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Korean Random


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  1. @ktulho Suprise, suprise - that latest binary fixes my problem with WG client as well! Thanks!
  2. @ktulho Error happens with any icon style, including built-in ones. @ktulho Another test - I've installed CIS (RU) client instance - version seems to be current there. No problem creating icons. All other regions (EU, Asia, NA) use and cause the error.
  3. @ktulho My Microsoft libs collection is large. As said, it all worked few days ago with Is there any other way I can debug this? Eg. enable verbose logging? After deinstalling Polish 4.8 version, the error message is now in English:
  4. Hi Roman, I have VC++ 2013 installed. TIM worked just few days ago with, then stopped after patch (same icons, same folders). So it seems to be related only to new game files. I have path: (standard) set. And my save folder is C:\WoT_mods\vehicle_icons\TIM\mr\dist\_plain\ - I have never changed this. When using specific Save As options, TIM fails on "Save BattleAtlas" and "Save VehicleMarkerAtlas" only - rest work fine. I have reproduced same error on clean TIM install. Emptying WoT caches also do not help.
  5. After update, there's an error when saving "Save as" -> "Bulk save to folder": In English this would be: "Value cannot be zero. Parameter name: stream".
  6. Bingo, it's coded in this file. Many new options appeared, but most damage is caused by <predelay> item. Thanks!
  7. Hi, since 1.13 crew sounds are delayed after the shooting event (like hit, ricochet or frag). Anyone knows a trick to restore previous (instant) behaviour?
  8. Hi, v.xpToEliteLeft nicely shows xp to elite a tank. But if we decide to skip a module, it's not equal to "xp left to next tank". Could a new macro be introduced like "v.xpToNextTank" ? This would indicate least amount of xp to grind to next tank in tree (lesser value if there are more then one tank). Thanks, Jerryfer
  9. Well, I have markers disable now, but still experience crashes when leaving battle.
  10. Hi, Default game behaviour, copied by XVM is that OTM for overturned vehicle gets keeps "above" vehicle's vertical pane. This places OTM in weird and unexpected postition if you don't know vehicle is overturned or which side it lays on. Can this "feature" be made configurable (disable option) in future XVM?
  11. I've switched to WTR as main rating and I have noticed that many (about 30%) of players are missing this rating in XVM. It is not correlated with number of battles or players skill (compared to wn8 or winratio). Is it just caching issue which will resolve itself with time?
  12. Hi, One comment regarding .wotmod file naming. Please reconsider if it is necessary to add mod version to the .wotmod filename. Having it included it is very easy to have two versions of same mod installed. Same name would cause regular overwrite when upgrading. .wotmods are already commonly distributed inside compressed .zip, this mod version number can go in the "outside" zip file. Regards,
  13. Yes, it is possible, but only in very weird and complex setups. If conflict cannot be resolved (looping dependency), show error message and abort mod loading. Like it is now. 99% cases would be load after XVM or load before XVM.
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