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Everything posted by leeuniverse

  1. Hey GPCracker.... UPDATE. Okay, so lot's of playing yesterday and I've found that it appears that the "bouncing/dropping" of the Reticle DOES still occur, but ONLY in a small degree and in a particular situation. It appears that it still occurs slightly when a tank is on the horizon on a hill. It doesn't occur bad as before, but there's still a slight bounce there, and seems to be only occasionally, not every time. From what someone else has told me, there has always been the bouncing problem in the game, even before 8.11. This may be what they are talking about, and I simply didn't notice it before because it doesn't occur all the time, seems only in a certain way, and it's a little small. So, maybe Wargaming returned the Reticle operation to how it used to work before 8.11 when it became really bad. Also, I've used the games server reticle (not a mod one yet) and also have no bounce, but it's so "laggy" that I don't know if it still occurs in the situation I just mentioned, likely does since the regular reticle does it. So, it seems the problem is "mostly" 95% fixed. So, you may need to adjust your mod accordingly if you want to keep it going to fix that one particular situation. It's odd too, it doesn't occur in some other instances tanks are on horizon's. Actually, I was just thinking about something..... I had started using XVM's Zoom Features, as well as the Autoaim indication+addins mod yesterday before I saw the issue occur a couple of times.... http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/441413-0917-autoaim-indicationaddins-no-proximity-snapping-for-autoaim-but/ I wonder if one of them are what caused that "slight" bounce in certain horizon situation? Because like I said, I never noticed it once before, many games on test server, and several games initially on the Official .18 release before I started using those few mods. So, maybe that's what caused it? This is going to have to be looked at and researched more.... hmmmm
  2. Hey GPCracker..... So, .18 Official Release no longer has the "bouncing/dropping" reticle, like I show in the above video. I tested it in a custom match on Himmelsdorf. I haven't yet seen it occur in ANY other situation, just like I didn't on the .18 Test Server. They've apparently fixed it. You mod may no longer be required?
  3. You might not want to do anything with the mod yet till we see the results of 0.9.18..... So far, it doesn't do ANY of those problems the video showed, so let's wait I guess till we see the final result of .18 to see if some things have changed. Or maybe you can test .18 Test Server yourself, for example, go into a Custom Match with someone and test the Himmelsdorf bug. Like I mentioned, I tested it myself on .18 in a game or two, and it doesn't occur.
  4. Hey GPCracker.... Okay, so I finally stopped being lazy and have Demo'ed a couple of examples of the problem for you of your mod not working fully for like the last 2 years at least, when it used to work perfectly, these issues NOT occurring when your mod first came out..... Both videos this issue occurs with BOTH your mod installed, and your mod not installed, PMOD is removed, and just using games Zoom for Also, the first video you see the "bounce" right before the shot, that's what happens when the tank is being going on and off from, and at a horizon not only when shooting. BTW I don't have Dynamic Camera enabled, so it's not that. The 2nd video I've played the EXACT position on the 0.9.18 Test Server, and did the EXACT test, and the "bouncing/dropping" doesn't occur AT ALL, so it seems they might have fixed the problem. But again, I don't know if the issue will still occur at all with the Server Reticle yet, as it currently does slightly more pronounced when using it on And like I mentioned, I've played at least 50 games on the Test Server, and I haven't noticed a "single" instance of the bouncing/dropping reticle problem as has always occurred with .17 and previous. Again, these examples didn't used to occur anymore when your mod first came out, it fixed every instance of "bouncing/dropping" problem of the reticle, but at some point after, your mod broke, and these issues came back. It seemed it worked some still in certain ways, but not fully, as I show here, your mods installed but the issue still occurs. Anyway, likely might not have to do much if anything, as we see what happens with .18, it seems they may have fixed the issue finally, and maybe your mod may no longer be needed. Like I said, that second video, I've done the same test on .18, and the drop/bounce doesn't occur at all, the reticle stays where it should just as when you're pointing at the building or ground.
  5. Ya GPCracker, I don't know what to tell you..... I'm not a math/code geek, just a user of your mod. All I know is when 8.11 came out, I noticed the game became really hard to shoot tanks because of the constant bouncing/dropping in various situations, I had always used the Server Reticle. So, I guess about the same time someone created the BalCalcMod, and then I had at least a "partial" fix, then later your mod came out, and I was in HEAVEN because it was fixed automatically. I could now shoot EXACT where I aimed, and no more "bouncing/dropping"... Then, somewhere around the time you added the new features, your mod broke, started bouncing/dropping.... Of course, don't know if they had anything to do with it, just mentioning it. You mentioned some sort of "community decision" with some change as a possible issue, I don't know, all I know is it stopped working nicely like it used to. Didn't matter how you shot, it shot where you were aiming, didn't see any issues that might make the community change how the mod worked so you couldn't do that like before, i.e. it just shooting where you aimed, no bouncing. BTW, I have been playing .17 without your mod, and the bouncing is definitely there to a degree, yet for .18 it doesn't seem to be. Though, I am still using zoom mods, though no Server Reticle, so maybe that's causing it the issue still. I'll removed the zoom mods totally, and see if the issue is still there. But, I seem to recall the bouncing still there when I first started playing .17 again, which is why I started using your mod again. So, don't know if .18 has fixed some of the issue or not, seems maybe so? Of course, don't know yet if the Server Reticle will still have the issue with .18. Anyway, all I can do is report what I've been experiencing as a user..... You mod worked perfect when it originally came out, no problems at all with it, anything I noticed anyway, and I'm sensitive to flaws, and I had always been using Server Reticle, but sometime after that it no longer aimed where shot, the bounce/dropping started which causes missed shots sometimes, it was like your mod didn't even exist anymore "almost". Anyway, I guess we will see how it pans out, and I hope if the problem is still there with the server reticle you can fix it again like it used to work.
  6. Hey, GPCracker.... Okay, so I've done further testing on .18 Test Server, no mods, and it seems the "bouncing/dropping" problem is completely gone. I've done like 30 games now, and I haven't seen it occur even ONCE.... There is still "one" scenario that I haven't been able to try, and that's shooting at a tank that is driving horizontal and just his turret is sticking up over the hill. But, since I haven't seen any reticle movement in ANY other situation, I doubt it will occur then also. I'm also wondering if the problem is still occurring with .17? Wondering if maybe your mod is causing the "tiny" drop over the horizon/hill? However, with .17 it seems the "Server Reticle" is entirely causing the bouncing/dropping issue. And I'm guessing it will still be occurring when .18 comes out. I mean, I'm seriously amazed how perfectly the reticle and rounds are working with .18. I'm entirely shooting where I Aim, no longer shooting "high" like I would with your mod and the Server Reticle and there was no tank in the spot I was shooting. The round goes exactly where I was aiming. So, is it possible for you to FIX your mod so the bouncing/dropping problem no longer occurs with the Server Reticle, like your mod used to fix it when it first came out?
  7. Hey, GPCracker.... Want to run something by you. When your mod for a long time first came out, it was simple, just fixing the "bouncing/dropping" Reticle automatically. It worked perfectly, no longer had to use the BalCalcMod. However, for about 2 years or more now, really since you added all the "extras" to your mod, your mod has never worked right like it used to. It would slightly reduce the bouncing, but not very much, the problem was still there even using your mod. It has always been an irritation for me, and actually one of the reasons I've asked you many times to just provide for us your original mod only, and have your "Extras" one separate from it, not simply because your mod was often buggy because of the other features. So, I could never fix the problem, just lived with it. I've been mostly gone from the game for the last year, so I just stopped worrying about it. However, I've been playing a lot the last few weeks, using your mod again, and then I went and tried the .18 Test Server, of course, we can't use really any mods on it. I realized playing the Test Server, there's absolutely ZERO bouncing/dropping Reticle it seems, and I'm like WHAT....??? I mean, it literally doesn't seem to occur AT ALL! So, I think about it, and wonder if the Zoom Mods are causing the problem, so I remove PMOD from the .17 client and played a few games, with your mod and others still on the client. I didn't have "almost" any bounce.... though I did notice that there WAS a small dropping/bouncing when I pointed at a hill, and then pointed at the sky and back at the hill. But, it wasn't even as great as it was with the zoom mods installed, and it didn't seem to occur at any other time. Note, it didn't even seem this occurred AT ALL with the .18 Test Server, so I'm actually wondering if your mod is even needed anymore??? Anyway, so I then thought, what if the problem is actually the "Server Reticle".... so I put back PMOD and then disabled the Server Reticle. Now, to be clear, I have ALWAYS used the Server Reticle and Zoom mods playing this game, even back with your original mod and it was working perfectly. So, I then played a few games with just the Server Reticle disabled on .17, and your mod installed and other mods still, and same results..... no bouncing/dropping of the reticle save maybe slightly when looking at the horizon over a hill like I mentioned, but again, not bad like before. So, in conclusion, it seems all this time the last 2-3 years I've had problems with your mod, it's been because of the Server Reticle. At some point after your mod came out, from memory it seems the exact same time period you added the lot's more features to your mod, the bouncing started occurring, when it NEVER used to occur before, because like I said I've always used the Server Reticle. The other issue is, have they actually fixed the Bouncing/Dropping Reticle problem with .18 Test Server, or even partially previous? Like I said, there is only a tiny bounce with .17, but I don't even think I had any bounce with the .18 Test Server. Not 100% sure on that, may not have had the right maps to test, think I was playing more city type maps. Nevertheless, on either .17 or .18 the "bouncing/dropping" issue isn't even occurring like it used to, except when the Server Reticle is used. Then it's big, and I didn't realize how bad it is, just been being used to it the past couple of years, though I didn't want to be. Thoughts? I will try to test .18 more to see if I can get the tiny horizon bounce/drop like I get with .17.... But it seems the real major problem is just with the Server Reticle doing most of the bouncing/dropping in all kinds of situations when going on and off, tanks, horizons etc., though it IS slightly reduced with your mod, yet not even like it used to be fixed with your original mod. Your original mod used to work perfect, no bounce/dropping basically at ANY time.
  8. Aslain has indicated he's working on TwoStepsfromHell.... So nobody do that one. If somebody starts the others, just let us know.
  9. TwoStepsFromHell Music Mod http://www.mediafire.com/file/5fu1izbus1aw1d2/TwoStepsfromHell.zip LaserGunSounds (aka StarWars Gun Sounds) http://www.mediafire.com/file/65yfes1d1by6hdb/LaserGunSounds.zip Star Wars Music http://www.mediafire.com/file/bo0s8a0s6a9gk1v/StarWars.zip Memories Music http://www.mediafire.com/file/ewdtitwrraamw32/Memories.zip These were like the best sound mods ever. Especially playing The StarWars Music with StarWars Laser Guns was AMAZING....! I actually liked playing those two better than the game. You can imagine what playing Auto-loaders were like, ah man my mouth waters from the memories. It would be great is someone who's good at it could save these mods. Memories was a nice War Music mod, perfecting tanking ambiance.
  10. If they just put in a little effort... I'm of course not stating that everything needs to be "just like this", and I know people have their "preferences", that's not the point. The point is, if they had an actual "designer", someone with a little basic intelligence working for them, they could make a nice UI, similar to how Armored Warfares UI is. This game, I had to mod it multiple ways from the first moment I started playing it, even it's UI, while the other game, I don't have to touch. It could still use a few things and minor modifications, but I don't have to touch it, even if I could (we can't mostly). But WOT, I had to mod the entire UI to make it nice and readable, informative, nice features, etc. Anyway, this just gives you an idea of what the game could be like (or similar, so don't spaz). It's easy to tell what things are, good color contrasts, but not overblown (like I toned down XVM's colors, but there was still good contrast, readable). [LAMP] no longer exists.... I left the game some 9 months ago, the "Physics" was the last straw, I like to play quality, not crap, and I got tired of constantly have to develop a full mod pack just to play the game. It would have been okay if I only had to do it every 3-4 months, but usually it was 80 hours of work every 2 1/2 months, and that was usually because of regular micro-patches which often broke stuff, as well as improvements and needed changes. So, before many of you comment, I would recommend you start up the game, both the Garage and a Replay etc. and compare the two side by side, and you will see how much better things are, how easy things are to read, to tell quickly what things are, informative features, etc. The game doesn't have to be like this, AW's isn't, but QUALITY Design is what's important, and WOT lacks it. If they ever fix the UI, and fix the crappiness they've made tanks perform, I will likely come back, but sadly I know they won't ever do so. Till then, that's history.... BTW, I didn't fully show some things, and a couple of things were missing, but you've got the idea.
  11. You my HERO..... GP. :) I literally can't play this game anymore without your original reticle fix. It massively pisses me off that Wargaming has such utter shit quality control. My T49 is all fucked up also because of the new Physics and other nerfs. :( I almost don't even want to play it either it's so bad. I'm stuck playing Armored Warfare, because it actually has quality control, and I don't have to mod it at all to play it. WOT I have to create a god damned entire mod pack just to get the game to function/look how it needs to be playable for me.
  12. Hey GPCracker..... Your old bugger is back..... aka "me". :) So, just checking in with you to see if you're finally interested after all the stress to recreate your "original" AAS mod, the "auto" version of BalCalcMod? To simply have a version of that feature ONLY for us perfectly working every update, so we don't have to stress, about all the other stuff? You can still keep making your "fancy" version, but could you please please finally provide for us your original mod that just and only fixes the "dropping/bouncing" etc. reticle stuff? We just want your nice round fly true again mod.... Most of us don't need all the other stuff, and if we do we can get them with other mods or use your advanced version. Prerrrrty please.....? Thank you so much.....
  13. Hey ____P_H_A_R_A_O_N____.... Your newest Damage Panel and Mini-map Border are so good that you should petition for it to be put in the default game.. It's likely the best I've ever seen.
  14. NP, appreciate the effort and contribution to the community. I'm going to have to go back to Krzysztof_Chodak's version over on the EU forum because of this sadly, cause it was getting irritating that I would write perfectly fine posts and then it would not post. His I configure to look for "words" only, and it's all good. Take care.
  15. Seems to work..... Though I still have a loader being used due to a couple of other mods, so not sure if the mod is using it or the games/mod directory's loader. You would know that. Thanks.
  16. Hey ktulho..... Thanks for providing the Auto-Telescope mod for us. One of the most important mods of the game. Trying to get XVM people to implement how it works, but who knows how long or if ever that will happen. In the meantime, could you adjust the mod for the coming .15 update so it can work in the new mod folder location? It's one of the last holdouts. Thanks much.
  17. Hey GPCracker... Was wondering if for the next version of the game .15 you could have your mod updated to the New Mod Directory folder location? Yours is one of the last holdouts. LOL Thanks guy.
  18. hmmm ..... That's not good then, because then any normal benign word can be filtered. Home, hommy, hopper, hobo, horny, whatever .... What if someone's name is "Nigel"? Or I want to go to "Nigers"? Well crap, there's no way to really safely configure this then because it's going to potentially block any number of perfectly fine words. Thanks for the info.
  19. I'm actually surprised this isn't actually in XVM by now. I forgot it was one other thing I used from PMOD other than zoom/sight/login functions which XVM has all now other than the Server Reticle. Free Cam also needs to be part of XVM. Please add. Thank you.
  20. Hey there...... Thanks for providing the mod. However, there is something wrong with it that's been occurring for a long time. It blocks phrases that contain entirely normal and fine words, nothing even close to the banned words. For example, I wrote the word "though" and the mod blocked it. Why? There is no "though" or anything like it in my block list. The mod has blocked other sentences with perfectly fine words. It occurs all the time, so much that I can't really even say anything in chat.
  21. Update..... Just tried the ServerCross2 at the old topic, and it seems to work. However the server reticle seems a bit "large" maybe a little laggy, not sure. Not as clean and accurate as PMODS. Hmmm.... Looking at yours and PMOD's mapping and sizing your both's seems the same settings, while the old ones seem different and larger. So maybe that's why it seems not as good as PMOD's in smooth and size? http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/644719-/ I changed all the mapping and size #'s to the same as your guys mods, and it seems better. At least it appears to be working. Look forward to the fixing of yours. Wouldn't be surprised if the other dies soon.
  22. Something really wrong with the ServerCross2 mod...... I was doing some testing, getting rid of PMOD and switching over the XVM's Camera features, but they didn't have a ServerCross option, so I tried your mod for the server cross, and it's broke. When I go into battle, I get stuck on the battle loading screen, and it won't go anywhere, and then the game crashed. Here's the Python Log..... BTW, my python log was perfectly clean, didn't have that long list of notices and errors, no problems prior to using your mod and using XVM's camera and removing PMOD.
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