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Everything posted by C..

  1. I could find some macros being used in "formatLeftNick" and "formatRightNick", both in battleLoading.xc and in statisticForm.xc, that should display national flags. I guess they can be used in playersPanel too, though my config doesn't. The national flags are being displayed by this piece of code: <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>Take care at one possible gotcha: There's a similar bit that can be in that same place, which shows as an orange or gray "x" indicator, based on the user's XVM status (i think you might've seen those already). The two image tags are different and independent, so you can have either of them, or both; in other words the {{xvm-user}} image can be replaced or left in there based on preference, it has no actual effect on the flags. You might want to keep them separated by at least a space, for clarity; and have their order changed between the left and right panels. The syntax for this second kind of image is: <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'>Fwiw, attaching your config file(s) would help us try different possible solutions until we find one that works for your particular context, but it's your choice whether you want to dig in yourself and potentially learn hands-on, or just take a pre-made answer. ;-)
  2. Ragnarocek, could you upload a replay where that sound (or, ideally, all the bugged sounds) should be played multiple times, so we could check the issue using the same unfolding of in-game events on different systems and/or using different configs? ;-) Edit: also, about that archive of sound files you posted... Which formats are those two files in? I've never met such FEV/FSB extensions before, and apparently they're some kind of container format. What can they be opened with?
  3. I'm guessing that res_mods\xvm\l10n\es.xc is missing "Chance to win" and "chanceLive", and some other minor texts too... :-|
  4. Checking on EU, i see wargaming has changed the URL style: it's no longer http://worldoftanks.eu/community/clans/$1/, this now redirects to http://eu.wargaming.net/clans/$1/... I didn't check other regions.
  5. Is your "dynamic change of effects quality" checked or unchecked? Because if it is checked, maybe XVM activity is pushing the CPU usage over the threshold at which dynamic effects don't show decals anymore...
  6. For instance, you could check how it's done in the vanilla XVM in the _load_clanIcon bit of src\xpm\xvm_main\stats.py .
  7. Oh, so the feature that controls downloading new clan icons is available only for linked (i.e., with active token) accounts? Actually, from the bits and pieces i found in the source code, i think it's not really downloading... it's merely showing an image that is available online?
  8. is not a problem at all for us. But "all icons pack" is pretty useless IMO. So technically there would be no problem to allow for a user-defined setting for a cutoff value (i.e., someone might want only top 100 clans, others would top 500, or top 1000, or some other values) and download missing icons at the start of each battle if a particular icon would be missing?!
  9. Umm, did you by any chance miss this part: Commenting out that bit (or just changing it using "enabled": false), doesn't solve the issue?! Because if it doesn't, then please state the exact version of the XVM you're using it with... I'd really want to use it myself! :D (I'm curious, what "modified date" does your xvm.swf, from the res_mods\0.9.12\gui\scaleform\ folder, have?) Also, i believe you can merge most of your custom config into the new files... That's what i've done with mine a few versions ago. It helped by "modularizing" the config, and now i can identify specific settings by the file they're in. ;-) In fact, if you want me to, i could attempt such an action myself, and post the results. :-B
  10. Actually... There is no "None" setting for Shadows. And i just started trying a great number of graphics settings, just out of curiosity. What got me riled up was that having everything to the lowest possible setting would still show me those holes! (see attachment) So i started checking each on at a time. When i got to Shadows, it became clear: having it on Low or higher hides those "decals", even though i would have expected the "Decals Quality" ("[...] marks of shell penetration, [...]") to be the setting which would control them... So i guess you need to make absolutely sure the shadows are OFF? **Edit** On the other hand, maybe it's not related to XVM? The new 0.9.12 client is a bit wacky, IMO, all by itself... :-|
  11. Not sure about that... Current version contains "configVersion": "6.1.0",, while yours is "configVersion": "5.0.2",. (and "created in XVM Editor v0.76", which i believe is very out of date!) And i've just tested your config with the latest version (v6.1.6.1)... By the way, i don't know what you mean by "current"! The result was that the config worked and displayed the required circles, but the xvm swf ignored the square settings, as i said before. Anyway, as for the settings for the square, that you are asking about... I see them a few lines below the minimap section, after the "lines": { "camera": ... [ "traverseAngle": [ ... "selfIconAlpha": 100,bit. Specifically, i see: "square": { "color": "0xFFFFFF", "alpha": 40, "artilleryEnabled": true, "enabled": true, "thickness": 0.7 },:-B
  12. This is quite strange... Using the full config you attached, i can see the penetration markers just fine on my laptop. My shadows are OFF too, so the only differences i can detect are: i'm using Windows 7 not 10 (but this really shouldn't have any effect), and i'm not subscribed to XVM stats. (And i'm using the SD client, not the HD, but Awatche mentioned he tried them both, so that shouldn't matter.) So the only idea i have now is to disable the stats, improbable as this seems. Unfortunately, i see no settings in the configs anywhere, so i guess you will have to temporarily uncheck the top 3 "stat" checkboxes at www.ModXVM.com/en/ in the Settings menu. If this doesn't work, i'm officially stumped. :-s You don't have to look inside it yourself, my guess is that TwoPizza was requesting that you attach them. :-B
  13. Yes, sirmax, but theoretically that shouldn't prevent the "style" from applying. From what i understand (disclaimer: i may be wrong), the issue is that enemies "detected" via radio but outside of draw range show a circular HP marker around the tank type icon, while those inside draw range (and allies) have a linear marker below the icon...
  14. Hi, Tinhead_Ausf_B. Yes, additional information would help. For starters, which "colored damage stickers" mod are you attempting to use? Or did that last test you made not include the stickers mod? Also, did you configure the newly-installed XVM in any particular way? Anyway, let's test this another way: i've got the earliest 0.9.12 replay i could find at QuickyBaby's site: this one. Opened it in WoT with XVM on and watched until i've got to a nice hit from up close, and the hole wasn't there before the shot (see image below), and it appeared after the penetration. So my XVM seems to work as intended. Can you see the scene i've mentioned (and screen-capped)? And, finally, as a last resort, can you attach the whole contents of your config folder?
  15. Thanks, i didn't catch that little link in the bottom right... :"> But... now that i've gotten there, i searched all over those bitbucket pages, and i could find no way to download the whole source in one go. :-| Surely there must be some other way besides going to each and every file in there and getting it raw!
  16. Hi, Bones. My first thought was that there was no info on enemy vehicles until they entered draw area (and were spotted), and only then would the game take action for their marker... But i'm not at all convinced that this could be the case. Anyway, it might be something in minimapLabels.xc... Or in some other config file. Could you attach the whole contents of your config folder? As for the second point, i think you might want to use "formatRightVehicle" instead of "formatRightNick" in statisticForm.xc. ;-)
  17. Just found some screenshots on the offy WoT forum so i can showcase what it looked like earlier, e.g. in v6.1.2.3 (build 456) : The BattleResults window used to show the tank name just underneath the 3D image of the vehicle. screenshot here The Online area used to show the header as "Online Players". screenshot here. Now it shows just "Online" and the text itself isn't configurable, it can only be hidden via "showTitle"... The old square in minimap.xc used to work in v6.1.6 (i just tested this by changing only 0.9.12\gui\scaleform\xvm.swf and loading a replay)... Now the settings are ignored. I understand why this was done, but i wish there was some specific setting that allowed me to specify that i didn't forget it in, and that *REALLY* want it, even though it's currently irrelevant. Does anyone think there's any chance of either XVM getting back to that state, or of allowing the options to configure such minutiae ourselves? :-s Edit - oops, i just realized the second point can be tweaked via the relevant file in mods\shared_resources\xvm\L10n. :) PS Is XVM closed-source? Because if it isn't (and i somehow missed such a giant feature), i could fix it for myself... :-B
  18. i would too, but i think they decided it's too much bandwidth to download all icons all the time. :-) OTOH, i would very much appreciate some kind of option to choose some number of clans (by whichever filters i want) and download their icons, once, without bothering with any dynamic update. Don't have much hopes that such a thing exists, though... :-s
  19. Hi, Bleeperman. The square settings are in minimap.xc if you're using the latest version with a config structure based on the default one... (What version of XVM are you using? Could you attach the full contents of your config dir?) Myself, i've kept them in since i still want to see the square, but put an alpha of 25 so that it's not intrusive. ;-) /** * General parameters for minimap. */ { "minimap": { // false - Disable. "enabled": true, ... // Minimap lines. "lines": ${"minimapLines.xc":"lines"}, // deprecated: // Square of the maximum units appearance (1000 m). "square" : { "enabled": true, // Show square if using artillery(SPG) vehicle. "artilleryEnabled": true, "thickness": 0.7, "alpha": 25, // was: 69 "color": "0x000080" } } } **Edit**: I've just checked, and in the new "0.9.12\gui\scaleform\xvm.swf" that came with (modified 2015-11-28) these settings don't actually do anything... The previous swf (from 6.1.6[.0], with a modified date of 2015-11-18) was still showing the square, which is what i wanted. :-|
  20. Hi, for. From what i've seen, in sounds.xc there's a line specifically for this sound: "sixthSenseRudy": "/rudy/dog/dog", Good luck changing it to the alarm sound you want. ;)
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