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Korean Random


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Everything posted by Bartman

  1. Personally I'm holding off on moving my config over to until a stable version comes out. Apparently there are a lot of changes, saves you some headaches if the fixes in the next nightly break the config you just painstakingly got to work :)
  2. OMC and any modpacks out there are using a (probably only partially functional) nightly build, i.e. a work in progress. There is no official release for yet.
  3. Slight bump, figured some screenshots might help. This is the normal situation: If I now press CTRL, for some reason it doesn't pop centrally anymore, but instead stays bottom right, covering most of the enemy team in the process: How do I get the enlarged minimap to stay in the center, like it used to?
  4. They can definitely be used in the battleloading and both the side panels and the pop up players panels. Got my XVM set up so it only shows flags in battle loading and the popup, as it's personal curiosity but not important enough to clutter the sidebars, and yes, they work just fine there.
  5. For some reason my pop-up minimap (when holding CTRL) isn't showing centered, but stuck bottom right. Started getting this one or two versions ago, so I'm guessing there's a variable name change somewhere that my old config doesn't contain... Which settings specify positioning?
  6. Ah, figured that setting would hide some empty placeholders taking up space. I have to head out now, but would it be possible to modify the column widths for these two screens so that formatLeftVehicle and formatRightVehicle end up with an alignment closer to the middle (and further away from the nicks)?
  7. I must be missing something, still no effect. These go right below their respective headers? "large": { // false - disable (отключить) "enabled": true, "removeSquadIcon": true, And do these settings indeed influence the StatisticForm and BattleLoading on top of the 'ears' themselves? My main concerns are the tab popup and the loading screen, I usually leave the sidebars alone while playing.
  8. Changed "removeSquadIcon" to true, still appears with the sizeable gap though.
  9. I assume this is the "primaryTitleOffset" setting in captureBar.xc. Try adding 20 (pixels).
  10. I may simply have missed it, but are there tank icon X coordinate settings for both the loading screen and the tab popup more to the middle? With longer names and more extensive available stats these two sometimes overlap, and the space on the middle side of these icons isn't used.
  11. Didn't even notice the Cromwell B spamming. It was _very_ easy to get an ace tanker on the first days, despite large numbers of people playing it. It seems to be better than the regular Cromwell, which they presumably based their 'stock' stats and therefore WN8 on. With enough player data being gathered in subsequent weeks this was probably adjusted downward quite a bit to represent reality better.
  12. Good workaround, thanks! I've put it to the right of the mastery badge: { "x": 22, "y": 15, "format": "<font size='10' color='#C7C7B4'>{{v.xpToEliteLeft>=100000?{{v.xpToEliteLeft%.3s~k xp left}}|{{v.xpToEliteLeft>=10000?{{v.xpToEliteLeft%.2s~k xp left}}|{{v.xpToEliteLeft%'i~ xp left}}}}}}</font>" },
  13. {{v.xpToEliteLeft}} {{v.xpToElite}} Just discovered these very handy carousel variables, but as most tanks require vast amounts of XP to elite and you frequently tend to pull in four digits of xp per battle anyway, I'm missing a kilo version. Would it be possible to add a v.kxpToEliteLeft and a v.kxpToElite? And as a longer term solition, as there are more variables that may result in long numbers, would it be possible to include a formatting rule that rounds down to the nearest SI prefix (i.e. nothing, k or M) and adds that character to the end? i.e. 996 -> 996, 1024 -> 1k, 123687 -> 124k
  14. http://www.noobmeter.com/player/eu/R_O_O_T/525843784/ Their graphs don't show data points so I'm not sure how frequent their polling is, but it does look like the above is your answer :)
  15. Would it be possible to disable this, so XVM just uses the ones in the dir, i.e. the old way?
  16. Pity! Is this planned or can I make a suggestion somewhere? :)
  17. Last year at some point a WoT update made the battle tiers on mouseover in the platoon window disappear. I noticed squad.xc allows for a text field and I've added {{battletier-min}} and {{battletier-max}}, however I'm not seeing any effect in the platoon window. How do I get my battle tier indicators back?
  18. That did the trick, thanks! I've modified it to "<img src='xvm://res/icons/lang/{{region|EU}}/{{language|empty}}.png' width='16' height='13'> which reduces clutter (as a flag that only shows the server region seems a bit superfluous) :)
  19. What would be the variable to show these flags (i.e. the images) in the players panel?
  20. Removing all those slashes (which I presume are escape chars) completely breaks xvm. I do use locastan's minimap, so that must be it then :(
  21. I'm trying to get the enemySpottedMarkers to work, but for some reason only the neverSeen and dead ones work for me at the moment. I'm assuming I've overlooked something, but I'm not quite sure what? "enemySpottedMarker": { "Xoffset": -22, "Yoffset": -2, "enabled": true, "format": { "artillery": { "dead": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"##808080\">x</FONT>", "lost": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">+</FONT>", "neverSeen": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"##808080\">?</FONT>", "revealed": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">!</FONT>" }, "dead": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"##808080\">x</FONT>", "lost": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">+</FONT>", "neverSeen": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"##808080\">?</FONT>", "revealed": "<FONT FACE=\"$FieldFont\" SIZE=\"10\" COLOR=\"#DDDDDD\">!</FONT>" } },
  22. Fixed. Turns out my original idea worked fine, except I broke the colour settings array by omitting a comma :) Replaced all instances of {{c:wn}} with {{c:wn8}} and added this (and remember to add that comma to the closing bracket of the "wn" settings at the end): "wn8": [ { "value": 300, "color": "0xFFC6C6" }, { "value": 600, "color": "0x828282" }, { "value": 900, "color": "0xFFFFFF" }, { "value": 1250, "color": "0x62FF2D" }, { "value": 1600, "color": "0x3C94FF" }, { "value": 1900, "color": "0xAE4DF0" }, { "value": 2350, "color": "0xFF8000" }, { "value": 2900, "color": "0xE6CC80" } ] This corresponds to WoTlabs' colour reference (http://wotlabs.net/) except using WoW style colouring. "very bad" received an additional colour here, light pink, so the bots stand out better.
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