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Everything posted by cokebottle

  1. Yes. First read list of key codes in hotkeys.xc and find the one you want. Example: "KEY_LSHIFT = 42" means that Left Shift has key code 42. Then look in playersPanel.xc and change the key code in "hpBarBg", "hpBar", and "hp" sections.
  2. Wouldn't that lead to the new labels not being called at all? Since they are not inside the formats array. Edit: Yeah, doesn't work. For various reasons.
  3. In my single file config I currently have this section to add health circles to the minimap: "minimap": { "labels": { "hpSpotted": { "$ref": { "file":"default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc", "path":"def.defaultItem" }, "flags": [ "ally", "squadman", "enemy", "teamKiller", "spotted", "alive" ], "textFormat": { "font": "dynamic", "size": 18 }, "format": "<font color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.dot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.335a|Ƴ}}</font>", "x": -8.4, "y": -10.5 }, "hpLost": { "$ref": { "path":"minimap.labels.hpSpotted" }, "flags": [ "ally", "squadman", "enemy", "teamKiller", "lost", "alive" ], "format": "<font color='{{.minimap.labelsData.colors.lostDot.{{sys-color-key}}}}'>{{hp-ratio%.335a|Ƴ}}</font>", "layer": "bottom", "alpha": 75 }, "formats": [ //${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeSpotted" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleSpotted" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickSpotted" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.xmqpEvent" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeLost" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vehicleLost" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.nickLost" }, ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.vtypeDead" }, ${ "minimap.labels.hpSpotted" }, ${ "minimap.labels.hpLost" } ] } }, It works perfectly fine for doing what I want it to do (adding two extra labels, the HP circles) but it is kinda clunky. The formats array feels annoyingly big. Is there any way of loading the default labels without having to call each and every one separately? Something along the lines of: "formats": [ "$ref": { "file":"default/minimapLabels.xc", "path":"labels.formats" }, ${ "minimap.labels.hpSpotted" }, ${ "minimap.labels.hpLost" } ] (I've eyeballed sirmax's config and since he seems to call each separately I guess the answer is "no") Question 2: What would be the difference between the following calls: "$ref": { "file":"default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc", "path":"def.defaultItem" }, and ${ "default/minimapLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.defaultItem" }, I've tried to Google for some syntax guides, but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for. xvm.xc
  4. I'll check when I get home. You sure you don't have a font called Dynamic installed there?
  5. Probably a font issue. Either you or I have installed the Dynamic font in our system font directory. Check yours and unistall it if you have it. C:\Windows\Fonts It's built in into XVM these days.
  6. Ok, cool. Sorry, I misread some dates in this thread and thought you still had that file. Someone reported they still had that file hanging around and it caused crashes. Unfortunately I have no other ideas.
  7. Delete/rename battleVehicleMarkers.swf - it is not used in the latest XVM and should not have been installed. It's not included in the latest zip file. How did you install XVM?
  8. Problems solved. Here is my working config for CP circles on minimap: http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/591003-tank-hitpoint-circles-on-minimap-for-xvm-643/
  9. From my python.log 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW] Loading mod: xvm_main (http://www.modxvm.com/) 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW][xvm_main] WARNING: Mod is not tested for compatibility with the current version of the game 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW][xvm_main] Game version: 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW][xvm_main] Compatible: 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW][xvm_main] Please look for updates on the mod's website: 2016-09-15 17:27:44.735: INFO: [XFW][xvm_main] http://www.modxvm.com/en/download-xvm/ All the other modules except xvm_main are listed as updated and compatible. It doesn't seem to affect anything, but I just thought you might want to know.
  10. You have a problem either with your connection or somewhere between you and the XVM servers. From your xvm.log 2016-09-11 13:22:41: [INFO] HTTPS: /4.0/getToken//2009334814 2016-09-11 13:22:47: [ERROR] loadUrl failed: timed out File "xvm_main/loadurl.py", line 75, in _loadUrl 2016-09-11 13:22:47: [INFO] HTTPS: /4.0/getVersionWithLimit//2009334814/50 2016-09-11 13:22:52: [INFO] Time: 5316 ms, Size: 1084 (5704) bytes It will probably clear up on its own eventually.
  11. Thank you again sirmax, that explains why I didn't see any difference.
  12. Ok, so back in XVM 6.4.0 the following changes were made: "camera"/"arcade"/"dynamicCameraEnabled" => "camera"/"arcade"/"shotRecoilEffect" I have dynamic camera enabled in game, and can't for my life see any difference between "shotRecoilEffect" true and false. What am I looking for? The reason I'm asking is that it sounds useful to disable recoil effects, but... What exactly does this setting do? Edit: I know what the recoil in the game looks like, but when I was testing this setting in a training room (with autoReloadConfig) I couldn't see any difference. Edit 2: Does some settings from camera.xc not work with autoReloadConfig? "shotRecoilEffect" or "distRange" doesn't seem to work, but "startZoom" does...
  13. Ok, so my config file includes the following part: "definition": { "author": "c0keb0ttle", "date": "25.08.2016" }, I've only included it because... all the config files I looked at for reference (like sirmax's) included it. Is there actually any reason to keep this? Are those lines actually evaluated somewhere, or could I just keep information like that as comments? The same goes for lines like "configVersion": "6.1.0", Is this (in practice) useful for something?
  14. It seems to be working for other people, so try redownloading the latest version of the modpack for
  15. Ok, thanks. It was driving me crazy trying to figure it out. I can't log in to the bug tracker with my EU id. Has there been any response there?
  16. I currently have the following in my single config file xvm.xc: "sounds": { "logSoundEvents": true, "soundMapping": { "enemy_sighted_for_team": "", "xvm_enemySighted": "xvm_enemySighted", "time_buzzer_01": "", "time_buzzer_02": "", "xvm_battleEnd_2_min": "xvm_battleEnd_2_min", "expl_ally_NPC": "" } }, And while this works great for turning off the annoying original "2 minute warning" alarm it does not work for turning off the original "enemy spotted" sound. I get both the original beep sound and the new XVM sonar ping sound, instead of only the latter, which is what I want. If I look in xvm.log I expect to see something like "SOUND EVENT: enemy_sighted_for_team => emptyEvent", but I don't. It's not referenced at all. I'm probably an idiot, but does anyone know what the problem might be? python.log xvm.log
  17. You can enable/disable or move both the hit log and the win chance in the file battleLabelsTemplates.xc
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