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SicFunzler last won the day on October 7 2018

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  1. Здравствуйте, а вы просто знаете название шрифта, который можно отключить???? MFG SicFunzler
  2. Yes, I take it from you and it goes and the lost XVM Version MFG SicFunzler
  3. Yes i have made a test i have Del collection.py and the TEXT came this is the PROBLEM up the Minimap no TEXT THX i work all day and see nothing wher is the Problem !!! PLS HELP @ktulho MFG SicFunzler Big THX man MFG SicFunzler
  4. justdj have find the Problem is collection.py and Master @ktulho work at it BIG THX MFG SicFunzler I say you this is from XVM MFG SicFunzler
  5. HEKPOMAHT This two problems i have TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-21 16:09:50.745: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-21 16:09:50.745: INFO: 2023-10-21 16:09:50: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-21 16:09:50.745: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-21 16:09:50.745: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-21 16:09:50.747: ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 3988, in __onArenaVehicleKilled 2023-10-21 16:09:50.748: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/controllers/msgs_ctrl.py", line 302, in showVehicleKilledMessage 2023-10-21 16:09:50.750: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/controllers/msgs_ctrl.py", line 168, in showVehicleKilledMessage 2023-10-21 16:09:50.751: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2023-10-21 16:09:50.752: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda> 2023-10-21 16:09:50.754: ERROR: TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-21 16:09:50.754: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-21 16:08:38.958: INFO: 2023-10-21 16:08:38: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-21 16:08:38.958: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-21 16:08:38.958: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 57, in __event_handler 2023-10-21 16:08:38.960: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 24, in fire 2023-10-21 16:08:38.961: ERROR: TypeError: AmmoReplayPlayer_setGunReloadTime() got an unexpected keyword argument 'clipTime' 2023-10-21 16:08:38.961: INFO: ============================= THX for the HELP !!! MFG SicFunzler python.log xvm.log
  6. Her no text, this is a problem with new XVM ? THX for Help MFG SicFunzler
  7. Yes with 10.8.0_0079 no Problems with new 10.8.0_0081 are this Problems PLS Fix it MFG SicFunzler
  8. Make the field with the prestige symbol adjustable for activating or deactivating, like in playersPanel.xc For: battleLoading.xc battleLoadingTips.xc THANKS MFG SicFunzler
  9. The problem came from mod_SoundEventInjector.py Now all go good THX MFG SicFunzler
  10. 2023-10-19 00:08:52.805: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:08:52.805: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:08:52: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:08:52.805: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:08:52.805: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:08:52.812: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_SoundEventInjector.py", line 319, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime 2023-10-19 00:08:52.818: ERROR: TypeError: updateVehicleGunReloadTime() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) 2023-10-19 00:08:52.818: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:08:53.006: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleCrosshairsApp.swf' 2023-10-19 00:08:53.008: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleCrosshairsApp.swf' 2023-10-19 00:08:53.151: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'gui/flash/battleVehicleMarkersApp.swf' 2023-10-19 00:08:53.727: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/al*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags 2023-10-19 00:08:54.485: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL 2023-10-19 00:08:54.598: WARNING: [Scaleform] Image 'img://../configs/xvm/SicFunzler/images/Turret/al*.png' wasn't created in ProcessImageTags 2023-10-19 00:08:54.688: WARNING: [Scaleform] An image in TextLayout is NULL 2023-10-19 00:08:54.701: WARNING: [Scaleform] WGSysAlloc Scaleform memory usage is increased to size: 427188 KB (usage 81%) Scaleform(default): 80 MB (15%) Scaleform (lobby): 0 MB (0%) Scaleform (battle): 336 MB (65%) 2023-10-19 00:09:20.091: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'WindowGUIComponent' 2023-10-19 00:09:20.097: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'TextGUIComponent' 2023-10-19 00:09:20.266: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:20.266: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:09:20: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:09:20.266: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:09:20.266: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:09:20.267: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_SoundEventInjector.py", line 319, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime 2023-10-19 00:09:20.269: ERROR: TypeError: updateVehicleGunReloadTime() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) 2023-10-19 00:09:20.269: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:30.281: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:30.281: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:09:30: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:09:30.281: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:09:30.281: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:09:30.284: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_SoundEventInjector.py", line 319, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime 2023-10-19 00:09:30.285: ERROR: TypeError: updateVehicleGunReloadTime() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) 2023-10-19 00:09:30.286: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:30.286: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:30.286: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:09:30: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:09:30.286: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:09:30.286: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:09:30.287: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_SoundEventInjector.py", line 319, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime 2023-10-19 00:09:30.288: ERROR: TypeError: updateVehicleGunReloadTime() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) 2023-10-19 00:09:30.288: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:46.025: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:09:46.025: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:09:46: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:09:46.025: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:09:46.025: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:09:46.026: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_SoundEventInjector.py", line 319, in updateVehicleGunReloadTime 2023-10-19 00:09:46.027: ERROR: TypeError: updateVehicleGunReloadTime() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given) 2023-10-19 00:09:46.027: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:10:13.601: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(53283767) 2023-10-19 00:10:19.192: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(53283787) 2023-10-19 00:10:26.696: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 46): Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda> TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-19 00:10:26.696: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:10:26.697: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:10:26: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:10:26.697: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:10:26.697: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:10:26.698: ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 3988, in __onArenaVehicleKilled 2023-10-19 00:10:26.700: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/controllers/msgs_ctrl.py", line 168, in showVehicleKilledMessage 2023-10-19 00:10:26.701: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2023-10-19 00:10:26.703: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda> 2023-10-19 00:10:26.704: ERROR: TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-19 00:10:26.704: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:10:41.095: INFO: [Vehicle] __onAppearanceReady(53283787) 2023-10-19 00:10:41.683: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/common/Event.py, 46): Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda> TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-19 00:10:41.683: INFO: ============================= 2023-10-19 00:10:41.683: INFO: 2023-10-19 00:10:41: [ERROR] mods/xfw_libraries/xfw/events.pyc 2023-10-19 00:10:41.683: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2023-10-19 00:10:41.683: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 56, in __event_handler 2023-10-19 00:10:41.684: ERROR: File "scripts/client/Avatar.py", line 3988, in __onArenaVehicleKilled 2023-10-19 00:10:41.686: ERROR: File "scripts/client/gui/battle_control/controllers/msgs_ctrl.py", line 168, in showVehicleKilledMessage 2023-10-19 00:10:41.688: ERROR: File "scripts/common/Event.py", line 44, in __call__ 2023-10-19 00:10:41.690: ERROR: File "./xfw/events.py", line 71, in <lambda> 2023-10-19 00:10:41.692: ERROR: TypeError: PlayerMessages__onShowPlayerMessageByCode() takes exactly 7 arguments (8 given) 2023-10-19 00:10:41.692: INFO: ============================= Same problem python.log xvm.log
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