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English XVM support

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Well, my game starts normally until I reach the place where I have to fill in ID and password.

When I do that, and then press connect, it says "synchronizing data...bla..bla...bla" then, during that loading (between logging in and getting into my garage) the window just closes and the .stat folder gets automatically deleted from my res_mods folder again.

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Yea, I said my log says then that I have to start my game within 2 minutes (whilst it's already running...).


Look, when I'm in my garage, then start XVM stat thing, this log says I have to start my game within 2 minutes.


And then the window of WoT which is already opened won't work anymore, it just turns black and I can't do anything.


Maybe there's something with the still disappearing from my .stat folder inside my res_mods folder. (When I start XVM it creates a shortcut .stat into that res_mods folder, when I shut down XVM it turns into a normal folder and when I close the game without closing XVM manually, it deletes the shortcut again). When I open XVM after logging onto WoT, the normal .stat folder turns back into a shortcut and when WoT shuts down again because it doesn't react which I explained in the text above, the shortcut gets deleted again.


Here are the preferences (or whatever it's called in english) of the shortcut folder .stat and the regular folder of .stat:



Edited by Tormentis
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What do you mean? (again, sorry but my English isn't the best)


He means it:


Right click on this file and then left click on last line on menu i guess.

Then make a screenshot and attach it here. (if i understand sirmax reply)

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Oh so just what I did to that .stat folder?


Like this?

It is ok, as I can see.

Something with your system, I don't know what. May be antivirus or firewall, May be some another software have conflicts with mod.

First of all you need to reboot and never touch .stat link and never close XVM window manually. Reboot every time it happened or you'll have unpredictable behavior.

Then search for SW or driver that can conflict.

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But if I do not close the XVM manually, the .stat folder will disappear and then I cannot run WoT, not even without XVM :S


Also I don't know any software that I have which could. Aide any problems.. I'd recently cleaned up my whole computer with cleaner (or whatever that programm is called exactly).


Oh yea, my Star Wars game might cause these issues :/ xD

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I'm afraid so yes.


But now I still do not have a solution :S


Bloody Computer!


(I might try XVM on my brothers laptop after my holiday next week, if that works (if I do exactly the same) its my computer, if it does not work, it is something with my installation methode)


Too bad I won't see him until 1ste of November

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Well my brother is a decent computer programmer (he scripted an MMOPRG himself) and he recommended it to me..


But what do you think I removed then? (I reinstalled WoT and Dokan after the cleaning)

I can't say what you removed, but all "cleaner" programs make system too clean. :)

I recommend to reinstall Windows.

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