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Minimap - disappearing indicators/ranges

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I'm trully sorry if this matter was already discussed. I remember I wrote a question about it 3-4 months ago in Nightly builds section but got no response. I kinda thought it wont bother me that much and it will be "fixed" (if there is something to get fixed ofc..) in future builds...but the trouble persists. (It's been happening to me last 2 patches of game 9.6/9.7... at least as far as I know)

Right. To the matter... The problem happens once per fifteen, twenty games or so (completely random). Basically all the XVM features for minimap won't appear for the duration of one battle (draw range, viewrange circles, gun sight line,...). Only thing I can see on a minimap is one green arrow representing my own vehicle, my allies and spotted tanks, nothing more. Next battle everything works as it should.

I'll try to look through my replays/logs or play a few games and catch the one that's got this annoying bug if it's necessary. I was just wondering if you guys know anything about it :-)

Thank you for any response and have a great evening on a tomato fields.

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Alright, sorry for the delay :-) Finally got time to play a bit more games. 
The map features didn't turn on for me on one occasion, map was Hidden Village. I know for fact it's not the first time it happened on this map. I'm not sure if it happens every time though. Sometimes my friend can't see it and I can and vice versa... so it might not be map dependant, just kinda random occurence. 

And it's not reproducable on a replay, tried it several times, the map features are always on.

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I don't know if it's gonna help, since it is not reproducable on replay, at least for me, and the occurence is completely random, but here it is :-) I guess I have something wrong in configs, since I didn't change "minimap_xxx.xc" for 2-3 patches. But it would be happening all the time and not only 1x in 20-30battles.



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Hello again,

I understand you're getting a lot of "annyoing" questions per day and you might get "slightly" irritated by it. I'm not trolling nor trying to waste your time. What I expected was a little response in lines... lets say: "logs didn't prove anything, send more info/data". 

Replay and logs from it were posted above. But since the problem is not reproducable in replays my guess is it didn't show anything. I'll try to get logs directly from game session and not from replay. And ofc. I'll be happy to make a screenshot for you.

I know of at least 2-3 people having this issue, it's a minor one I know and 9.8 is right behind the corner, but still. Thanks Ragna for backing me up :-) 

And thank you, sirmax, for you patience.

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Ok, I just only understand that archive above contains logs and replay. I thought that it was only config, and don't downloaded it.

But! The log is truncated. You need to exit game before send it.

Also I see errors from another mods:


ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (RadialMenu97.py, 484):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "RadialMenu97.py", line 474, in hkKeyEvent
  File "RadialMenu97.py", line 699, in __getCrosshairType
  File "res_mods\0.9.6\scripts\client\mods\autoaim_indicator.py", line 467, in RadialMenu__isTargetCorrect
  File "res_mods\0.9.6\scripts\client\mods\autoaim_indicator.py", line 267, in findTarget
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inputHandler'
ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (RadialMenu97.py, 484):
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "RadialMenu97.py", line 474, in hkKeyEvent
  File "RadialMenu97.py", line 699, in __getCrosshairType
  File "res_mods\0.9.6\scripts\client\mods\autoaim_indicator.py", line 467, in RadialMenu__isTargetCorrect
  File "res_mods\0.9.6\scripts\client\mods\autoaim_indicator.py", line 267, in findTarget
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inputHandler'

Can you try to reproduce it with vanilla client + XVM only?

And, of course, I need logs after appearing of this bug.

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I'll try to do so... just not today. I've had enough of WoT for one day :-) And tomorrow we're getting 0.9.8 patch, at least I think. So we'll see. I'll keep you posted. 

Again thanks for your time and enjoy the rest of the evening :-)

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