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iconset.xc >> battleLoading & vehicleMarker

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My problem is that this is not working properly.
Does not work

    "battleLoadingAlly": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contour/ally/",
    "battleLoadingEnemy": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contour/enemy/",

Only partially

    "battleLoadingAlly": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contourally/", << not working but enemy is displayed
    "battleLoadingEnemy": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contour/", << Is working


The color of the "contouricons" (OTM) also not true!

Contour Icon Color




 * Icons set atlases. Path relative to res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
 * Атласы с набором иконок. Пути относительно res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
  "iconset": {
    // Folder containing the icon set for Battle Loading Screen.
    // Набор иконок для экрана загрузки боя.
    "battleLoadingAlly": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contour/ally/",
    "battleLoadingEnemy": "../../maps/icons/vehicle/contour/enemy/",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Players Panels.
    // Набор иконок для "ушей".
    "playersPanelLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "playersPanelRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for Full Stats Form (pressing "Tab").
    // Набор иконок для формы подробной статистики (по Tab).
    "fullStatsLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "fullStatsRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Over-target markers.
    // Набор иконок для маркеров над танками.
    "vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlasAlly",
    "vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlas"

markersAliveNormal.xc >> contourIcon

"contourIcon": {
  "enabled": true,
  "x": 6,
  "y": -55,
  "alpha": 100,
  "color": null,
  "amount": 0

atlases files


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WG did not made atlases in the battle loading, so only old "contour" dir can be used.


Yes that helped! :)

 * Icons set atlases. Path relative to res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
 * Атласы с набором иконок. Пути относительно res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
  "iconset": {
    // Folder containing the icon set for Battle Loading Screen.
    // Набор иконок для экрана загрузки боя.
    "battleLoadingAlly": "contour/ally/",
    "battleLoadingEnemy": "contour/enemy/",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Players Panels.
    // Набор иконок для "ушей".
    "playersPanelLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "playersPanelRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for Full Stats Form (pressing "Tab").
    // Набор иконок для формы подробной статистики (по Tab).
    "fullStatsLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "fullStatsRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Over-target markers.
    // Набор иконок для маркеров над танками.
    "vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlasAlly",
    "vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlas"


But the OTM ("vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas"/"vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas") is still incorrectly!


"Contouricon Color (OTM)"

Edited by FreeFun
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But the OTM ("vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas"/"vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas") is still incorrectly!


Use before to fix: "amount": 1

If, however, it is still a mistake.


"contourIcon": {
  "enabled": true,
  "x": 6,
  "y": -55,
  "alpha": 100,
  "color": null,
  "amount": 1




can be used


Всегда так было при использовании этого параметра со значением "0" (все равно окрашивает иконку заданным в конфиге цветом), хотя по сути не должен.

Никогда не использовал контурные иконки в маркерах и не замечал как он работает.

Edited by night_dragon_on
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Use before to fix: "amount": 1

If, however, it is still a mistake.


"contourIcon": {
  "enabled": true,
  "x": 6,
  "y": -55,
  "alpha": 100,
  "color": null,
  "amount": 1


That's what I wanted now the color is displayed correctly! Thank you!


Unfortunately, these are wrong orientation! When Ally the symbols of the enemy although appearing in the icons.xc is different.




'vehicleMarkerAtlas.png & vehicleMarkerAtlasAlly.png'



 * Icons set atlases. Path relative to res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
 * Атласы с набором иконок. Пути относительно res_mods/x.x.x/gui/flash/atlases.
  "iconset": {
    // Folder containing the icon set for Battle Loading Screen.
    // Набор иконок для экрана загрузки боя.
    "battleLoadingAlly": "contourally/",
    "battleLoadingEnemy": "contour/",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Players Panels.
    // Набор иконок для "ушей".
    "playersPanelLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "playersPanelRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for Full Stats Form (pressing "Tab").
    // Набор иконок для формы подробной статистики (по Tab).
    "fullStatsLeftAtlas": "battleAtlasAlly",
    "fullStatsRightAtlas": "battleAtlas",
    // Folder containing the icon set for the Over-target markers.
    // Набор иконок для маркеров над танками.
    "vehicleMarkerAllyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlasAlly",
    "vehicleMarkerEnemyAtlas": "vehicleMarkerAtlas"

Edited by FreeFun
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I'm sorry taking their time into Claim.


Have lot of testing with only xvm and atlases and could find a problem it would fix this.


Sorry for the translation with Google translator from "German to English". I mean it only polite

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

This is old thread and my issue is not about the contour icons BUT this is the only one that even comes close to what I'm wondering:


Does anyone know how to refer the battleAtlas.png to use those textures with XVM? I mean, most configs seem to use icons inside their config folder or inside shared_resources. But I was wondering if I could use the same battleAtlas as the game itself normally uses. I just don't have a clue how to refer to subtextures.

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