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Vehicle Icon can't be colored

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With the latest version of xvm I'm unable to apply a color to the class marker for a tank (overhead marker indicating LT, MT, TD etc...). Previously I had my config set to color it by wn8, is there any way to do this in the current version? If so do I have to edit something besides the markersAliveExtended? or can I do so in that file only

Edited by Jagscorpion
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With the latest version of xvm I'm unable to apply a color to the class marker for a tank (overhead marker indicating LT, MT, TD etc...). Previously I had my config set to color it by wn8, is there any way to do this in the current version? If so do I have to edit something besides the markersAliveExtended? or can I do so in that file only


I find a way to get this Worked.

In markersAlivenormal.xc i changed this:

"vehicleIcon": {

      // false - disable / не отображать

      "enabled": false,

Later i ad in def: section This:

"def": {

    "vehicleIcon": {

      "name": "Vehicle Icon",

      "enabled": true,

      "x": 0,

      "y": 0,

      "alpha": 100,

      "textFormat": {

        "font": "$FieldFont",

        "size": 30,

        "color": null,

        "align": "center",

        "bold": false,

        "italic": false


      "shadow": {

        "enabled": true,

        "distance": 0,

        "angle": 45,

        "color": "0x000000",

        "alpha": 100,

        "blur": 6,

        "strength": 2


      "format": "<font color='{{c:r}}'>{{vtype}}</font>"


Later: i Do this in ally section:

"textFields": [

   ${ "def.vehicleIcon" },


If you Want to see this on enemy you must to do the same in enemy section


Later i changed in texts.xc this section

"texts": {

    // Text for {{vtype}} macro.

    // Текст для макроса {{vtype}}.

    "vtype": {

      // Text for light tanks / Текст для легких танков.

      "LT":  "<font face='DamageLog'>3</font>",       //"{{l10n:LT}}",

      // Text for medium tanks / Текст для средних танков.

      "MT":  "<font face='DamageLog'>4</font>",       //"{{l10n:MT}}",

      // Text for heavy tanks / Текст для тяжелых танков.

      "HT":  "<font face='DamageLog'>5</font>",       //"{{l10n:HT}}",

      // Text for arty / Текст для арты.

      "SPG": "<font face='DamageLog'>2</font>",       //"{{l10n:SPG}}",

      // Text for tank destroyers / Текст для ПТ.

      "TD":  "<font face='DamageLog'>1</font>"        //"{{l10n:TD}}"



And its Worked!!!!

If you dont have DamageLog font here you go: http://www.mediafire.com/download/y2ccl6mp3q60kez/font.rar

good luck

Edited by Szulson
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Ok I find a way to use XVM font..: here_You_Go

"vtype": {
      // Text for light tanks / Текст для легких танков.
      "LT":  "<font face='xvm'>:</font>",       //"{{l10n:LT}}",
      // Text for medium tanks / Текст для средних танков.
      "MT":  "<font face='xvm'>;</font>",       //"{{l10n:MT}}",
      // Text for heavy tanks / Текст для тяжелых танков.
      "HT":  "<font face='xvm'>?</font>",       //"{{l10n:HT}}",
      // Text for arty / Текст для арты.
      "SPG": "<font face='xvm'>-</font>",       //"{{l10n:SPG}}",
      // Text for tank destroyers / Текст для ПТ.
      "TD":  "<font face='xvm'>.</font>"        //"{{l10n:TD}}"

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