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Posts posted by alphasave1

  1. 5 hours ago, SkepticalFox said:

    @alphasave1 What version of Python are you using?


    I recommend using 3.5+

    I used Ver 2.7 but installed 3.7.2.

    And,I ran run_test.cmd again, but an error occurred.


    orig: .\tests\\spaces\212_epic_random_valley_halloween
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "run_test.py", line 27, in <module>
      File "C:\Users\MyPC\Downloads\SkepticalFox-wot-space.bin-utils-993ebfdb8a9a\compiled_space\__init__.py", line 93, in unp_for_world_editor
        chunks = bwt2.prepare_unp_xml(gchunk, settings, dir, out_dir, self.__sections)
      File "C:\Users\MyPC\Downloads\SkepticalFox-wot-space.bin-utils-993ebfdb8a9a\compiled_space\sections\BWT2\v1_1_0.py", line 86, in prepare_unp_xml
        return BWT2_Section_1_0_1.prepare_unp_xml(*args)
    TypeError: unbound method prepare_unp_xml() must be called with BWT2_Section_1_0_1 instance as first argument (got BWT2_Section_1_1_0 instance instead)



  2. I want to Convert "212_epic_random_valley_halloween".

    But,didn't work.

    Here is the executed run_test.cmd log.


    orig: .\tests\\spaces\212_epic_random_valley_halloween
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "run_test.py", line 27, in <module>
      File "C:\Users\MyPC\Downloads\SkepticalFox-wot-space.bin-utils-993ebfdb8a9a\compiled_space\__init__.py", line 93, in unp_for_world_editor
        chunks = bwt2.prepare_unp_xml(gchunk, settings, dir, out_dir, self.__sections)
      File "C:\Users\MyPC\Downloads\SkepticalFox-wot-space.bin-utils-993ebfdb8a9a\compiled_space\sections\BWT2\v1_1_0.py", line 86, in prepare_unp_xml
        return BWT2_Section_1_0_1.prepare_unp_xml(*args)
    TypeError: unbound method prepare_unp_xml() must be called with BWT2_Section_1_0_1 instance as first argument (got BWT2_Section_1_1_0 instance instead)



  3. Hi,I have a question.

    I want to display Scroll Bar in DropDownMenu.

    And I want to specify an item from an external file on DropDownMenu.

    How can I make it work?

    Here is My Current Code.

    	App.utils.classFactory.getComponent("DropdownMenuUI", DropdownMenu);
    	import net.wg.gui.components.controls.DropdownMenu;
        import net.wg.infrastructure.base.AbstractWindowView;
        import net.wg.gui.components.controls.SoundButton;
        import flash.text.*;
    	import scaleform.clik.data.DataProvider;
        public class Main extends AbstractWindowView
            private var soundButtonLoad		: SoundButton;
            private var soundButtonCancel	: SoundButton;
            private var textFieldTest		: TextField;
    		private var ddMenu				: DropdownMenu;
            public function Main()
            override protected function onPopulate() : void
                width = 600;
                height = 400;
                window.title = "Test Window";
    			var data : Array = new Array();
    			data.push( { "label":"00_tank_tutorial" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"01_karelia" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"02_malinovka" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"04_himmelsdorf" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"05_prohorovka" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"06_ensk" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"07_lakeville" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"08_ruinberg" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"10_hills" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"11_murovanka" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"13_erlenberg" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"14_siegfried_line" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"17_munchen" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"18_cliff" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"19_monastery" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"22_slough" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"23_westfield" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"28_desert" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"29_el_hallouf" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"31_airfield" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"33_fjord" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"34_redshire" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"35_steppes" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"36_fishing_bay" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"37_caucasus" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"38_mannerheim_line" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"44_north_america" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"45_north_america" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"47_canada_a" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"63_tundra" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"73_asia_korea" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"83_kharkiv" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"84_winter" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"86_himmelsdorf" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"92_starlingrad" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"95_lost_city" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"96_prohorovka_defence" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"100_thepit" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"101_dday" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"103_ruinberg_winter" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"112_eiffel_tower_ctf" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"114_czech"} );
    			data.push( { "label":"120_kharkiv_halloween" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"212_epic_random_valley" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"h03_shopfest_2015" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"hangar_bootcamp" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"hangar_halloween_v2" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"hangar_kharkiv_halloween" } );
    			data.push( { "label":"hangar_premium_v2" } );
    			var dataProv : DataProvider = new DataProvider(data);
    			textFieldTest = new TextField();
                textFieldTest.width = 590;
                textFieldTest.height = 360;
                textFieldTest.x = 20;
                textFieldTest.y = 15;
                textFieldTest.multiline = true;
                textFieldTest.selectable = false;
                textFieldTest.defaultTextFormat = new TextFormat("$FieldFont", 20, 0xEA4517);
    			textFieldTest.text = "If You Select Map Name and Push 'Load' Button, it will load Map.";
    			ddMenu = addChild(App.utils.classFactory.getComponent("DropdownMenuUI", DropdownMenu, {
    				x: 20,
    				y: 40,
    				width: 200,
    				itemRenderer: "DropDownListItemRendererSound",
    				dropdown: "DropdownMenu_ScrollingList",
    				menuRowCount: dataProv.length,
    				dataProvider: dataProv,
    				selectedIndex: 0
    			})) as DropdownMenu;
                soundButtonLoad = addChild(App.utils.classFactory.getComponent("ButtonRed", SoundButton, {
                    width: 100,
                    height: 25,
                    x: 195,
                    y: 365,
                    label: "Load"
                })) as SoundButton;
                soundButtonCancel = addChild(App.utils.classFactory.getComponent("ButtonNormal", SoundButton, {
                    width: 100,
                    height: 25,
                    x: 305,
                    y: 365,
                    label: "Cancel"
                })) as SoundButton;



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