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Everything posted by Okxa

  1. Thank you. (Is there a way to make this per config, like use one config for videos and other for gameplay)
  2. Hello. What are the current ID:s for these: 1. The messages when module or crew takes damage, located over ammo and consumables. Old keys: vehicleErrorsPanel and vehicleMessagesPanel 2. Kill log, (frag log, kill feed?) -used to be: playerMessangersPanel I need to know them to set them invisible for videos.
  3. Yeah that's correct and freecam toggless sights pretty well. However if I want do disable all sights in fixed cam I'll have to possibly mod the sight .swf or something... But I still have some things that need to be disabled; 1. The messages when modeule or crew takes damage. vehicleErrorsPanel and vehicleMessagesPanel used to be the keys, but not anymore... 2. Killfeed -used to be playerMessangersPanel thanks for night_dragon_on: https://koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/31856-динамические-макросы-в-python/?p=400626
  4. I am once again disabling everything else but overhead markers. These are the only elements that I have left now: Or do I need a res_mods mod which would replace the crosshairs. That can be done but I dont know all the files required (they are in gui/flash anyhow) and it would take a whole lot of time that way. Also how can I disable the received hit markers?
  5. Also if this is to be implemented, I wish it would be with total customization. (like in tooltips.xc for example)
  6. How do I insert them there? I can't get it to work with the following: EDIT: NVM it works @xvm.xc: // The minimum required version of the XVM mod. "modMinVersion": "" }, "vnation": { "germany": "GER", "uk": "GBR", "usa": "USA", "ussr": "USSR", "japan": "JPN", "france": "FRA", "czech": "CSHH", "china": "CHN" }, // Parameters for login screen. "login": ${"login.xc":"login"},
  7. Is it possible to for example, make {{v.nation}} output country codes by doing something like this: "vnation": { "germany": "GER", "uk": "GBR", "usa": "USA", "ussr": "USSR", "japan": "JPN", "france": "FR", "czech": "CSHH", "china": "CHN" }, Is there anyway to do something like this?
  8. Oh I didn't realize that you had modified a function, so I just though the math.py you provided wasn't required.... Now it's working perfect.
  9. So I cant get it to work... I even updated to the latest xvm (XVM- Code, alpha is always 100 for testing purposes: // XP to Elite { "x": 2, "y": 79, "layer": "top", "alpha": "{{v.elite?100|100}}", "width": "{{py:math.mul({{py:math.div({{py:math.sub({{v.xpToElite}}, {{v.xpToEliteLeft}})}}, {{v.xpToElite}})}}, 126)}}", "height": 2, "bgColor": "#FF6600" }, Here's what it still looks like: I still get the same errors to my XVM.log, whats wrong? There are also my full XVM.log and my carousel config file attached, if that would help you. Or could you test it with my carousel file? XVM.log carouselNormal.xc
  10. Do you have any errors about this in XVM.log? If not then I have something wrong with my xvm? Also what xvm version are you on? I couldn't get this to work on the latest release build XVM (6577) I got the errors mentioned earlier to my XVM.log.
  11. With your code, no I dont see any bars. However, when I manually set alpha to 100, there are bars on elited tanks Theres something strange going on with python? but what?
  12. What's wrong? I get the following in XVM log: Is it because?: TypeError: math_sub() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given) Even though it should have 2 arguments. Or do I have files required? Is the math.py required in somewhere specific place or is the one in "res_mods\configs\xvm\py_macro" enough? EDIT: Or is the reason that it requires other than 0 (as elited tanks have 0 xp required)? By doing this the bars show up (incorrectly so I get still errors). "width": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft}}?{{py:math.mul({{py:math.div({{py:math.sub({{v.xpToElite}},{{v.xpToEliteLeft}})}},{{v.xpToElite}})}},160)}|0}", But I still get this in XVM.log:
  13. I am trying to show how much it takes to elite a tank as a progress bar. However, because it's not a percentage the bar is almost (when xpleft<width of the cell) always too long: Is there a way to convert it to a ratio? My code: // XP to Elite // Progress Bar { "x": 4, "y": 78, "layer": "top", "alpha": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft?100|0}}", "width": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft}}", "height": 2, "bgColor": "{{v.c_damageRating}}" }, //Text { "x": 0, "y": 28, "layer": "top", "alpha": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft?100|0}}", "alpha": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft?100|0}}", "format": "<font size='10' color='#D4D4D4'>XP to Elite:" }, { "x": 1, "y": 40, "layer": "top", "alpha": "{{v.xpToEliteLeft?100|0}}", "format": "<font size='10' color='{{v.c_battles}}'><font face='Arial'>{{v.xpToEliteLeft}}</font>" }, Also is there a way to colorize it by the amount of xp left? I tried to make a custom color macro but I couldn't get it to work.
  14. Previously changing this value only changed only the carousels alpha Now it also changes slots alpha. Is this intended behaviour or is there some option which controls the slots alpha separately? Before Now
  15. Oh well, I got the info in the tooltip that I wanted, but it would have been nice to put some more titles there.
  16. I cannot add any more lines in tooltips.xc sections. "lightTank": [ "battleTiers", "TEXT:<font color='#DACFAD'><b>{{l10n:firepower}}</b></font>", "piercingPowerAvgSummary", "damageAvgSummary", "shellSpeedSummary", "gravity", "explosionRadius", "shotDispersionAngle", "aimingTime", "reloadTimeSecs", "rateOfFire", "damageAvgPerMinute", "shootingRadius", "turretRotationSpeed", "traverseLimits", "pitchLimits", "TEXT:<font color='#DACFAD'><b>Spotting & Camo</b></font>", "circularVisionRadius", "invisibilityStillFactor", "invisibilityMovingFactor", "TEXT:<font color='#DACFAD'><b>Survivability</b></font>", "maxHealth", "turretArmor", "hullArmor", "TEXT:<font color='#DACFAD'><b>{{l10n:mobility}}</b></font>", "enginePower", "enginePowerPerTon", "speedLimits", "terrainResistance", "chassisRotationSpeed", "crewRolesIcons" ] If I add any more keys, the tooltip refuses to show up and disables other tooltips (which had worked before trying to view the LT tooltip) as well.
  17. The string i use is: "vehicleFormatLeft": "<textformat leading='9' tabstops='[70,95,130]'>{{vehicle}}<tab><font face='mono'><font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate%d~%|--%}}</font></font></textformat>", "vehicleFormatRight": "<textformat leading='9' 'tabstops='[-70,-95,-130]'><font face='mono'><font color='{{c:winrate}}'>{{winrate%d~%|--%}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:wn8}}'>{{wn8%4d|----}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:kb}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font></font><tab>{{vehicle}}</textformat>", Which results in: How ever when I increase "vehicleWidth", following happens (with "vehicleWidth": 200): As you can see, the tabs wont align and the background shifts, any idea how to fix?
  18. I mean when you point at a enemy, they get the red outline around their tank. Can you disable it any way? For now I worked around it by not aiming the camera straigh at the tank but in future it would be nice to be able to disable the outline. BTW: this is what I used it for: https://gfycat.com/AptLightheartedImago
  19. So ATM I'm at this point: The players panel swither needed to be disabled from PlayersPanel.xc, for some reason. The Received damage hitlod next to that tank panel can be disabled from its own settings, as it's a separate mod. Hitlog probably needs to be disabled from Hitlog.xc However whats the key for the panel with tank and it's modules? Also for the text that says who damaged your track etc... EDIT: If I use freecam the panel disappears, so it doesn't really matter for now for me, as I needed to use this with freecam. BUT I still need to disable the pop-up text (who tracked etc...) and the received hit direction arrow. EDIT2: So I got what was wrong. When I added the new entries from this thread, They had capital letters at start after I google translated the thread.... Anyhow I got them disabled except for the received hit direction arrow, still looking... Or do I need to find a way to disable my crosshair? Are the received hit arrows tied to that??
  20. Made a working update.sh! This Works atleas for me on git for windows, i had to download wget because git for win doesnt have it. And works on EU, but havent tested for other regions Also be wary that this is really crudely done but it works for now EDIT: also as of 2.3.2016 last clan created is ID:500072742 to end at this, simply edit update-eu.sh => lastclan:500072742
  21. I found out that clanicon location for eu is now: http://eu.wargaming.net/clans/media/clans/emblems/cl_001/500000001/emblem_64x64.png So Should this work if host=eu.wargaming.net ? (modified scripts-allclans\.update.sh) EDIT: Doesnt work for me as it is. I think it hangs when getting from clanname from <title> for the $clan as the format of title has changed? Im not much of a coder myself so im not sure....
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