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Continuously Disconnect from WoT by using XVM 8.8.2_0010 (1.14)

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i get continuously disconnected using the newest build. This is not going to happen without XVM.



ErrorLog (that covers the events that happen before I get disconnected):


2021-08-11 10:34:37.466: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: WaitingSpace() -> LobbySpace()
2021-08-11 10:35:08.057: INFO: [SOUND] Task h20_wot_bday_2021 loaded in 30.614752 seconds. Size: 57.294056 Mb
2021-08-11 10:35:08.196: WARNING: Scale9Grid for resource=15 has negative height -0.300000
2021-08-11 10:35:08.400: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SPACE LOADING END - 118.263999939
2021-08-11 10:35:08.400: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: HANGAR READY - 118.263999939
2021-08-11 10:35:09.534: DEBUG: Stop video net stream
2021-08-11 10:35:09.534: DEBUG: Stop video net stream
2021-08-11 10:35:09.534: DEBUG: Close video net stream
2021-08-11 10:35:10.269: INFO: [gui.prb_control.entities.base.pre_queue.vehicles_watcher] BaseVehiclesWatcher:start() self = '<gui.prb_control.entities.random.pre_queue.vehicles_watcher.RandomVehiclesWatcher object at 0x472CFC50>'
2021-08-11 10:35:10.345: WARNING: [gui.Scaleform.framework.managers.containers] Loading of view Hangar[0x4df56bf0]=[key=ViewKey[alias=hangar, name=hangar], scope=SimpleScope[0x1fffba08]=[scopeType=4, parentScope=SimpleScope[0x1fffb990]=[scopeType=3, parentScope=GlobalScope[0x1fff7a80]=[scopeType=global, parentScope=None]]], state=0] is requested but the container 4 is still not exist!
2021-08-11 10:35:11.942: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: VEHICLE LOADING START - 121.805999756
2021-08-11 10:35:13.088: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: HANGAR UI READY - 122.952003479
2021-08-11 10:35:13.088: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 243): HANGAR LOADING STATE: SUMMARY TOTAL = 87.7010040283
2021-08-11 10:35:13.492: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: VEHICLE LOADING END - 123.356002808
2021-08-11 10:35:14.149: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent'
2021-08-11 10:35:14.149: INFO: [Scaleform] Change Owner on GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent' -> 'gui/flash/animations/battlePass/BPShow.swf'
2021-08-11 10:35:48.500: INFO: [gui.prb_control.entities.base.pre_queue.vehicles_watcher] BaseVehiclesWatcher:stop() self = '<gui.prb_control.entities.random.pre_queue.vehicles_watcher.RandomVehiclesWatcher object at 0x472CFC50>'
2021-08-11 10:35:49.305: NOTICE: [NOTE] (scripts/client/helpers/statistics.py, 216): HANGAR LOADING STATE: DISCONNECTED - 159.169006348
2021-08-11 10:35:49.305: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: LobbySpace() -> WaitingSpace()
2021-08-11 10:35:49.307: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.app_factory] Destroying app: scaleform/battle
2021-08-11 10:35:49.307: INFO: [gui.Scaleform.app_factory] Creating app: scaleform/lobby
2021-08-11 10:35:49.307: INFO: [gui.app_loader.loader] Space is changed: WaitingSpace() -> LoginSpace()
2021-08-11 10:35:49.317: INFO: [SOUND] Start loading Login task
2021-08-11 10:35:49.321: INFO: [gui.anonymizer.contacts_uploader] Contacts Uploader: finish uploading previous arena. Stopped.
2021-08-11 10:35:49.373: INFO: [SOUND] Task Login loaded in 0.055003 seconds. Size: 16.961817 Mb
2021-08-11 10:35:49.572: ERROR: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
	at net.wg.gui.lobby.post::Teaser/setState()
	at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/draw()
	at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/validateNow()
	at scaleform.clik.core::UIComponent/handleEnterFrameValidation()


Edited by linaWOT

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There is an issue with one of our servers, team is working on the fix now.

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