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Everything posted by Dacogetul

  1. скрипты просто надо обновить видимо . там что то менялось но не помню когда В "python.log" у меня есть следующие ошибки: 2019-03-30 07:43:44.049: INFO: ============================= 2019-03-30 07:43:44.049: INFO: 2019-03-30 07:43:44: [ERROR] mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.pyc 2019-03-30 07:43:44.049: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2019-03-30 07:43:44.049: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 57, in __event_handler 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 24, in fire 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\fragCorrelationBar.py", line 260, in __setVehicleInfo 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: update(vInfo) 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\fragCorrelationBar.py", line 176, in update 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: as_event('ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR') 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: ERROR: NameError: global name 'as_event' is not defined 2019-03-30 07:43:44.050: INFO: ============================= fragCorrelationBar.py
  2. Во время игры значки уничтоженных танков не исчезают, а цифры, указывающие количество танков для каждой категории (легкие, средние, тяжелые, артистичные, тд), не меняются при их уничтожении. Спасибо ..
  3. Может кто-нибудь сказать мне, что нужно изменить в файле,, fragcorrlationbar.xc "пока автор не обновит вас? // ?????? ????? - ?????? KAPb14 // https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/24605-xvm-720-25102017-config-xvm-for-the-screen-1920x1200-pixels/ { "def": { // ????? ?????? ????? "frameBar": { "enabled": true, // "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 700, "height": 80, "alpha": 100, "align": "center", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "enabled": false }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "leading": -36 }, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/fragCorrelationBar/fonHPBar.png' width='700' height='80'>" }, // ????? ???? "totalFrag": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_VEHICLE_DESTROYED", "x": 2, "y": 10, "alpha": 100, // "{{battletype-key=epic_random?100|0}}" - ???? ??? ?? ????? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? 30?30 "screenHAlign": "center", "align": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "font": "Calligraph810 BT", "align": "center", "size": 25 }, "format": "{{py:sp.allyAlive}} : {{py:sp.enemyAlive}}" }, // ???????? ??????? ????????? ? ???????? ??????????? "HPAlly": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": -100, "y": 0, "screenHAlign": "center", "align": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 100, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "font": "Gunplay", "size": 21, "align": "center" }, "format": "<font color='#96FF00'>{{py:xvm.total_hp.ally}}</font>" }, // ???????? ??????? ??????????? ? ???????? ??????????? "HPEnemy": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 100, "y": 0, "screenHAlign": "center", "align": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 100, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "font": "Gunplay", "size": 21, "align": "center" }, "format": "<font color='#FE0E00'>{{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy}}</font>" }, // ???????? ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ??????????? ??? ?????????. "totalDiffHPAlly": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 45, "screenHAlign": "center", "align": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 100, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "font": "Gunplay", "size": 15, "color": "#96FF00", "align": "center" }, "format": "{{{{py:math.sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.ally()}} , {{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy()}})}}>0?+{{py:math.sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.ally()}} , {{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy()}})}}|}}" }, // // ???????? ???????? ?????? ? ???????? ??????????? ??? ???????????. "totalDiffHPEnemy": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 50, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 100, "blur": 5, "strength": 1.5 }, "textFormat": { "font": "Gunplay", "size": 15, "color": "#FE0E00", "align": "center" }, "format": "{{{{py:math.sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy()}} , {{py:xvm.total_hp.ally()}})}}>0?{{py:math.sub({{py:xvm.total_hp.ally()}} , {{py:xvm.total_hp.enemy()}})}}|}}" }, // ????? ?????-???????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????? 15x15 "scaleHPAlly15": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_VEHICLE_DESTROYED", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 700, "height": 80, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?0|100}}", "align": "center", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "enabled": false }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "leading": -36 }, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/fragCorrelationBar/Ally15/{{py:sp.allyAlive}}.png' width='700' height='80'>" }, // ????? ?????-???????????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ???????? 15x15 "scaleHPEnemy15": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "ON_VEHICLE_DESTROYED", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 700, "height": 80, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?0|100}}", "align": "center", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "enabled": false }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "leading": -36 }, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/fragCorrelationBar/Enemy15/{{py:sp.enemyAlive}}.png' width='700' height='80'>" }, // ????? ?????-???????????? ??????? ????????? ??? ???????? 30x30 "scaleHPAlly30": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 700, "height": 80, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?100|0}}", "align": "center", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "enabled": false }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "leading": -36 }, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/fragCorrelationBar/Ally30/{{py:sp.allyAlive}}.png' width='700' height='80'>" }, // ????? ?????-???????????? ??????? ??????????? ??? ???????? 30x30 "scaleHPEnemy30": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_HP)", "x": 0, "y": 0, "width": 700, "height": 80, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?100|0}}", "align": "center", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "enabled": false }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "leading": -36 }, "format": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/fragCorrelationBar/Enemy30/{{py:sp.enemyAlive}}.png' width='700' height='80'>" }, // ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? 15?15 "vtypeBarAlly": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR)", "x": -250, "y": 25, "width": 400, "height": 30, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?0|100}}", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "align": "right", "size": 24 }, "format": "{{py:fcb.allyVehicleDead}}{{py:fcb.allyVehicleAlive}}" }, // ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????????? ??? ???????? 15?15 "vtypeBarEnemy": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR)", "x": 250, "y": 25, "width": 400, "height": 30, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?0|100}}", "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "align": "left", "size": 24 }, "format": "{{py:fcb.enemyVehicleAlive}}{{py:fcb.enemyVehicleDead}}" }, // ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ????????? ??? ???????? 30?30. ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? 30?30 "vtypeBarGlobalAlly": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR)", "x": -250, "y": 25, "width": 400, "height": 30, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?100|0}}",// ?? ???? ???????????? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? 30?30 "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "align": "right", "size": 24 }, "format": "{{py:fcb.aliveVehType('LT')}} {{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('LT')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('SPG')}} {{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('SPG')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('TD')}} {{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('TD')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('MT')}} {{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('MT')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('HT')}} {{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('HT')}}" }, // ??????? ????? ??????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????????? ??? ???????? 30?30. ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? 30?30 "vtypeBarGlobalEnemy": { "enabled": true, "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR)", "x": 250, "y": 25, "width": 400, "height": 30, "alpha": "{{battletype-key=epic_random?100|0}}",// ?? ???? ???????????? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? 30?30 "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "align": "left", "size": 24 }, "format": "{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('HT')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('HT')}} {{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('MT')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('MT')}} {{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('TD')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('TD')}} {{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('SPG')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('SPG')}} {{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('LT')}} {{py:fcb.aliveVehType('LT')}}" }, // ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? // https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/38779-маркеры-панели-счета-py_macro/ // ????????? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ???????, ??????????? ?????? ?? Alt "fonDiffVtype": { "enabled": true, "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": true, "visibleOnHotKey": true, // ????????? ?? Alt "x": 1, "y": 71, "width": 73, "height": 146, "bgColor": "0x000000", "screenHAlign": "center", "alpha": 100 }, // ???? ????????? ?????? ?? ???? ???????, ??????????? ?????? ?? Alt "DiffVtype": { "enabled": true, "hotKeyCode": 56, "onHold": true, "visibleOnHotKey": true, // ????????? ?? Alt "updateEvent": "PY(ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR)", "x": 1, "y": 69, "width": 100, "height": 250, "screenHAlign": "center", "shadow": { "distance": 1, "angle": 90, "alpha": 80, "blur": 3, "strength": 2 }, "textFormat": { "align": "center", "size": 23 }, "format": "<font alpha='{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('HT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('HT')}}</font> <font face='xvm' size='20' color='#C0C0C0'>&#x3F;</font> <font alpha='{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('HT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('HT')}}</font>\n<font alpha='{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('MT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('MT')}}</font> <font face='xvm' size='20' color='#BFA346'>&#x3B;</font> <font alpha='{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('MT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('MT')}}</font>\n<font alpha='{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('TD')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('TD')}}</font> <font face='xvm' size='20' color='#242EF2'>&#x2E;</font> <font alpha='{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('TD')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('TD')}}</font>\n<font alpha='{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('LT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('LT')}}</font> <font face='xvm' size='20' color='#5BD350'>&#x3A;</font> <font alpha='{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('LT')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('LT')}}</font>\n<font alpha='{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('SPG')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countAllyAlive('SPG')}}</font> <font face='xvm' size='20' color='#F40000'>&#x2D;</font> <font alpha='{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('SPG')=0?#50|#FF}}'>{{py:fcb.countEnemyAlive('SPG')}}</font>" } } }
  4. I have this error in xvmlog: ValueError: malformed string arg='xvm.total_hp.avgDamage('Avarii medii: ',hitlog)' 2019-03-25 12:37:52: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 156, in process_python_macro (func, deterministic) = get_function(arg) File "res_mods/mods/xfw_packages\xvm_main\python\python_macro.py", line 144, in get_function args = ast.literal_eval(args_string) File "scripts/common/Lib/ast.py", line 80, in literal_eval File "scripts/common/Lib/ast.py", line 58, in _convert File "scripts/common/Lib/ast.py", line 79, in _convert ValueError: malformed string arg='xvm.total_hp.mainGun('Calibru mare: ',hitlog)' 2019-03-25 12:38:18: [X:000] Loading swf mods: 2019-03-25 12:38:18: [X:001] xvm_lobby/as_lobby/xvm_lobby.swf 2019-03-25 12:38:18: [L:002] onLibLoaded: ../../res_mods/mods/xfw_packages/xvm_lobby/as_lobby/xvm_lobby.swf 2019-03-25 12:38:18: [L:003] [XFW] Mod loaded: xvm_lobby.swf 2019-03-25 12:38:26: [ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last): File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_stat.pyc", line 1065, in updateMessageMaps KeyError: 131126 and i use frag correlation bar from KAPb14 and pyton log show this: INFO: 2019-03-25 12:30:36: [ERROR] mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.pyc 2019-03-25 12:30:36.517: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2019-03-25 12:30:36.517: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 57, in __event_handler 2019-03-25 12:30:36.517: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 24, in fire 2019-03-25 12:30:36.518: ERROR: File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\fragCorrelationBar.py", line 293, in onEnterWorld 2019-03-25 12:30:36.519: ERROR: as_event('ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR') 2019-03-25 12:30:36.519: ERROR: NameError: global name 'as_event' is not defined 2019-03-25 12:30:36.519: INFO: ============================= 2019-03-25 12:30:36.555: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent' 2019-03-25 12:30:36.555: INFO: [Scaleform] Change Owner on GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent' -> 'gui/flash/battleDamageIndicatorApp.swf' 2019-03-25 12:30:36.619: INFO: [Scaleform] Create GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent' 2019-03-25 12:30:36.619: INFO: [Scaleform] Change Owner on GUI Component: 'FlashGUIComponent' -> 'gui/flash/battle.swf' 2019-03-25 12:30:36.621: INFO: ============================= 2019-03-25 12:30:36.621: INFO: 2019-03-25 12:30:36: [ERROR] mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.pyc 2019-03-25 12:30:36.621: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last): 2019-03-25 12:30:36.621: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 57, in __event_handler 2019-03-25 12:30:36.621: ERROR: File "mods/xfw/python/xfw/events.py", line 24, in fire 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: ERROR: File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\fragCorrelationBar.py", line 260, in __setVehicleInfo 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: ERROR: update(vInfo) 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: ERROR: File "res_mods/configs/xvm/py_macro\fragCorrelationBar.py", line 176, in update 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: ERROR: as_event('ON_UPDATE_FRAG_COR_BAR') 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: ERROR: NameError: global name 'as_event' is not defined 2019-03-25 12:30:36.622: INFO: =============================
  5. Здравствуйте. Можете сделать обновление для xvm 7.8.5? В настоящее время значки разрушенных танков не исчезают с панели. Благодаря.
  6. Sunt de acord cu opinia dvs. ... Răspunsul meu este dedus doar pentru că spun adevărul dureros ...
  7. Ei au eliminat steagurile probabil pentru că toată lumea a identificat cu ușurință jucători polonezi și le-a luat să jure ... că joacă foarte bine .. :)
  8. Solved..is my fault....i put the icons to bad folder...sorry...:)
  9. why can't see clan icons in players panel? ... i downloaded icons from server and copy to res_mods / mods / shared ... etc ...
  10. I try do that but i cant center date and clock together widgetsTemplates.xc
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