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Show Top Clan Icons in Battle

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I can get clan icons to appear in battle (playersPanel.xc):

    // Clan icon.
    // Иконка клана.
    "clanIcon": {
      "enabled": true,
      "x": 100, "y": 5, "width": 16, "height": 16, "align": "center", "alpha": 90, "bindToIcon": true,
      "src": "{{clanicon}}"
      //"format": "<img src='{{clanicon}}' width='16' height='16'>"
	  //"x": 65, "y": 6

with clanicons placed in ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as png files.


But is there a way to get the top x (50/150... as specified in mdxvm.com configuration (yes its set correctly to display top 250) and downloaded at WoT exe start to the ...AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\custom_data folder (? I think)) to display short of placing all of them in this folder as png files as well? 


Do I need to change source (src)? Is there a specific macro to display them? Or if someone could point me to an xvm configuration that does this as an example?


Thanks for any help.

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what ever .png files you have in your .res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder

will display in battle so you need to add them all there , xvm used to display all clan icons but stopped doing so some time ago , however i have a collection of clan icons already resized

i did these a while ago but there are a good lot included  and it constains most clans



here is a link for the NA pack



anyone else interested from EU

heres EU pack



Edited by soulza
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Thanks very much- very helpful and I'll use.


But my understanding was that you can set the configuration in modxvm.com to download the icons for the Top 50 or 100 or up to 1000 clans (by XVM8 or various other ratings you wish) to the ...AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\custom_data folder (? I think) and use these somehow. Where and how I'm not sure in XVM if at all (macro, which xc file?).

Edited by Catch21
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you mean to display them ?

if so in players panels,battle loading,statistic form and over tank marker can all display clan icons , you just need to add or activate the line of code or macro,

 this is from battle loading.xc

"clanIcon": {
   "show": false,  <<<<<<<set to true
   "x": 0, // default=0
   "y": 6, // default=6
   "xr": -100, // default=0
   "yr": -100, // default=6
   "w": 16,
   "h": 16,
   "alpha": 90

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No, I have that already, from my first post. 


I just thought there was a way from within XVM that once you'd specified you wanted to see the top 50 or 100 or x clans from modxvm.com configuration, which I believe then get downloaded to your ...AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\custom_data folder on WoT exe startup, you could access them via an XVM macro. 


But I'm beginning to think XVM only allows you to access those clan icons you actually put yourself in your ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as png files.


Maybe I'm just remembering that once upon a time XVM provided the top 100 clans (just as all of them are provided in your post above) and you could put them in the clanicons folder to access using the {{clanicon}} macro (which as we know works fine).

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But I'm beginning to think XVM only allows you to access those clan icons you actually put yourself in your ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as png files

No. It downloads icons automatically. But there is reportedly some problem with receiving the info about top clans from WG, so it may be the cause of your problem (whatever it is, because I didn't understand it from your first post).

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No. It downloads icons automatically. But there is reportedly some problem with receiving the info about top clans from WG, so it may be the cause of your problem (whatever it is, because I didn't understand it from your first post).

The Q is: it downloads icons automatically (on startup), but how to display them in battle using XVM? In playersPanel.xc (for example) I'd like to display the clan icon beside the player or above his name in the over target markers (markersAliveNormal.xc) if he is in one of the top X (50,100...) clans (for example).

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It would be best if you attached your config.



"clanIcon": {


"show": false, <<<<<<<set to true

"x": 0, // default=0

"y": 6, // default=6

"xr": -100, // default=0

"yr": -100, // default=6

"w": 16,

"h": 16,

"alpha": 90


You must have outdated config. There's no such part in the current config anywhere.
Edited by konrad509
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Here it is (default config, including playersPanel.xc where I'd like to see Top 50 clan icons if possible, as dynamically updated and downloaded on WoT client start). If I place my clan's icon in the ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as a png file, it will appear beside any of my clan members, which is useful if some part of the clan is platooning (max 3) and others have to count in to try to get in the same battle. This way we can immediately see members of our own clan in any battle (works for small, mediium, large 'ears').


What I'm looking to also do is find a way to place top 50 clan icons similarly. To test this with this config you just have to put your clan's icon in the ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as a png file and run one of your replays (LoL I know you know this, but for others' benefit reading this ;-)).


Thanks for any help/pointers.


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I meant the whole config, not just the file playersPanel.xc. And don't post the content of files, but add them as an attachment.

Anyway, just add the file markersAliveNormal.xc.


What I'm looking to also do is find a way to place top 50 clan icons similarly

I thought you know how to do it already:

as specified in mdxvm.com configuration (yes its set correctly to display top 250)


But as I wrote earlier, there's some problem with getting info about top clans from WG, so clan icons may not appear even you have everything set up correctly.

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Thanks for reply. I updated my previous post to include the contents of my default XVM config folder. I'm only currently displaying clan icons in playersPanel.xc, I've no need for them currently in the markers*.xc files.


I'm looking to get XVM (if possible) to display the clan icons as downloaded on WoT client start dependent on you specifying the # of Top Clans you want in modxvm.com's settings. These I believe get downloaded to your ...AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks\custom_data folder.


What I do already know how to do is display whatever clan icons you manually put in your ...res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan folder as a png file. These display fine (currently just my own clan, but I could add all clans if I wanted to).


Getting the 1st option to work within XVM is obviously preferable as these clan icons are updated (8 times/day?) and refreshed each time you start your WoT client for a completely automated solution.

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Go here and to Settings, set switch to # of clans you wish to see in XVM (I use 100). It also depends on your XVM configuration. If you're having trouble with that once you set the switch, post again. Don't forget, you'll only see clans in game if they meet the condition (top X).




If you put your own (or any other) clan icon(s) in your WoT game folder location ..\res_mods\mods\shared_resources\xvm\res\clanicons\NA\clan (where NA is your region- NA, EU, RU etc...) you should see it in game too, but only in Player Panels/Stats/Battle Loading. Useful for seeing when your own clan members happen to be in same game by accident or on other side.


I'm not sure it's possible to have them in OTMs any more, though IIRC it was possible once? You could substitute {{nick}} for {{name}} in the line containing "format" in markersAliveNormal.xc for example to get the clan (text) in.

    // Text field with the name of the player.
    // Текстовое поле с именем игрока.
    "playerName": {
      "name": "Player name",          // название текстового поля, ни на что не влияет
      "enabled": true,                // false - не отображать
      "x": 0,                         // положение по оси X
      "y": -36,                       // положение по оси Y
      "alpha": 100,                   // прозрачность (допускается использование динамической прозрачности, см. macros.txt)
      "align": "center",              // выравнивание текста (left, center, right)
      // Font options.
      // Параметры шрифта.
      "textFormat": {
        "font": "$FieldFont",         //   название
        "size": 13,                   //   размер
        "color": null,                //   цвет (допускается использование динамического цвета, см. macros.txt)
        "bold": false,                //   обычный (false) или жирный (true)
        "italic": false               //   обычный (false) или курсив (true)
      // Shadow options.
      // Параметры тени.
      "shadow": {
        // false - no shadow
        // false - без тени
        "enabled": true,
        "distance": 0,                //   дистанция смещения
        "angle": 45,                  //   угол смещения
        "color": "0x000000",          //   цвет
        "alpha": 100,                 //   прозрачность
        "blur": 6,                    //   размытие
        "strength": 2                 //   интенсивность
      "format": "<font size='{{battletype?13|{{squad?13|0}}}}'>{{name}}</font>"  // формат текста. См.
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