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Square draw distace

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Hi guys,

I am still having the square draw distance instead of the circle... i dont know how to change it in my xvm.xc file. Could you help me?

I think this is the coerrect section:


"minimap": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cameraAlpha": 100,
    "circles": {
      "enabled": true,
      "major": [
        { "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 },
        { "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 }
      "special": [
        { "su_18": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gw_mk_vie": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 850, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "t57": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 553, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "renaultbs": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 483, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
          "gb25_loyd_carrier": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 509, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
        { "su_26": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1218, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "bison_i": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "wespe": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m7_priest": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "lorraine39_l_am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 983, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb27_sexton": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb78_sexton_i": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "su_5": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 613, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "sturmpanzer_ii": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 602, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "pz_sfl_ivb": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m37": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 989, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "amx_ob_am105": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb26_birch_gun": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1051, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "su122a": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1201, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "grille": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 836, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m41": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "amx_105am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1288, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "_105_lefh18b2": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1000, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb28_bishop": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "su_8": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1345, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "hummel": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1260, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m44": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1294, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "amx_13f3am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1381, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb77_fv304": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 500, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "s_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "su14_1": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "g_panther": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1300, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m12": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "lorraine155_50": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1350, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
          "gb29_crusader_5inch": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1327, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
        { "su_14": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gw_tiger_p": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m40m43": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1336, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "lorraine155_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1368, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "gb79_fv206": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1405, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "object_212": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "g_tiger": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "m53_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1291, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
          "bat_chatillon155_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
        { "gb30_fv3805": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1354, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "object_261": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1470, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "g_e": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1333, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
        { "t92": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1411, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
          "bat_chatillon155_58": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
          "gb31_conqueror_gun": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1007, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }



Thx in advice!

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      "view": [
        { "enabled": true, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
        { "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 },
        { "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 }

And you must delete section of square from config.

Edited by Kotyarko_O
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Hi, Bleeperman.


The square settings are in minimap.xc if you're using the latest version with a config structure based on the default one... (What version of XVM are you using? Could you attach the full contents of your config dir?) Myself, i've kept them in since i still want to see the square, but put an alpha of 25 so that it's not intrusive. ;-)

* General parameters for minimap.
  "minimap": {
    // false - Disable.
    "enabled": true,
    // Minimap lines.
    "lines": ${"minimapLines.xc":"lines"},
// deprecated:
    // Square of the maximum units appearance (1000 m).
    "square" : {
      "enabled": true,
      // Show square if using artillery(SPG) vehicle.
      "artilleryEnabled": true,
      "thickness": 0.7,
      "alpha": 25, // was: 69
      "color": "0x000080"
**Edit**: I've just checked, and in the new "0.9.12\gui\scaleform\xvm.swf" that came with (modified 2015-11-28) these settings don't actually do anything... The previous swf (from 6.1.6[.0], with a modified date of 2015-11-18) was still showing the square, which is what i wanted. :-|
Edited by C..
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Its the current xvm.

'Complete text'

* Config was created in XVM Editor v0.76
* at Sat Oct 11 16:38:57 GMT+0200 2014
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{ "su_8": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1345, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "amx_13f3am": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1381, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "s_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "m12": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "lorraine155_50": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1350, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
"gb29_crusader_5inch": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1327, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
{ "su_14": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1264, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "m40m43": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1336, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
{ "lorraine155_51": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1368, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
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{ "m53_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1291, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 } },
"bat_chatillon155_55": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
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"bat_chatillon155_58": { "alpha": 60, "color": "0xEE4444", "distance": 1413, "enabled": true, "thickness": 1 }
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"china-Ch09_M5": { "name": null, "short": "M5" },
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"china-Ch14_T34_3": { "name": null, "short": "34/3" },
"china-Ch15_59_16": { "name": null, "short": "59-16" },
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"china-Ch18_WZ-120": { "name": null, "short": "120" },
"china-Ch19_121": { "name": null, "short": "121" },
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"china-Ch21_T34": { "name": null, "short": "t-34" },
"china-Ch22_113": { "name": null, "short": "113" },
"china-Ch23_112": { "name": null, "short": "112" },
"china-Ch24_Type64": { "name": null, "short": "t-64" },
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"france-AMX40": { "name": null, "short": "AMX40" },
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"france-AMX_12t": { "name": null, "short": "12t" },
"france-AMX_13F3AM": { "name": null, "short": "13F3" },
"france-AMX_13_75": { "name": null, "short": "1375" },
"france-AMX_13_90": { "name": null, "short": "1390" },
"france-AMX_50Fosh_155": { "name": null, "short": "Foch155" },
"france-AMX_50_100": { "name": null, "short": "50100" },
"france-AMX_50_120": { "name": null, "short": "50120" },
"france-AMX_AC_Mle1946": { "name": null, "short": "Mle46" },
"france-AMX_AC_Mle1948": { "name": null, "short": "Mle48" },
"france-AMX_M4_1945": { "name": null, "short": "AMX1945" },
"france-AMX_Ob_Am105": { "name": null, "short": "Am105" },
"france-ARL_44": { "name": null, "short": "ARL" },
"france-ARL_V39": { "name": null, "short": "V39" },
"france-B1": { "name": null, "short": "B1" },
"france-BDR_G1B": { "name": null, "short": "BDR" },
"france-Bat_Chatillon155_55": { "name": null, "short": "Bat155" },
"france-Bat_Chatillon155_58": { "name": null, "short": "15558" },
"france-Bat_Chatillon25t": { "name": null, "short": "Bat" },
"france-D1": { "name": null, "short": "D1" },
"france-D2": { "name": null, "short": "D2" },
"france-ELC_AMX": { "name": null, "short": "ELC" },
"france-F10_AMX_50B": { "name": null, "short": "50B" },
"france-FCM_36Pak40": { "name": null, "short": "Fcm36" },
"france-FCM_50t": { "name": null, "short": "Fcm50" },
"france-Hotchkiss_H35": { "name": null, "short": "H35" },
"france-Lorraine155_50": { "name": null, "short": "15550" },
"france-Lorraine155_51": { "name": null, "short": "15551" },
"france-Lorraine39_L_AM": { "name": null, "short": "Lor39" },
"france-Lorraine40t": { "name": null, "short": "Lor40" },
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"france-RenaultFT": { "name": null, "short": "FT" },
"france-RenaultFT_AC": { "name": null, "short": "FTAC" },
"france-RenaultUE57": { "name": null, "short": "UE57" },
"france-S_35CA": { "name": null, "short": "S35" },
"france-Somua_Sau_40": { "name": null, "short": "Somua" },
"france-_105_leFH18B2": { "name": null, "short": "leFH" },
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"germany-B-1bis_captured": { "name": null, "short": "B1bis" },
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"germany-DW_II": { "name": null, "short": "DWII" },
"germany-DickerMax": { "name": null, "short": "DMax" },
"germany-E-100": { "name": null, "short": "100" },
"germany-E-25": { "name": null, "short": "E25" },
"germany-E-50": { "name": null, "short": "50" },
"germany-E-75": { "name": null, "short": "75" },
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"germany-Ferdinand": { "name": null, "short": "Ferd" },
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"germany-G101_StuG_III": { "name": null, "short": "StuGB" },
"germany-G20_Marder_II": { "name": null, "short": "Mard2" },
"germany-GW_Mk_VIe": { "name": null, "short": "Gw6e" },
"germany-GW_Tiger_P": { "name": null, "short": "GwTP" },
"germany-G_E": { "name": null, "short": "GwE" },
"germany-G_Panther": { "name": null, "short": "GwP" },
"germany-G_Tiger": { "name": null, "short": "GwT" },
"germany-Grille": { "name": null, "short": "Grill" },
"germany-H39_captured": { "name": null, "short": "H39" },
"germany-Hetzer": { "name": null, "short": "Hetz" },
"germany-Hummel": { "name": null, "short": "Humm" },
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"germany-JagdPantherII": { "name": null, "short": "JagP2" },
"germany-JagdPzIV": { "name": null, "short": "JPz" },
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"germany-JagdTiger_SdKfz_185": { "name": null, "short": "JgT88" },
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"germany-Lowe": { "name": null, "short": "Lowe" },
"germany-Ltraktor": { "name": null, "short": "Ltrak" },
"germany-Marder_III": { "name": null, "short": "Mard3" },
"germany-Maus": { "name": null, "short": "Maus" },
"germany-Nashorn": { "name": null, "short": "Nash" },
"germany-Panther_II": { "name": null, "short": "Pant2" },
"germany-Panther_M10": { "name": null, "short": "PaM10" },
"germany-PanzerJager_I": { "name": null, "short": "PzJg" },
"germany-Pro_Ag_A": { "name": null, "short": "LeoPr" },
"germany-Pz35t": { "name": null, "short": "Pz35" },
"germany-Pz38_NA": { "name": null, "short": "Pz38" },
"germany-Pz38t": { "name": null, "short": "Pz38t" },
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"germany-PzII_J": { "name": null, "short": "Pz2J" },
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"germany-PzIV": { "name": null, "short": "Pz4" },
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"germany-S35_captured": { "name": null, "short": "S35" },
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"germany-Sturer_Emil": { "name": null, "short": "Emil" },
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"germany-T-15": { "name": null, "short": "T-15" },
"germany-T-25": { "name": null, "short": "T-25" },
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"germany-VK2801": { "name": null, "short": "2801" },
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"germany-VK4502A": { "name": null, "short": "4502A" },
"germany-VK4502P": { "name": null, "short": "4502P" },
"germany-VK7201": { "name": null, "short": "7201" },
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"germany-Waffentrager_IV": { "name": null, "short": "WT4" },
"germany-Wespe": { "name": null, "short": "Wespe" },
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"japan-Chi_He": { "name": null, "short": "ChiHe" },
"japan-Chi_Ni": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNi" },
"japan-Chi_Nu": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNu" },
"japan-Chi_Nu_Kai": { "name": null, "short": "ChiNuKai" },
"japan-Chi_Ri": { "name": null, "short": "ChiRi" },
"japan-Chi_To": { "name": null, "short": "ChiTo" },
"japan-Ha_Go": { "name": null, "short": "HaGo" },
"japan-Ke_Ho": { "name": null, "short": "KeHo" },
"japan-Ke_Ni": { "name": null, "short": "KeNi" },
"japan-Ke_Ni_B": { "name": null, "short": "KeNiB" },
"japan-NC27": { "name": null, "short": "Otsu" },
"japan-STA_1": { "name": null, "short": "STA1" },
"japan-ST_B1": { "name": null, "short": "STB1" },
"japan-Type_61": { "name": null, "short": "61" },
"uk-GB01_Medium_Mark_I": { "name": null, "short": "Mk1" },
"uk-GB03_Cruiser_Mk_I": { "name": null, "short": "Cru1" },
"uk-GB04_Valentine": { "name": null, "short": "Val1" },
"uk-GB05_Vickers_Medium_Mk_II": { "name": null, "short": "Mk2" },
"uk-GB06_Vickers_Medium_Mk_III": { "name": null, "short": "Mk3" },
"uk-GB07_Matilda": { "name": null, "short": "Matil" },
"uk-GB08_Churchill_I": { "name": null, "short": "Chur1" },
"uk-GB09_Churchill_VII": { "name": null, "short": "Chur7" },
"uk-GB10_Black_Prince": { "name": null, "short": "Princ" },
"uk-GB11_Caernarvon": { "name": null, "short": "Caern" },
"uk-GB12_Conqueror": { "name": null, "short": "Conq" },
"uk-GB13_FV215b": { "name": null, "short": "215b" },
"uk-GB20_Crusader": { "name": null, "short": "Crus" },
"uk-GB21_Cromwell": { "name": null, "short": "Cromw" },
"uk-GB22_Comet": { "name": null, "short": "Comet" },
"uk-GB23_Centurion": { "name": null, "short": "Cent" },
"uk-GB24_Centurion_Mk3": { "name": null, "short": "Cent3" },
"uk-GB25_Loyd_Carrier": { "name": null, "short": "2pdr" },
"uk-GB26_Birch_Gun": { "name": null, "short": "Birch" },
"uk-GB27_Sexton": { "name": null, "short": "Sext" },
"uk-GB28_Bishop": { "name": null, "short": "Bishp" },
"uk-GB29_Crusader_5inch": { "name": null, "short": "Crus5" },
"uk-GB30_FV3805": { "name": null, "short": "3805" },
"uk-GB31_Conqueror_Gun": { "name": null, "short": "ConqG" },
"uk-GB32_Tortoise": { "name": null, "short": "Tort" },
"uk-GB39_Universal_CarrierQF2": { "name": null, "short": "QF2" },
"uk-GB40_Gun_Carrier_Churchill": { "name": null, "short": "GChur" },
"uk-GB42_Valentine_AT": { "name": null, "short": "ValAT" },
"uk-GB48_FV215b_183": { "name": null, "short": "183" },
"uk-GB51_Excelsior": { "name": null, "short": "Excel" },
"uk-GB57_Alecto": { "name": null, "short": "Alect" },
"uk-GB58_Cruiser_Mk_III": { "name": null, "short": "Crui3" },
"uk-GB59_Cruiser_Mk_IV": { "name": null, "short": "Crui4" },
"uk-GB60_Covenanter": { "name": null, "short": "Coven" },
"uk-GB63_TOG_II": { "name": null, "short": "TOG" },
"uk-GB68_Matilda_Black_Prince": { "name": null, "short": "MatilBP" },
"uk-GB69_Cruiser_Mk_II": { "name": null, "short": "Crui2" },
"uk-GB70_FV4202_105": { "name": null, "short": "4202" },
"uk-GB71_AT_15A": { "name": null, "short": "AT15A" },
"uk-GB72_AT15": { "name": null, "short": "AT15" },
"uk-GB73_AT2": { "name": null, "short": "AT2" },
"uk-GB74_AT8": { "name": null, "short": "AT8" },
"uk-GB75_AT7": { "name": null, "short": "AT7" },
"uk-GB76_Mk_VIC": { "name": null, "short": "Mk6c" },
"uk-GB77_FV304": { "name": null, "short": "FV304" },
"uk-GB78_Sexton_I": { "name": null, "short": "Sext1" },
"uk-GB79_FV206": { "name": null, "short": "FV206" },
"usa-M103": { "name": null, "short": "103" },
"usa-M10_Wolverine": { "name": null, "short": "Wolv" },
"usa-M12": { "name": null, "short": "M12" },
"usa-M18_Hellcat": { "name": null, "short": "Hellc" },
"usa-M22_Locust": { "name": null, "short": "Locus" },
"usa-M24_Chaffee": { "name": null, "short": "Chaff" },
"usa-M2_lt": { "name": null, "short": "M2LT" },
"usa-M2_med": { "name": null, "short": "M2MT" },
"usa-M36_Slagger": { "name": null, "short": "Jacks" },
"usa-M37": { "name": null, "short": "M37" },
"usa-M3_Grant": { "name": null, "short": "M3Lee" },
"usa-M3_Stuart": { "name": null, "short": "M3Stu" },
"usa-M40M43": { "name": null, "short": "4043" },
"usa-M41": { "name": null, "short": "M41" },
"usa-M44": { "name": null, "short": "M44" },
"usa-M46_Patton": { "name": null, "short": "Patt" },
"usa-M48A1": { "name": null, "short": "M48" },
"usa-M4A2E4": { "name": null, "short": "SheE4" },
"usa-M4A3E8_Sherman": { "name": null, "short": "SheE8" },
"usa-M4_Sherman": { "name": null, "short": "Sherm" },
"usa-M53_55": { "name": null, "short": "5355" },
"usa-M5_Stuart": { "name": null, "short": "M5Stu" },
"usa-M6": { "name": null, "short": "M6" },
"usa-M60": { "name": null, "short": "M60" },
"usa-M6A2E1": { "name": null, "short": "M6A2E" },
"usa-M7_Priest": { "name": null, "short": "Pries" },
"usa-M7_med": { "name": null, "short": "M7" },
"usa-M8A1": { "name": null, "short": "M8A1" },
"usa-MTLS-1G14": { "name": null, "short": "MTLS" },
"usa-Pershing": { "name": null, "short": "Persh" },
"usa-Ram-II": { "name": null, "short": "Ram2" },
"usa-Sexton_I": { "name": null, "short": "Sext1usa" },
"usa-Sherman_Jumbo": { "name": null, "short": "SheJm" },
"usa-T110": { "name": null, "short": "110E5" },
"usa-T110E3": { "name": null, "short": "E3" },
"usa-T110E4": { "name": null, "short": "E4" },
"usa-T14": { "name": null, "short": "T14" },
"usa-T18": { "name": null, "short": "T18" },
"usa-T1_Cunningham": { "name": null, "short": "Cunn" },
"usa-T1_E6": { "name": null, "short": "T1E6" },
"usa-T1_hvy": { "name": null, "short": "T1Hv" },
"usa-T20": { "name": null, "short": "T20" },
"usa-T21": { "name": null, "short": "T21" },
"usa-T23": { "name": null, "short": "T23" },
"usa-T23E3": { "name": null, "short": "T23E" },
"usa-T25_2": { "name": null, "short": "25/2" },
"usa-T25_AT": { "name": null, "short": "25AT" },
"usa-T26_E4_SuperPershing": { "name": null, "short": "Super" },
"usa-T28": { "name": null, "short": "T28" },
"usa-T28_Prototype": { "name": null, "short": "T28Pr" },
"usa-T29": { "name": null, "short": "T29" },
"usa-T2_lt": { "name": null, "short": "T2LT" },
"usa-T2_med": { "name": null, "short": "T2MT" },
"usa-T30": { "name": null, "short": "T30" },
"usa-T32": { "name": null, "short": "T32" },
"usa-T34_hvy": { "name": null, "short": "T34Hv" },
"usa-T40": { "name": null, "short": "T40" },
"usa-T49": { "name": null, "short": "T49" },
"usa-T54E1": { "name": null, "short": "54E1" },
"usa-T57": { "name": null, "short": "T57" },
"usa-T57_58": { "name": null, "short": "T57H" },
"usa-T69": { "name": null, "short": "69" },
"usa-T71": { "name": null, "short": "71" },
"usa-T7_Combat_Car": { "name": null, "short": "T7" },
"usa-T82": { "name": null, "short": "T82" },
"usa-T92": { "name": null, "short": "T92" },
"usa-T95": { "name": null, "short": "95" },
"usa-T95_E6": { "name": null, "short": "T95E" },
"ussr-A-20": { "name": null, "short": "A20" },
"ussr-A-32": { "name": null, "short": "A32" },
"ussr-A43": { "name": null, "short": "A43" },
"ussr-A44": { "name": null, "short": "A44" },
"ussr-AT-1": { "name": null, "short": "AT-1" },
"ussr-BT-2": { "name": null, "short": "BT2" },
"ussr-BT-7": { "name": null, "short": "BT7" },
"ussr-BT-SV": { "name": null, "short": "BTSV" },
"ussr-Churchill_LL": { "name": null, "short": "Chur" },
"ussr-GAZ-74b": { "name": null, "short": "Su85b" },
"ussr-IS": { "name": null, "short": "IS" },
"ussr-IS-3": { "name": null, "short": "3" },
"ussr-IS-4": { "name": null, "short": "4" },
"ussr-IS-7": { "name": null, "short": "7" },
"ussr-IS8": { "name": null, "short": "8" },
"ussr-ISU-152": { "name": null, "short": "152" },
"ussr-KV": { "name": null, "short": "KV" },
"ussr-KV-13": { "name": null, "short": "KV13" },
"ussr-KV-1s": { "name": null, "short": "KV1S" },
"ussr-KV-220": { "name": null, "short": "KV220" },
"ussr-KV-220_action": { "name": null, "short": "KV220A" },
"ussr-KV-3": { "name": null, "short": "KV3" },
"ussr-KV-5": { "name": null, "short": "KV5" },
"ussr-KV1": { "name": null, "short": "KV1" },
"ussr-KV2": { "name": null, "short": "KV2" },
"ussr-KV4": { "name": null, "short": "KV4" },
"ussr-LTP": { "name": null, "short": "LTP" },
"ussr-M3_Stuart_LL": { "name": null, "short": "StuLL" },
"ussr-MS-1": { "name": null, "short": "MS" },
"ussr-MT25": { "name": null, "short": "MT25" },
"ussr-Matilda_II_LL": { "name": null, "short": "MatLL" },
"ussr-Object252": { "name": null, "short": "IS6" },
"ussr-Object263": { "name": null, "short": "263" },
"ussr-Object268": { "name": null, "short": "268" },
"ussr-Object416": { "name": null, "short": "o416" },
"ussr-Object_140": { "name": null, "short": "o140" },
"ussr-Object_212": { "name": null, "short": "212" },
"ussr-Object_261": { "name": null, "short": "261" },
"ussr-Object_430": { "name": null, "short": "430" },
"ussr-Object_704": { "name": null, "short": "704" },
"ussr-Object_907": { "name": null, "short": "907" },
"ussr-Observer": { "name": null, "short": "" },
"ussr-R104_Object_430_II": { "name": null, "short": "430/2" },
"ussr-S-51": { "name": null, "short": "S51" },
"ussr-ST_I": { "name": null, "short": "ST1" },
"ussr-SU-100": { "name": null, "short": "Su100" },
"ussr-SU-101": { "name": null, "short": "Su101" },
"ussr-SU-14": { "name": null, "short": "Su142" },
"ussr-SU-152": { "name": null, "short": "152" },
"ussr-SU-18": { "name": null, "short": "Su18" },
"ussr-SU-26": { "name": null, "short": "Su26" },
"ussr-SU-5": { "name": null, "short": "Su5" },
"ussr-SU-76": { "name": null, "short": "Su76" },
"ussr-SU-8": { "name": null, "short": "Su8" },
"ussr-SU-85": { "name": null, "short": "Su85" },
"ussr-SU100M1": { "name": null, "short": "100M1" },
"ussr-SU100Y": { "name": null, "short": "100Y" },
"ussr-SU122A": { "name": null, "short": "122A" },
"ussr-SU122_44": { "name": null, "short": "12244" },
"ussr-SU122_54": { "name": null, "short": "12254" },
"ussr-SU14_1": { "name": null, "short": "Su141" },
"ussr-SU76I": { "name": null, "short": "Su76I" },
"ussr-SU_85I": { "name": null, "short": "Su85i" },
"ussr-T-127": { "name": null, "short": "T127" },
"ussr-T-26": { "name": null, "short": "T26" },
"ussr-T-28": { "name": null, "short": "T-28" },
"ussr-T-34": { "name": null, "short": "34" },
"ussr-T-34-85": { "name": null, "short": "3485" },
"ussr-T-43": { "name": null, "short": "43" },
"ussr-T-44": { "name": null, "short": "44" },
"ussr-T-46": { "name": null, "short": "T46" },
"ussr-T-50": { "name": null, "short": "T50" },
"ussr-T-54": { "name": null, "short": "54" },
"ussr-T-60": { "name": null, "short": "T60" },
"ussr-T-70": { "name": null, "short": "T70" },
"ussr-T150": { "name": null, "short": "T150" },
"ussr-T44_122": { "name": null, "short": "T44-122" },
"ussr-T44_85": { "name": null, "short": "T44-85" },
"ussr-T62A": { "name": null, "short": "62A" },
"ussr-T80": { "name": null, "short": "T80" },
"ussr-T_50_2": { "name": null, "short": "50-2" },
"ussr-Tetrarch_LL": { "name": null, "short": "Tetr" },
"ussr-Valentine_LL": { "name": null, "short": "ValLL" }
"language": "en",
"region": "auto",
"texts": {
// Text for {{spotted}} macro.
"spotted": {
"neverSeen": "*",
"lost": "",
"spotted": "",
"dead": "",
"neverSeen_arty": "",
"lost_arty": "",
"revealed_arty": "",
"dead_arty": ""



Thx for anwering ;)

Edited by Bleeperman
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Its the current xvm.

Not sure about that... Current version contains

"configVersion": "6.1.0",
, while yours is

"configVersion": "5.0.2",
. (and "created in XVM Editor v0.76", which i believe is very out of date!)


And i've just tested your config with the latest version (v6.1.6.1)... By the way, i don't know what you mean by "current"! The result was that the config worked and displayed the required circles, but the xvm swf ignored the square settings, as i said before.


Anyway, as for the settings for the square, that you are asking about... I see them a few lines below the minimap section, after the

"lines": { "camera": ... [ "traverseAngle": [ ... "selfIconAlpha": 100,
bit. Specifically, i see:

"square": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "alpha": 40, "artilleryEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.7 },
Edited by C..
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Not sure about that... Current version contains

"configVersion": "6.1.0",
, while yours is

"configVersion": "5.0.2",
. (and "created in XVM Editor v0.76", which i believe is very out of date!)


Why do you think ive said :" in my xvm.xc file"?



 By the way, i don't know what you mean by "current"!



Dont you? Really?





      "view": [
        { "enabled": true, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
        { "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 },
        { "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 }

And you must delete section of square from config.


I tryed, but i dont know it doesnt work... :(

Ive tryed many times to solve it by my own, but i could not fix it, so I give up, after years with the same config, I resign and will use the current one.

Thx anyway mate ;)


And thx for the mod guys!

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i could not fix it



Umm, did you by any chance miss this part:



Anyway, as for the settings for the square, that you are asking about... I see them a few lines below the minimap section, after the "lines": { "camera": ... [ "traverseAngle": [ ... "selfIconAlpha": 100, bit. Specifically, i see: "square": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "alpha": 40, "artilleryEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.7 }, :-B



Commenting out that bit (or just changing it using "enabled": false), doesn't solve the issue?! Because if it doesn't, then please state the exact version of the XVM you're using it with... I'd really want to use it myself! :D (I'm curious, what "modified date" does your xvm.swf, from the res_mods\0.9.12\gui\scaleform\ folder, have?)


Also, i believe you can merge most of your custom config into the new files... That's what i've done with mine a few versions ago. It helped by "modularizing" the config, and now i can identify specific settings by the file they're in. ;-) In fact, if you want me to, i could attempt such an action myself, and post the results. :-B

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  • 2 weeks later...

Put what Kotyarko said


      "view": [
        { "enabled": true, "distance": 564, "scale": 1, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 40, "color": "0xFFFFFF" },
        { "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 },
        { "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 }

And you must delete section of square from config.

in place of this block:

"major": [
{ "alpha": 45, "color": 16764006, "distance": 445, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.75 },
{ "alpha": 100, "color": 16777215, "distance": 50, "enabled": false, "thickness": 1 }

And delete this line from your config (that's the square render):

"square": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "alpha": 40, "artilleryEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.7 },

That should do the trick.


//Sry little late to the party, but it was on the first page, didn't see it's already 2 weeks old :sry:

Edited by Manslayer
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