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About MoistKrappenschitz

  • Birthday 12/27/1972


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  1. every time WOT updates it takes a day or more for XVM to update everything on their end, just like any other mod used for wot. There are nightly builds just search for "xvm nightly builds".
  2. 9029 is ready to go I can't find nothing wrong with it
  3. wn8 (and eff, and wgr, and wn6/wn7 too) is a comprehensive rating, implying playing on different vehicles in different styles. So, for example, if you play only on light tanks or only on arty, wn8 may show incorrect values. Per vehicle rating especially. Therefore, we do not show per vehicle global ratings.
  4. It seems to be all working (seems). The lettering is off a bit on the battle result page where the new X3 area is and at the start of the battle page the players rating over laps tank names. It's the only 2 things I have seen so far, but I don't use a lot of what xvm has to offer so there very well could be more I just won't see. I do see in battle a lot of folks are using xvm so it must work fairly well.
  5. already a thread started about this newest wot update and xvm problems
  6. yea we know that been waiting 3-4 days since update for these wonderful folks to get it back up and running. As for EU server my EU client updated this morning so i am guessing it is on EU now or by the next day or so.
  7. 2 battles with latest nightly build 9003 and it works so far kinda no crashes. the zip closest to bottom. Only thing I have notice so far is after battle result dont work keeps saying unavailable, and doesn't show names at start of battle
  8. lastest nightly build seems to be working better than what folks mention above, but still crashes in game
  9. no 1.4 will not work with 1.5 There is a nightly build but you have to search for it. haven't tried it yet but it should work https://nightly.modxvm.com/download/wot-1.5/ 5th up from the bottom is the zip file
  10. Sure hope so and soon. Can't believe the nightly is for the CT server that is generally my go to in these times. Thanks for all you hard work here guys and gals XVM is just great
  11. Delete the %APPDATA%\Wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks/xvm folder
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