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Korean Random


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  • Nick
  1. really nice config i used your ideas and updated my config with some of the png you use . i must say its by far the beautiful config. good work i would love to change the action symbols to use your pngs
  2. hello i am sory i dont know how to speak or writte in russian but maybe you can help me. what in the xvm config is the box in red? 'code'
  3. back to topic who can create a macro to implement in the capture bar for the draw scenario? i would be very usefull
  4. well very nice job again sirmax // Hit log (my hits calculator) //"hitLog": { //"enabled": true, //"x": 330, //"y": 750, //"w": 550, //"h": 400, //"lines": 17, //"direction": "down", //"insertOrder": "end", //"groupHitsByPlayer": true, //"deadMarker": "<font face='Wingdings' size='16' color='#FFFF00'>\N</font>", //"blowupMarker": "<font face='Wingdings' size='16' color='#FF0000'>\M</font>", //"formatHeader": "<font size='14'><font color='#CCCCCC'> Total Hits: </font> {{n}}| <font color='#CCCCCC'>Total Damage: </font> <b> <font color='#FF0000'> {{dmg-total}}</font> | <font color='#CCCCCC'> Last Hit: </font><font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}</font> {{dead}}", //"formatHistory": "<textformat tabstops='[40,75,110,180,310]'><font size='12'><font color='#00FF00'>{{n-player}}</font>\t | <b><font color='#FF0000'>{{dmg-player}}</font><\b>\t | <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg}}\t </font>: <font color='{{c:vtype}}'>{{vehicle}} </font>\t | <font color='#00FF00'>{{nick}}</font>\t | <font color='{{c:dmg-kind}}'>{{dmg-kind}}\t </font> </font></textformat>{{dead}}" }, the only thing that i need is the {{c:eff}} - color depended from player efficiency working on the hit logger and its all done...
  5. very good job iam already testing the new macros and its working almost perfect :P i just need to format the columms
  6. this is whata have in mind maybe i cant explain myself correctly {{n}} : {{n-player}} -- {{dmg}} : {{dmg-player}} {{dmg-ratio}} {{player}} {{vehicle}} {{dmg_kind}} {{dead}} {{dmg-ratio}} --- the total hp ratio that i have taken from the player
  7. i really admire your work.... and those new 2 macros you are planning seem to me that are going to be very usefull. {{n}} : {{n-player}} -- {{dmg}} : {{dmg-player}} {{player}} {{vehicle}} {{dmg_kind}} {{dead}} is it possible to create a {{dmg-ratio}} for player total hits?
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