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[0.9.23 CT/8236] [Fixed] Black block on screen with enlarged minimap


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Black block on screen with enlarged minimap, after pressing L.CTRL 


    "zoom": {
      // Zoom index value for minimap zoom key (0..5).
      // Значение масштаба миникарты при нажатии клавиши масштаба (0..5).
      "index": 5,
      // false - does not set zoomed minimap at display center.
      // false - не устанавливать увеличенную миникарту по центру экрана.
      "centered": true


It stays in screen on key release.







Edited by Mixaill
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20 часов назад, Aslain сказал:

Black block on screen with enlarged minimap, after pressing L.CTRL 


This is not a problem or a bug in the modification, now the client is working that way.

Minimart is not transparent by default, there is no image under it. If we place the minimap in the center of the screen, the black square underneath it remains. Until you activate the option in the game settings to turn on transparency, this square will be drawn.



Edited by night_dragon_on
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