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Enemy HP left in Hitlog

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When pressing ALT-key you used to be able to see how much HP the enemy tanks that have been spotted has left.

Is that still not implemented or is it something I need to change myself in one of the files?



@zekias87, function was removed in 6.4.0



This function can me implemented by {{hp*}} macros, which is more powerful.


When pressing ALT-key you used to be able to see what was HPleft but I used it for a alt hitlog instead so yes I understand there may be a more powerful way of getting this info but by the looks of it it's not where I would but it anyway.  But more to the point is there a way to make the hitlog have the alt view without this, what I have used this for it for my hitlog to display the name of the tank and when alt is pressed the nick of the player.  Anyway this is something I miss and I am wondering if there is a way to fix my hitlog so it's goes back to how I had it pre xvm 6.4.0

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But more to the point is there a way to make the hitlog have the alt view without this, what I have used this for it for my hitlog to display the name of the tank and when alt is pressed the nick of the player. 

Yes, it's possible. Although, right now, by default, both the vehicle name and the player's name are displayed.

Edited by konrad509

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Yes, it's possible. Although, right now, by default, both the vehicle name and the player's name are displayed.


Okay good I am using my own custom config, and can't get a alt hitlog to display, I use to I guess cheat and use the HPleft to change the display when alt was pressed to change the {{vehicle}} to {{nick}}  Not sure if there is a better way, but I just put the same format that I use in the "formatHistory": line into the HPleft line with just that one change.  Is there a better way or what would the right way of getting a 2nd hitlog to display with the press of the alt key.  So I have one normal format and then a 2nd format with the alt key pressed.


Okay just to update this with the code I have to give a better idea of what I'm after.


"formatHistory": "<textformat tabstops='[25,75,130,150,175]'><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#cccccc'>{{hitlog.n}}.</font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#ffffff'><b>{{dmg}}</b></font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#999999'><b>{{dmg-kind}}</b></font><tab><font face='xvm' size='17' color='#ffffff'>{{vtype}}</font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#ffffff'>{{vehicle}}</font> {{dead}}</textformat>",


this is what I want to work with the alt key pressed use to put this in hpleft, now with it removed where do I place this so I can get it to work


"altformatHistory": "<textformat tabstops='[25,75,130,150,175]'><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#cccccc'>{{hitlog.n}}.</font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#ffffff'><b>{{dmg}}</b></font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#999999'><b>{{dmg-kind}}</b></font><tab><font face='xvm' size='17' color='#ffffff'>{{vtype}}</font><tab><font face='$UniversCondC' size='14' color='#ffffff'>{{nick}}</font> {{dead}}</textformat>",


by the way the format is a little off I lost all my files so this code still needs a little work

Edited by jaydodge1975

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Attach your files hitLog.xc and batleLabelsTemplates.xc


okay I forget how to attach files so I hope this will work for now


/* file info

* jaydodge1975's (XVM xvm hit log (my hits calculator) for WoT

* For additional settings see battleLabelsTemplates.xc/hitlog

* This file was last update on 8.12.2016 (Month/Day/Year).




"hitLog": {

"groupHitsByPlayer": false,

"insertOrder": "begin",

"deadMarker": "B",

"blowupMarker": ",",

"defaultHeader": "",

"formatHeader": "",

"formatHistory": "{{hitlog.n}}.{{dmg}}{{dmg-kind}}{{vtype}}{{vehicle}} {{dead}}",

"shadow": {

"alpha": 100,

"color": "0x000000",

"angle": 90,

"distance": 0,

"size": 5,

"strength": 250





/* file info

* jaydodge1975's (XVM xvm battle inteface text fields for WoT

* This file was last update on 8.12.2016 (Month/Day/Year).



"def": {

"hitlog": {

"enabled": true,

"updateEvent": "ON_DAMAGE_CAUSED",

// over

"x": 485,

// down

// "y": 750,

"y": 755,

"width": 500,

"height": 1000,

"textFormat": { "color": "0xF4EFE8", "size": 15 },

"format": "{{hitlog-header}}\n{{hitlog-body}}"


"totalHP": {

"enabled": false,

"updateEvent": "ON_PLAYERS_HP_CHANGED",

"x": 0,

"y": 30,

"width": 200,

"height": 40,

"screenHAlign": "center",

"shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 },

"textFormat": { "font": "mono", "size": 18, "align": "center" },

"format": "{{py:xvm.total_hp.text()}}"


"winChance": {

"enabled": true,

"updateEvent": "ON_VEHICLE_DESTROYED",

"x": 230,

"y": 2,

"width": 300,

"height": 20,

"shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 },

"textFormat": { "size": 15 },

"format": "{{xvm-stat?{{l10n:Team strength}}: {{py:xvm.team_strength('{{allyStrengthStatic}}','{{enemyStrengthStatic}}')}} / {{py:xvm.team_strength('{{allyStrengthLive}}','{{enemyStrengthLive}}')}}}}"


"test": {

"enabled": true,

"y": -170,

"width": 200,

"height": 70,

"alpha": 70,

"screenHAlign": "center",

"screenVAlign": "bottom",

"shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "strength": 5},

"textFormat": { "color": "{{battleType=1?0x00FFFF|0xFFFF00}}", "size": 25, "align": "center", "bold": true, "leading": -1, "marginLeft": 2, "marginRight": 2 },

"format": "This is a demo of XVM text fields on battle interface. You may disable it in battle.xc

Press 'J' hot-key to show info field"


"test2": {

"enabled": true,

"hotKeyCode": 36,

"y": -70,

"width": 310,

"height": 50,

"alpha": 70,

"screenHAlign": "center",

"screenVAlign": "bottom",

"bgColor": "0x000000",

"borderColor": "0x101009",

"shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "strength": 8},

"textFormat": { "color": "0x60FF00", "size": 15, "align": "center", "marginLeft": 2, "marginRight": 2},

"format": "Info text field (WN8: {{wn8}})

Battle tier: {{battletier}}

My vehicle: {{my-vehicle}} ({{t-winrate%2d}}%)





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Also, in the file battleLabels.xc, add this line ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.hitlog2" },



I checked it only on replay, and there it seems to work only for last hit vehicle :hmm:

I thought it was gonna work... :sob:


So... either it's actually not possible, or there's a way I'm too dumb to notice...

Edited by konrad509

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Also, in the file battleLabels.xc, add this line ${ "battleLabelsTemplates.xc":"def.hitlog2" },



I checked it only on replay, and there it seems to work only for last hit vehicle :hmm:

I thought it was gonna work... :sob:


So... either it's actually not possible, or there's a way I'm too dumb to notice...



hmm. ya I know I'm having the same luck but thanks for the help you have giving me a few ideas I use to have my minimap setup with different files to give me different views the same idea might work here.  So thanks again,

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