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  1. @SicFunzler you need the project file, use new version wwise to open the project file , it will prompt you to migrate the project . After migration , you can compile new bnk file.
  2. I'm not calling init() and fini() my self , but leave it to client to call them. But the text I print out doesnot appear when using protected version, but using normal version they appear normally.
  3. I've written a test mod , and find out only the normally compiled pyc file can trigger the init() and fini() , protected version of pyc file can not. below is my code, attatched is my py file and the mod with normal/protected pyc step: compile the py file to pyc and right click the pyc file select pjorion->protect bytecode . test_protected.wotmodtest_normal.wotmod mod_test.py
  4. I find if mod file is protected using pjorion , then the fini() function defined cannot be invoked when client close. Has this any solution ?
  5. seems "import ctypes" statement which could be used to make use of dll file in python will lead to an error.
  6. I need , look like above document is pretty out of date, the screenshots show the game directory structrure is different than current. I recently has dug into wows mod developing , but cannot find the AS3 swc libary for building the swf file.
  7. Can you kindly teach me how to do that ? I want primitives_processed as in older version of client.
  8. Figured out I think more comprehensive English name should be: [Entering hangar] Account.onBecomePlayer = onBecomeAccount [Entering battle] Account.onBecomeNonPlayer = onBecomeNonAccount Avatar.onBecomePlayer = onBecomeAvatar [Exiting battle] Avatar.onBecomeNonPlayer = onBecomeNonAvatar [Again] Account.onBecomePlayer = onBecomeAccount
  9. Especially, Account.onBecomePlayer(), Account.onBecomeNonPlayer() and Avatar.onBecomePlayer(),Avatar.onBecomeNonPlayer() I notices , when game just entered BigWorld.player() is an PlayerAccout, after entering battle , it becomes PlayerAvatar instance. But what is player?
  10. I have created an AbstractView in game. and try to remember the coordinates myself into a dump file and load them during initialization. But I find this approach has some problem seem related to switching between different client with different screen definition .Seems the game has done something that interfer with what I've done. So how to remember the location of an AbstractView?
  11. I mean is there any event when game client closed ? ( click X or select exit in menu)
  12. It seems in older day there are such files under collision_client directory in game pkg files, but now seems Wargaming has "hide" them , only *.havok from the Havok engine could be found. It is possible to convert to primitives_processed format out of *.havok file?
  13. When we put image in correct path in res_mods, the game will load our "overriden" image. After enter game , even in battle , is there anyway that I can "redraw" this override ?
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