what I get:


          "damageTextPlayer": {
            "color": "0xFFFFFF",
            "damageMessage": "-{{dmg}}",
            "font": { "bold": true, "size": 15 },
            "maxRange": 60,
            "shadow": { "angle": 0, "distance": 1, "size": 5, "strength": 400 },
            "speed": 3,
            "y": -65

"color": null" is gone, is this intended? Because in my case it is changing all colors from colorfull dmg text to black dmg text for everyone. Yes I am using shadow color as dmg color.

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"color": null" is gone, is this intended? Because in my case it is changing all colors from colorfull dmg text to black dmg text for everyone. Yes I am using shadow color as dmg color.

Possible bug.

1. attach you config

2. try to use {{c:system}} macro for shadow color

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Possible bug.

1. attach you config

2. try to use {{c:system}} macro for shadow color


When I use c:system I'm getting weird colors mixed with my own dmg colors, I dont know why :( Only null color is working fine. Too bad c:dmg macro is not working on shadow color setting.


I'm attaching my config for testing. 


edit: I guess the problem might be with the Editor's save vs. full config save, didnt notice it earlier. The non-full save is stripping out default settings, leaving only changed ones. And null color settings was treated like default.

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I reworked my xvm to ver. 4 before 2-3 weeks ago, do you want me to upload my xvm and you can edit it in Notepad++?

My dmg colors work just fine, I have my own dmg, squad man dmg, ally dmg, enemy dmg and dmg caused by self destruction (falling from cliffs, etc).

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I have a problem with the tank icons on the minimap. When I'm in a platoon the platoon mates don't get a light orange colour on the minimap, instead they are just green like all the other players on my team. The names of the platoonmates and tank names do have the light orange colour, but the icons on the minimap don't. As far as I could discover the css of squad should contain the right colour.


Or am I missing a option in a other config file.


Could someone help me out? BTW I'm using 4.0 test 4  on 8.5



* Minimap labels. Basic HTML/CSS supported.
  "labels": {
      // Maximum nickname size for {{short-nick}} macro.
      "nickShrink": 7,
      // {{vehicle-class}} macro substitutions.
      "vehicleclassmacro": {
        "light":  "<font size='9' face='XVM'>l<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>",
        "medium": "<font size='9' face='XVM'>m<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>",
        "heavy":  "<font size='9' face='XVM'>h<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>",
        "td":     "<font size='9' face='XVM'>t<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>",
        "spg":    "<font size='9' face='XVM'>s<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>",
        // HeavyTank by gui_settings.xml.
        "superh": "<font size='9' face='XVM'>h<br><font size='6' face='$FieldFont'>"
        // Special symbols website
        // http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/25a0/index.htm
        // Great symbolic font by Andrey_Hard for {{vehicle-class}}
        // http://goo.gl/d2KIj
      // Textfields for tanks on minimap.
      "units": {
        // Textfields switch for revealed units.
        "revealedEnabled": true,
        // Textfields switch for lost enemy units. Show last seen position.
        "lostEnemyEnabled": true,
        // CSS style.
        "css": {
          "ally":    ".mm_a{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:7px; color:#C8FFA6;}",
          "enemy":   ".mm_e{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:7px; color:#FCA9A4;}",
          "squad":   ".mm_s{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:7px; color:#ff9966;}",
          "lost":    ".mm_l{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:7px; color:#FFFFFF;} .mm_dot{font-family:Arial; font-size:17px; color:#FCA9A4;}",
          "oneself": ".mm_o{font-family:$FieldFont; font-size:8px; color:#FFFFFF;}"
        "format": {
          "ally":  "<span class='mm_a'>{{vehicle}}</span>",
          "enemy": "<span class='mm_e'>{{vehicle}}</span>",
          "squad": "<textformat leading='-1'><span class='mm_s'><i>{{short-nick}}</i>\n{{vehicle}}</span><textformat>",
          "lost":  "<span class='mm_dot'>\u2022</span><span class='mm_l'><i>{{vehicle}}</i></span>",
          "oneself": ""
        // Fields shadow.
        "shadow": {
          "ally": {
            "enabled": true,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 0,
            "alpha": 70,
            "blur": 3,
            "strength": 6
          "enemy": {
            "enabled": true,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 0,
            "alpha": 70,
            "blur": 3,
            "strength": 5
          "squad": {
            "enabled": true,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 0,
            "alpha": 70,
            "blur": 3,
            "strength": 5
          "lost": {
            "enabled": true,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 0,
            "alpha": 70,
            "blur": 3,
            "strength": 6
          "oneself": {
            "enabled": true,
            "color": "0x000000",
            "distance": 0,
            "angle": 0,
            "alpha": 40,
            "blur": 8,
            "strength": 4
        // Field offset ralative to current icon (except lost - relative to enemy last seen position).
        "offset": {
          "ally":    {"x": -12,  "y": -14},
          "enemy":   {"x": -11,  "y": -14},
          "squad":   {"x": -11,  "y": -14},
          "lost":    {"x": -10,  "y": -4},
          "oneself": {"x":  11,  "y": -14}
        "alpha" : {
          "ally":  100,
          "enemy": 100,
          "squad": 100,
          "lost":  80,
          "oneself": 100
      // Textfield for map side size. 1000m, 700m, 600m.
      // Works only with xvm-stat.exe for uncommon locales.
      // xvm-stat.exe is not necessary for RU, EN, DE and partially CH locale.
      "mapSize": {
        "enabled": true,
        "format": "<b>{{cellsize}}0 м</b>",
        "css": "font-size:11px; color:#FFFFFF;",
        "alpha": 80,
        "offsetX": 0,
        "offsetY": 0,
        "shadow": {
          "enabled": true,
          "color": "0xAAAAAA",
          "distance": 0,
          "angle": 0,
          "alpha": 0,
          "blur": 0,
          "strength": 3
        // Decrease sizes in case of map image weird shrinking while map resize.
        // Increase sizes in case of field being partially cut off.
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        "width": 100,
        "height": 30


An other quick question. Where can i find the in-game battle timer colour? It used to be white but now it is black for some reason.

Edited by Coolice
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Has anything changed in XVM 4.0.0 for 8.6 CT (no matter test4-test6, final 4.0), because this xvmres://icons/{{dmg-kind}}.png at hitlog.xc is not displaying any icons on hit, yet on 8.5 it's working fine and showing my icons as usuall. 

edit: I think I know why is that, you have translated the hitlog messages, its not attack anymore but ataka etc.

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The link in the "minimapCircles.xc" sample config is broken:

// Special circles dependent on vehicle type.
// Many configuration lines for the same vehicle make many circles.
// Only artillery top gun range by default.
// See other vehicle types at:
// http://code.google.com/p/wot-xvm/source/browse/trunk/src/xvm/src/wot/utils/VehicleInfoData2.as
// Artillery gun fire range may differ depending on vehicle angle relative to ground
// and vehicle height positioning relative to target. These factors are not considered.
Where can i get the actual names for the new (8.6) Artis?
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