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Posts posted by leeuniverse

  1. Ah I see.....  Thank you.


    See, what you did there, (and you have done for me before LOL) you should create a PDF or Word Document that has these Explainations and pictures for each feature both in Russian and English.

    That would be very helpful.


    Ah, didn't know you had that mod.

    I will check it out.  If it works like I mentioned, you should put it with AAS like you have Battle Assistant.


    Thanks again, you the man. :)

  2. Hey GPcracker......  Thanks much again for your work and releasing a new version.  :)




    1. Could you add "explaination" descriptions to each of the options in the conifguration file to explain what each option actually does?  I know some of them are self explainatory, but there are several in which I have no idea what they really do.


    For example, what is this new "bounding box" feature?

    Really though, I need detailed descriptions in the config so I can keep referring to it and to understand it, and I think most people would want this.  Be much appreciated.



    2. Could you add the "Extended Auto-Aim" mod feature to your mod, to go with X-Ray?




    I only want the Cyan Highlighting part of the mod when Auto-Aim is engaged.

    It's really nice and useful.

    Don't want the "direction indicator" part of that mod.  It's also very buggy, conflicts with other mods.


    But, the change of color highlighting of the tank to indicate auto-aim is engaged is really useful and attractive.


    Please please add this.  I don't want to use that other mod, it's buggy causing issues.

    I normally wouldn't ask to add new features, but this really does go with your mod.


    Thanks much......

  3. Do you think, if my mods auto-AIM angle is a standard angle - my mod will also be a legal?


    Sorry, I didn't understand that?


    If I did understand you, the "auto-aim" we are talking about is the Default Game Auto-Aim-Locking.

    We aren't talking about the illegal "auto-aim weakspot" mod.


    Auto-aim "standard angle" would simply be the games auto-aim, unless you are adding a "auto" go to the closest tank, then I do believe that would be illegal per NA rules anyway.

    Other servers would allow that I'm sure.



    - Zaya's Style (NOW WITH CTRL CENTERED POP-UP VERSION) by KobkaG & leeuniverse BETA (not complete, but IS fully working)
    - Rainbow Angle Indicator
    - Easy access Center Repair & Crew Icons (WORKING)

    - Angle "stick" in front of tank


    NEW CTRL Centered Icons Version (no Log)...




    Bottom Centered Icons Version (with Log)...






    - 2 version to choose from. The new Zaya's CTRL verison has no log. Use Multi-Hit Log, XFT, GambitER's, etc...
    - Some elements may position weird if screen not 1920x1800 Resolution, especially thinking the Crew Icons.

      (I may need to move them to the bottom of the damage panel, due to a limitation in the Code of the SWF, that makes it not able to stay where one wants.)
      (I don't do coding, plus I think it's been protected).
    - Any issues such as the above, design, positioning, etc. let me know and take a screenshot.
      Use a Replay if you can't catch the issue while playing, and then upload to http://www.imgur.com


    Download:  http://www.leeuniverse.com


    Note: This damage panel will also be included within [LAMP] Lee's ALL MOD Pack (in v5).


    Credits: Shtys, STL1te, xShooter69x, Akwotker, KobkaG etc.

    • Upvote 14
  5. Доброе время суток!


    @GPCracker, а Вы никогда не думали что "рентген-захват" это запрещенный мод? Я тут переделал найденный на просторах "захват" под геймпад и теперь вот совесть меня ест, боюсь в паблик выкладывать...


    Wargaming NA has the strictest rules in this, and they allow it.  Note, AAS is only X-ray auto-aim.

    If it was x-ray "see through" then that WOULD be illegal.

  6. Uh, you're not supposed to have "two" ..... "message" statements are you?  Maybe that's why?

    I'm trying to put it together your code per my way, to see if it works.

    This works.....  Thanks for the right codes.

    It's "raw", still got to tweak it....

            // Timer BIG
            // Таймер боя
                "$delay": 100,
                // Timer BIG
                // Таймер боя
                "timerBig": {
                   "_alpha": 100,
                   "_x": "timerBig._x",
                   "_y": "timerBig._y",
    			   "message": {
    //			   "_height": 50, "_width": 50, "_x": 275, "_y": -15, "align": "left",
    			   "$textFormat": { "font": "Arial", "size": 40} },
                 "time": {
    			   "minutesTF": {
    //			   "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": 275, "_y": -15, "align": "left",
    			   "$textFormat": { "font": "Arial", "size": 30} },
                   "secondsTF": {
    //			   "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": null, "_y": -15, "align": "right",
    			   "$textFormat": { "font": "Arial", "size": 30} }

    Ya.....  I can't get dotsTF working either?

    			   "dotsTF": {
    //			   "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": 0, "_y": -30, "align": "center",
    			   "text": ":", "$textFormat": { "font": "Arial", "size": 10} },

    Anyone have any ideas?

  7. Hi....  What are the configuration options for BIG TIMER?

            // Battle timer
            // Таймер боя
                "$delay": 100,
                // Battle timer
                // Таймер боя
                "battleTimer": {
                   "_alpha": 100,
                   "_x": "battleTimer._x - 40",
                   "_y": "battleTimer._y + 15",
                   "dotsMC": { "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": 300, "_y": -16, "text": ":", "align": "center", "$textFormat": { "font": "Digiface", "size": 30} },
                   "minutesMC": { "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": 275, "_y": -15, "align": "left", "$textFormat": { "font": "Digiface", "size": 30} },
                   "secondsMC": { "_height": 40, "_width": 50, "_x": null, "_y": -15, "align": "right", "$textFormat": { "font": "Digiface", "size": 30} }
            // Timer BIG
            // Таймер боя
                "$delay": 100,
                // Timer BIG
                // Таймер боя
                "timerBig": {
                   "_alpha": 100,
                   "_x": "timerBig._x",
                   "_y": "timerBig._y"

    I understand the options to change color, size, etc. for the BattleTimer, but what are the ones for the Big Timer?



  8. 06/04/2015 -
    ^ XVM dev 4505
    ^ Chat Filter
    ^ HP Team Pool design
    ^ Chat Scroll
    ^ Star Wars Lasers
    ^ WOT Tweaker Plus
    - MaxFarplane Fog Remover
    + Fog Remover only (looks better)
    ^ YasenKrasen
    + AutoAim Extended
    + Chassis Skin
    ^ HitZone Mod
    + Sauron Sixth Sense Sound
    ^ Sight fix file, reload working again.
    = Please Donate whatever you can, every bit helps greatly. Thanks to all my dedicated and generous donator's so far.

  9. Новая версия также сделал это ...




    Мой T49 также не имеет приятные глазу следы больше с этой версией, как вы видите некоторые из других резервуаров в этой картине есть.

    Я думаю, что вы должны пойти с предыдущей версией. Я не вижу каких-либо проблем с ним.

  10. Я рад новым файлам, только то, что мне нужно.




    Хорошо, дальнейшее тестирование новой SD (HD) версии, и кажется, что многие из шасси получили слишком "легкий".

    Я думаю, что ваша предыдущая версия может быть лучше?


    Try this:

     Count: Integer;
    Function GetAppDir(Path: String): String;
     if RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1EAC1D02-C6AC-4FA6-9A44-96258C37C812NA}_is1') then
      RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1EAC1D02-C6AC-4FA6-9A44-96258C37C812NA}_is1', 'InstallLocation', Path);
      Result := Path
     end else
      Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Games\World_of_Tanks')
    Function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
     Result := True;
     if CurPageID = wpSelectDir then
      case (FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\WOTLauncher.exe')) and FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\WorldOfTanks.exe'))) of
        if Count = 0 then
         MsgBox('Incorrect game folder!', mbError, MB_OK);
        Count := Count + 1;
        Result := (Count = 2);
       True: Result := True;


    Спасибо вам так много Kotyarko_O ...... Это работало идеально. :)

    That would have taken me 2 hours to figure out, LOL


    BTW, is it possible you or someone can help me with this question?  Would be helpful.



  12. smth like this?

     Count: Integer;
    Function NextButtonClick(CurPageID: Integer): Boolean;
     Result := True;
     if CurPageID = wpSelectDir then
      if not (FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\WOTLauncher.exe')) and FileExists(ExpandConstant('{app}\WorldOfTanks.exe'))) then
       if Count = 0 then
        MsgBox('Incorrect game folder!', mbError, MB_OK);
       Count := Count + 1;
      Result := (Count = 2);


    Hey, thank you very much.....  It's close.

    It works, but it looks like I need to put it with my existing code?


    When I put the code in, it will work how you've written it, BUT, if the directory is already correct, can't click NEXT....

    I have to make the directory "wrong" and I'll get the pop-up, and then I'll be able to go NEXT.


    So, how can I put this in my current code, and it allow me to click NEXT if the directory is correct already?


    Here's my current code.

    function GetAppDir(Path: String): String;
      if RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1EAC1D02-C6AC-4FA6-9A44-96258C37C812NA}_is1') then begin
        RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{1EAC1D02-C6AC-4FA6-9A44-96258C37C812NA}_is1', 'InstallLocation', Path);
        Result := Path end else
      Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Games\World_of_Tanks')
  13. 06/02/2015 -
    ^ XVM latest dev 4475
    ^ Updated Chat Filter
    ^ Updated AutoTelescope Mod
    ^ Updated PMOD
    ^ Updated WarThunder Guns & Engines
    ^ Updated Crew Extended Mod
    - Removed the CHOO CHOO Hotkeys from the Radial Menu mod
    + Returned the Clan Mod, it apparently was still working, LOL
    = Not sure if there is a bug in the new battle mode in which the tank names are sometimes listed for the wrong tank.
    = There is the reload bug back, was trying the Sights.pyc by Phantasm from Joves, don't know why he still hasn't fixed that bug, ProSights.pyc has from ProTanki.
    Might put the ProSights mod back the next version or so, we'll see. I'm working on reduing the sight collection, so might be a part of that.
    = Please Donate whatever you can, every bit helps greatly. Thanks to all my dedicated and generous donator's so far.





    Sorry all.....  Made a mistake with the upload.....

    Give me a few minutes to re-upload.......


    FIXED..... Go ahead and re-download.....!

  14. I look forward to when they were transferred to HD. 

    [02.06.15] Added version of the mod SD (HD) - for SD-client textures HD-quality



    I am waiting for reviews of those who need this version, preferably with the screen when setting texture quality high and low, as well as perceptions of performance in combat.


    PS should work on HD-client, but it bezsmyslenno :)


    Это было прекрасной идеей .... Я не нравился того, чтобы положить SD ролики на народы HD танков, так как я хочу, чтобы просто обеспечить один установить.

    Я постараюсь, чтобы проверить его, как только я могу сегодня.



    This was a great idea .... I was not liking having to put SD Rollers on peoples HD tanks, since I want to just provide one install.

    I'll try to test it as soon as I can today.

    • Upvote 2
  15. Эй, как я сделать "уведомление", что поп-вверх (в первый раз), когда человек, чтобы попытаться установить в месте, не WOT Установите местоположение?


    Hey, how do I make a "notification" that pop's up (the first time) when a person try's to install to a location that is not the WOT Install location?

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