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Everything posted by konrad509

  1. 1. You missed icons folder in the path. 2. "xvm://res/..." not "xvmres://..."
  2. http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/14300-please-read-before-posting-how-to-describe-your-problem-correctly-and-get-help-faster/
  3. I edited my config and added some images as spotted markers and then played a game - the problem didn't occur. So... I don't know...
  4. No, the markers have nothing to do with spotted markers and other player panels related stuff. Maybe try reinstalling the XVM? The problem clearly isn't in the config itself.
  5. Everything seems to be ok. I don't know, maybe this lost.png file you use for lost marker got somehow deleted? And how exactly does the problem look like, because maybe I misunderstood you. Does this marker not show up at all or shows up and then suddenly disappear?
  6. It uses the same "sizeing code" now as the normal map. Create a copy of the minimapMapSize.xc file and change its name to minimapMapSizeAlt. In the file minimapAlt.xc add this: "mapSize": ${"minimapMapSizeAlt.xc":"mapSize"}. As for the spotted markers, I've just tested it using the default config and it seems to be working the same way it used to earlier - the lost markers are visible.
  7. 2. They moved the mapSize section to the separate file minimapMapSize.xc
  8. I'm not familiar with these hp circles, but from what I see they use the same color as tank names. You need to either set a fixed color for them or change the macro to use colors from icons not from names. Change this: color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.txt.{{sys-color-key}}}}' to this: color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}' As for the second question, I think you can't change the thickness of the circles, because it's a font. You can only scale it.
  9. In the minimapLabelsTemplates.xc file, in the vehicleSpotted section, delete the enemy flag
  10. Yes, you can't use these macros or any other macros that are listed in the file macros.txt in the hangar. You can only use those that are listed in the file macros-hangar.txt, but those are for tank carousel only. You saw the 'toto', because it's just a text.
  11. http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/27491-xvm-value-incorrect/?do=findComment&comment=294605
  12. What do you expect? XVM.xvmconf? It's been like 3 years when the config file was called like that. Apart from the name, the config itself is pretty old. You don't read changelog at all, do you?
  13. "_y": "teamBasesPanel._y + 0" add some value greater than 0
  14. Actually, you should already be able to see the spotted markers, because they're turned on by default. Not exactly the same ones as Alfalis' though. It would be the best if you just post your config here.
  15. If it's your first time using XVM, you also need to change the name of the xvm.xc.sample file to xvm.xc. And do you know where you're supposed to paste that code?
  16. As the info at the bottom of the screen says, there's something wrong at line 1816. And indeed, there is this unnecessary line ${"jove/@xvm.xc":"."} And BTW, your config is kinda outdated.
  17. It's not... Damage panel is not the XVM feature...
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