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Everything posted by cokebottle

  1. From your xvm.log JSONxLoaderException: PAIR: <value> expected, got "," at 15:18 in "res_mods\configs\xvm\Stormer_Gaming\login.xc" On line 15 in your login.rc you should remove the space between true and the comma. "autologin": true ,
  2. Does the automatic login work? If so, when in the game try logging out (not exiting the client) and selecting your preferred server manually. Login and then quit the game. See if that makes it stick.
  3. My minimap is strange. No matter how I size it, it will only show elements in the lower right corner, the "default" minimap size. Only XVM installed. Default config. Running WOT in safe mode fixes the issue. xvm.logpython.log
  4. Post your xvm.log and python.log http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/14300-please-read-before-posting-how-to-describe-your-problem-correctly-and-get-help-faster/
  5. On line 99 you call on a file named elements.xc "elements": ${"elements.xc":"elements"}, That file either needs to exist in the same folder as your xvm.xc, or you need to add the correct path to where it is. For example: "elements": ${"default/elements.xc":"elements"}, With this change your config at least loads properly.
  6. Remove the comma from row 1887. The comma indicates that more code is coming, but it is the end of the section. That is, change }, to just }
  7. It would be great with some kind of marker in the tech tree showing if a vehicle is discounted at the moment. Maybe a golden percentage sign badge or something.
  8. Thank you! I assumed it was because of something like that. But still, why does it say in battleLabelsTemplates.xc that the default state for enabled is "false"?
  9. Yes, I know. I am just curious why I get different results from what I expected.
  10. I'm currently using a single file configuration xvm.rc and my battleLabels part looks like this: "battleLabels": { "formats": [ // hitlog { // "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_DAMAGE_CAUSED", "x": 270, "y": 0, "width": 500, "height": 500, "textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 }, "format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}" }, // totalHP { // "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_PLAYERS_HP_CHANGED", "x": 0, "y": 30, "width": 200, "height": 40, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "font": "mono", "size": 18, "align": "center" }, "format": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.text()}}" } ] }, In the file battleLabelsTemplates.xc it states that the default state for "enabled" is "false", so I assumed commenting out those lines would disable things, just like commenting out the "x" or "y" coordinates moved the labels to their stated defaults at "0". However, the code above will show both the hitlog and the totalHP, despite the "enabled" parts being commented out. Am I just showing my lack of coding knowledge here, or is this a bug? Or is it because I use a single file config? I have only tested this with replays and autoReloadConfig, not a live game.
  11. So the XVM message does not show up in the notification center in the hangar? Look in xvm.log in your WoT folder. Does it contain any errors?
  12. How about you go scratch your own non-existent balls instead of shitposting? The mods will be out when they are out. The mod authors may have other things to do other than spending all their free time catering to entitled whiners like you.
  13. In the meantime, you can disable the fire alert completely in the configuration file sounds.xc "vo_fire_started": "", The code should already be present there on line 40, but you need to activate it by removing the two leading slashes //.
  14. Gundonov, In the XVM configuration file called carousel.xc my extra fields section now looks like this: "extraFields": [ // Marks on gun { "x": -1, "y": 30, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/marksOnGun/95x85/{{v.nation}}_{{v.marksOnGun}}_mark{{v.marksOnGun>1?s}}.png' width='23' height='21'>" }, { "x": -1, "y": 55, "format": "<font size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating%05.2f~%}}</font>", "shadow": {"color": "0x000000", "alpha": 70, "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 1, "strength": 10} }, // Sign of mastery. // Знак мастерства. { "x": -1, "y": 10, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_{{v.mastery}}.png' width='23' height='23'>" } ], Note that you already have the "sign of mastery" part, if you are using the default XVM config. Question for Kapany3uk (or anyone): I now use {{v.damageRating%05.2f~%}} to add leading zeros, so that 5.06% becomes 05.06% and .30% becomes 00.30%. That is the proper way to do it, right?
  15. Thank you so much Kapany3uk, that works perfectly! Very elegant!
  16. Ok, so I've been experimenting with adding gun mars indicators to my tank carousel and got it working fairly easily. However, I have three questions. Here is my current code: // Marks on gun { "x": -1, "y": 30, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/marksOnGun/95x85/{{v.nation}}_{{v.marksOnGun}}_mark.png' width='23' height='21'>" }, { "x": -1, "y": 30, "format": "<img src='img://gui/maps/icons/marksOnGun/95x85/{{v.nation}}_{{v.marksOnGun}}_marks.png' width='23' height='21'>" }, { "x": 50, "y": 0, "format": "<font size='12' color='{{v.c_damageRating}}'>{{v.damageRating}}%</font>", "shadow": {"color": "0x000000", "alpha": 70, "angle": 45, "distance": 0, "size": 1, "strength": 10} } Here is how it looks currently: My questions are, 1. Why is the percentage for the Conqueror not rounded to two decimals? Can I change this to look better? 2. For the tanks I don't yet have any gun marks data, like the FV215b and low tier tanks, is it possible to hide the percentage sign? 3. Since the icon files for the gun marks are named differently depending on if you have only one or more marks, I use two different lines of codes to show the icons. Is there a more elegant way of doing it? Would appreciate any ideas!
  17. No, C.. is correct, sorry for being imprecise. I know that the icons are in gui.pkg, but I was hoping for an easier way to browse them. Oh well, guess it's the hard way then. :-)
  18. Is there anywhere a list, preferably with pictures, that shows all the built in icons? like /gui/maps/icons/library/proficiency/class_icons_x.png etc
  19. No, that is not part of XVM as far as I know. It can be done with some other mods. I think Received Damage Announcer can do this.
  20. Thanks Kapany3uk, I got it now! Much appreciated! Is there anywhere I can see the layout of the XVM configuration files? Like, carousel.xc is called from hangar.xc, camera.xc is called from battle.xc - but battleLabels.xc is not, etc.
  21. This is my full xvm.xc konrad509. Thanks Kapany3uk, that works! But... I'm using a single config because I find it easier to track what I've changed from the default. And since I'm changing so little it's pretty clean and easy to maintain. Easier to update XVM. Is there any way to slim down the battleLabels part there? Basically, the ONLY thing I want to change from the default is to turn it on. All the positioning and format is fine as it is, so it feels kinda cludgy to have to include all that.
  22. If I want to enable TotalHP now in 6.3.1 when using my own (single file) xvm.xc, how do I do it? Without editing any of the default files. I don't really get the new structure. Something along the lines of: "labels": { "totalHP": { "enabled": true } },
  23. Thank you, that works! I misread the structure of battle.xc and thought totalhp was a subdivision of battle. D'oh. Your help is much appreciated! Follow-up question: Is there anywhere I can see an overview of the overall structure of the XVM config files? For instance that carousel.xc is called by hangar.xc, and the relationship between all the minimap xc files.
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