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WoT1.5 with XVM Nightly Build (9003) - Issues

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just want to let you know two issues I have noticed with the current Nightly Build (9003) and WoT 1.5 by using my own, but also with the default xvm config. No other mod is installed.


1. The Battle Loading Screen is empty and does not show/list any players/tanks. 

2. The Battle Result Screen will not be shown after the battle, but will load forever and most likely crashes.






Edited by lina_wot
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After the battle, garage shows up but hangs indefinitely on "Gathering Information..."




2019-05-02 21:36:41: [VM] registered
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [X:000] Loading swf mods:
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [X:001]   xvm_lobby/as_lobby/xvm_lobby.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:002] onLibLoaded: ../../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_lobby/as_lobby/xvm_lobby.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:003] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_lobby.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:004] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/battleResults.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:005] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/TankCarousel.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:006] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/nodesLib.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:007] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/crew.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:04: [L:008] onLibLoaded: ../../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_lobby/as_lobby/xvm_lobby_ui.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:07: [L:009] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/guiControlsLobbyBattleDynamic.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:07: [L:010] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/guiControlsLobbyDynamic.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:07: [L:011] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/popovers.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:07: [L:012] onLibLoaded: gui/flash/IconLibrary.swf
2019-05-02 21:43:07: [L:013] [XVM:LOBBY] processView: lobby
2019-05-02 21:43:08: [L:014] [XVM:LOBBY] processView: hangar
2019-05-02 21:43:14: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\test.py", line 73, in BattleResultsCache_get
    base(self, arenaUniqueID, callback)
  File "scripts/client_common/shared_utils/account_helpers/BattleResultsCache.py", line 82, in get
  File "scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/common.py", line 237, in <lambda>
  File "scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/__init__.py", line 135, in _response
  File "scripts/common/adisp.py", line 141, in callback
  File "scripts/client/gui/battle_results/service.py", line 94, in requestResults
  File "scripts/client/gui/battle_results/service.py", line 128, in postResult
  File "scripts/client/gui/battle_results/composer.py", line 51, in setResults
  File "scripts/client/gui/battle_results/components/base.py", line 620, in setRecord
  File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_battleresults\python\__init__.py", line 114, in setRecord
    premXP = vData['xp'] * (vData['premiumXPFactor10'] / 10.0)
KeyError: 'premiumXPFactor10'

Edited by anchor123
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