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[] Aimpoint Indicator not at the right place on minimap while using XVM+Battle Assistant


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I want to report a bug/problem that occurs while using XVM and Battle Assistant together. I can't really remember when it started, but it is like that for a while now. 


It is related to the map segment + aiming point indicator on the minimap while playing SPG and using the trajectory view. The positions of those indicators on the minimap don't match with the battlefield actions (sometimes more sometimes less). 








I understand that this is not a uniqiue bug related to XVM, but it feels like someone with the knowledge/skill would be required to take a look at this to get it sorted out. 



Thanks for your time.

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  • The title was changed to [] XVM + Battle Assistant Problem on the minimap while playing SPG and using the trajectory view

Hello all,


I have raised the issue on the wotinspector.com discord and talked to reven86 in the past few weeks. He was able to reproduce the issue and fixed it with the newest version 2.5.0. There was no connection between XVM and BA on this bug, but using XVM made the issue more visible. Without XVM it was hard to recognize. ;)


So the thread can be closed as the issue is fixed by now. 



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