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Posts posted by leeuniverse

  1. NOTICE....


    Hey all, interested in knowing how the mod pack AND Installer performs and looks on Non-English Game systems.

    The Installer is Multi-Language also.....


    Please show me your screenshots of the pages of the Installer and the Hangar, Message Center, and In Game shots to see what's still English, how your language looks etc.



  2. [LAMP] is Wargaming OFFICIALLY approved as containing Authorized/Legal Mods.
    Why would you want LAMP over other mod packs?
    LAMP is designed to be the most "functional, practical, readable" (how the game itself should be).  It's personally designed with care for quality and performance.
    LAMP is ALL MOD, not all Mod's.  If you like Quality over Quantity, then this pack is for you.  LAMP thus has FAR LESS errors and problems than other mod packs.
    Lighting the Way....:
    Install Instructions and Pack Demo ( old prior to 9.2)





    In Game: http://imgur.com/a/QuWum#0
    Sight Options Demo:
    Default Sights (see Demo above)
    NOTE: There are several other sight options in the pack you can choose from.
    Krieg's Crosshairs (a sight option in the pack)



    Sight Options: http://imgur.com/a/DGopI#0


    Do YOU "Love LAMP"....?

    See new Website for further Info, Features, & Download.  (site is work in progress)
    Note: Still come here for "Support" needs.



    Installer Demo:

    See my LIVE TWITCH STREAM....!


    • Upvote 4
    • Downvote 1
  3. Hello, another question....


    Is there a way to "rename" a file when it's being copied from source to it's install location?


    For example....


    Source: "Mods\EXTRAS\WoTTweakerPlus.097.v12.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\res_mods"; Flags: ignoreversion; Tasks: tweak;


    If you have the above, can some statement be added to this line so when it copies to the DestDir it get's renamed to say "Tweaker.exe"?


    I have like 70 Server Reticle .dds images, and I don't want to create folders, and a directory structure for each one.




    UPDATE....   UPDATE2..... It worked.


    I think I found out how to do this..... with DestName.


    Source: "Api\Local.config"; DestDir: "{app}\Api\"; DestName: "Local.config.tmp"; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs


    Hey Dark_Knight_MiX......


    Thank you for this link, the "trim" version worked for me, but not the main version.

    I had just asked for help with getting this kind of code so I can have sound previews, so thank you.


    But, I have a question.


    This part of the code:

    procedure InitializeWizard();
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Height := ScaleY(181) - WizardForm.TypesCombo.Top;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Top := WizardForm.TypesCombo.Top;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Width := ScaleX(417);
      sndCompOldProc:= WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnClick;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnClick:= @PlaySound;
      AddItemSound(15, '{tmp}\piano2.wav');
      AddItemSound(16, '{tmp}\organfinale.wav');

    Instead of having 15 & 16 to connect to the components menu item, how can the code be changed to recognize the "Components" "Description" Name?

    For example the Description name that's here:



    Name: Tank_Icons\Advanced_Icons; Description: Advanced Contour Icons; Flags: exclusive disablenouninstallwarning


    As an example the "pic" part of my code uses the Description name to connect the pic with the menu item, which is what I'm talking about.


    'Advanced Contour Icons': UndefPic := 'adv_icon.bmp';


    If anyone can help with this thank you....




    One other thing......


    How could the code be changed so the sound plays on "Mouse Over" rather than "clicking" the menu item?






    Here's the full CompSound(trim).iss code.....

    AppName=My Program
    AppVerName=My Program 1.5
    DefaultDirName={pf}\My Program
    DefaultGroupName=My Program
    Source: sounds\*; flags: dontcopy;
    Name: russian; MessagesFile: compiler:Languages\Russian.isl
    Name: dummy1; Description: dummy1; Flags: collapsed
    Name: dummy1\dummy2; Description: dummy2;
    Name: dummy1\dummy3; Description: dummy3;
    Name: dummy1\dummy4; Description: dummy4;
    Name: dummy1\dummy5; Description: dummy5;
    Name: dummy1\dummy5\dummy1; Description: dummy6;
    Name: dummy1\dummy5\dummy2; Description: dummy7;
    Name: dummy1\dummy6; Description: dummy8;
    Name: dummy2; Description: dummy9;
    Name: dummy2\dummy2; Description: dummy10;
    Name: dummy2\dummy3; Description: dummy11;
    Name: dummy2\dummy4; Description: dummy12;
    Name: dummy2\dummy5; Description: dummy13;
    Name: sound; Description: Çâóê âûñòðåëà; Types: full;
    Name: sound\snd1; Description: "Òèõèé"; Flags: exclusive;
    Name: sound\snd2; Description: "Ãðîìêèé"; Flags: exclusive;
      LB_ITEMFROMPOINT  = $01A9;
    #ifdef UNICODE
      #define A "W"
      #define Phrase "#$266B#$266B"
      #define A "A"
      #define Phrase "'(ïðèìåð)'";
      TComponentSound = record
        SoundName: String;
        Index: Integer;
      iSound: array of TComponentSound;
      sndCompOldProc: TNotifyEvent;
    function GetCursorPos(var lpPoint: TPoint): BOOL; external '[email protected] stdcall';
    function MapWindowPoints(hWndFrom, hWndTo: HWND; var lpPoints: TPoint; cPoints: UINT): Integer; external '[email protected] stdcall';
    function sndPlaySound(lpszSoundName: String; fuSound: UINT): BOOL; external 'sndPlaySound{#A}@winmm.dll stdcall';
    procedure PlaySound(Sender: TObject);
      x, o, n, i, f, diff, lParam, ids, w1, w2, x1, x2: Integer;
      p: TPoint;
      sp, s: String;
      fnt: TFont;
      box: TNewCheckListBox;
      box:= TNewCheckListBox(Sender);
      MapWindowPoints(0, box.Handle, p, 1);
      lParam:= p.x or (p.y shl 16);
      i:= SendMessage(WizardForm.ComponentsList.Handle, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, lParam);
      if ((i shr 16) = 1) or ((i and $FFFF) < 0) then Exit;
      i:= i and $FFFF;
      if (i < 0) or (i >= box.ItemCount) then Exit;
      diff:= 0;
      f:= 0;
      while (f < i) do begin
        n:= f + diff;
        if (n >= box.ItemCount) then Break;
        if (not box.ItemExpanded[n]) then begin
          while ((f + diff + 1 < box.ItemCount)) and (box.ItemLevel[f + diff + 1] > box.ItemLevel[n]) do
            diff:= diff + 1;
        f:= f + 1;
      ids:= i + diff;
      f:= -1;
      for i:= 0 to GetArrayLength(iSound)-1 do begin
        if (ids = iSound[i].Index) then begin
          f:= i;
      if (f < 0) then Exit;
      s:= box.ItemCaption[ids];
      if (Pos({#Phrase}, s) <= 0) then Exit;
      if FileExists(iSound[f].SoundName) then
        sndPlaySound(iSound[f].SoundName, 1);
      if (sndCompOldProc <> nil) then
    procedure AddItemSound(AIndex: Integer; AFilename: String);
      i: Integer;
      i:= GetArrayLength(iSound);
      SetArrayLength(iSound, i+1);
      iSound[i].Index:= AIndex-1;
      iSound[i].SoundName:= ExpandConstant(AFilename);
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.ItemCaption[AIndex-1]:= WizardForm.ComponentsList.ItemCaption[AIndex-1] + ' '+{#Phrase};
    procedure InitializeWizard();
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Height := ScaleY(181) - WizardForm.TypesCombo.Top;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Top := WizardForm.TypesCombo.Top;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.Width := ScaleX(417);
      sndCompOldProc:= WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnClick;
      WizardForm.ComponentsList.OnClick:= @PlaySound;
      AddItemSound(15, '{tmp}\piano2.wav');
      AddItemSound(16, '{tmp}\organfinale.wav');
  5. True, but if you kept updated the base version of AAS, wouldn't that be much easier to keep updated rather than only working on the big version and having us bug you so much about it?

    Many of us mod and mod pack dev's work with each other, and we keep contacting each other for just AAS especially trying to find and get a working version.

    So, it's driving us nuts.


    Ya, I'm not actually talking about disabling features, but to always try to have a working version for us FIRST, then you can still work on the bigger featured version in the background.

    That would be really helpful.

    It's like with Battle Assistant.  You make sure it works every version, but the version in AAS is buggy still.

    So, it would be great if you could keep the original AAS updated like you do Battle Assistant, so we can still have a proper working mod.

    Trying to get a proper working mod with the Full Featured AAS has been killing us.....


    I totally agree......  I wish Wargaming only released an update twice a year, or at least every 4 months, and only did emergency fixes otherwise in between.

    They really don't listen to us on so many things it drives me crazy.


    For example, we wouldn't even have to use AAS if they hadn't of broken the aiming mechanism in 8.11.  We didn't need BalCalc or AAS before then.  Aiming worked fine, no noticable bouncing of reticle, etc.

    I really don't know what they are thinking.

    • Upvote 4
  6. Hey GP.....


    We really appreciate your work, but could you do us a HUGE favor?

    Us mod pack dev's are going bat ship always trying to find a properly working release of AAS, since it always keep's being Dev and Alpha.


    Could you please keep the BASE AAS mod updated, the one in the original post?

    As I reported to you it stopped working in 9.7.

    You do not have to do it now, but please do so for 9.8.

    That way we can always have a properly working version of your mod.


    All the additions to AAS since are nice, but really not needed until stable.

    Also, I don't think we need some things in the Master version.

    I would only like to see basic working:

    - AAS

    - BA & Arty Sniper

    - Safe-shot

    - X-ray game auto-aim lock

    - Distance manual lock


    I think that's all we need the Master version of AAS to do.

    Some of the other tweaks and extras you've added to those things etc. aren't really needed I think and just makes the mod impossible to bug fix and keep right.

    I mean, your mod should be released by now if you had just stuck to clean and simple addition of those mods and features.



    • Upvote 1
  7. I hadn't noticed that the "issue" had basically been taken "care" of. A few revisions ago, demon's font among others have been embedded into XVM. As well the font is under active development.

    See here:



    Anything outside of XVM is still an issue. Not sure where you can get the official font though. Will look in the source code to see...


    Actually Demon's is a "separate" Font, it's NOT embedded in XVM.


    For example, in the example I gave "$" in the traditional XVM font will give you a "cross rifles".

    In Demon's his own customized version that symbol will give you a "Wireless Bar".

    If you use NO font at all, just use so-called embeded XVM font (whatever those are) that symbol will give you a big fat BOX.  In other words, it's not finding the font for that symbol.


    So, I don't know what font symbols are embedded into XVM directly, but there are clearly some that aren't, like that one.

  8. Thanks.....


    A fix that can help resolve the issue is in Inno Setup to remove the "onlyifdoesntexist" Flag in the font install section.


    Also, something Solo brought up, is that as long as FontInstall: "XVMSymbol"; is in Inno also, that with the above removed flag even if a different named XVMSymbol file is installed, Windows will start using that file instead.  Though, it's possible there could still end up being issues, but the above two things will apparently solve any issues that might occur with different named files.


    So, as long as we remove the above Flag, then our XVMSymbol file will be installed and be the one used because it's the latest installed, even if there are other named ones in there.

  9. Please name your XVM Font file "XVMSymbol.ttf".


    The reason for this is because there are several versions of this file out there that people have edited adding and changing the symbol relationships.
    Some people name the file XVM.ttf, or xvmsymbol12.0.ttf, etc.

    This poses a problem because the "Internal" name of the Font file is STILL always XVMSymbol.
    This is the name Windows looks for, and thus when you have the external names all different kinds like I just mentioned, you end up with more than one XVMSymbol Font file in the OS.

    This causes problems if people change mods, mod packs, etc. thus the XVM Symbols will not always be the same, or they will use the wrong XVMSymbol file, etc.

    For example, "$" in the traditional XVM symbol font such as in my XVMSymbol.ttf means a "cross swords".  But, in another xvm symbol file such as xvmsymbol12.0.ttf someone has edited, it shows a "wireless signal bar" instead.  That is fine for the most part, but then there are problems because there are more than one xvmsymbol file in the Font folder, thus if one starts using another mod pack, their symbols will end up being wrong.


    So, please everyone name your XVM font file XVMSymbol.tff which is the same as it's internal name.
    This way, when people use different things, the correct font file is installed, and there aren't several installed causing potential issues.


  10. Hello, I always have to update the minimap.swf replacing the arty aiming box on the mini-map with this one.

    This one looks better, is clean, smaller, has the nice aiming box in the middle, it's what the aiming box should look like.


    1. Could you from now on use this version?




    Here's the .SVG image file you can use to replace the box image to the above image within minimap.swf.




    2. Also, could you remove the green "V" aiming direction image from the mini-map.swf?  I have to keep removing that image also.

    It's simply not of any worth anymore.  With the aiming lines, etc.  It just crowds the mini-map.

    As you can see from my image above, it's removed, and it looks nice and clean and serves no actual need to be there.


    Hope you can do these two things.  Thank you.


    3. Forgot one other thing.  As you know, several game versions back Wargaming decided to make the mini-map box ZOOM on the mini-map.

    That was one of the most stupidest features I've ever seen them to make this game worse.

    So, since then, we've been using a pyc file someone created that stops that zooming of the minimap box.


    Is it possible you could add this feature into XVM itself?


    4. Something else.....  As you can see from my screenshot image above, the tank names, and the ghost icons etc. are all a very nice and easy to read and see color.

    Is it possible you could also improve the colors like mine is with the default XVM?

    It won't really help me since I have things set already, but it would make XVM much better for others.


    Also, the colors in the PlayersPanel etc. of the stats and players names in xvm format.

    If you look at my XVM colors, the colors are much nicer and easy to read.  Could you also change the default colors to similar?

    I've kept with XVM color standards, just made the colors easier on the eyes and readable.  The only difference is I made the lower WN8 rating colors to be all of my version of red instead of separate dark colors (you can decide what you want for those).


    Anyway, would be nice if you could make these changes also.

    I spent about 1 year figuring out the perfect most easy on the eyes XVM WN8 colors (save for the really bad players colors).


    You can download my mod pack below and look how I've configured XVM colors etc. for all the above things I've been talking about.


    Put screenshots of my mini-map colors against a screenshot of your mini-map colors, and also a screenshot of your players panel and my players panel, and then ask yourself, which is easier on the eyes and easier to read, and is just more comfortable and nicer looking?

    I think you would agree that the default colors all should change to basically how mine is.

  11. I sware.....  I cannot win......  :(


    So, I compile the latest files, and he fixed the Arty Sniper Scope, however now the AAS has stopped working, there is no manual height adjusting, and the auto-mattic trajectory adjusting isn't working like it wasn't working in the 0.0.6 Beta for 9.7, when it was working with 0.0.8 Alpha #2.


    So now what GPCracker.....?

    How did you end up breaking the auto and manual trajectory functions in your latest files in the repository?

  12. Open buildIt.py in PjOrion and press MainMenu - Run - Execute Script (F9)


    Well that's retarded lol......  I was certain I tried all those options, including that one.

    Maybe I messed up some of the scripting when I tried that one, so it didn't work then.


    Sorry for that, thanks.....  :)  now to try and see if it works, lol.


    UPDATE....  Compiled file works, and the mod works also, everything that I can tell seems working.

    For those who don't know, the files you want to use as the completed/compiled mod are the PYC file, and the two XML files.

  13. Hey, could someone tell me how one compiles this with PjOrion?




    The dev will not do it yet for some reason, and I can not figure out how to do it.



    Or you can just compile it for me, that would also work.

  14. Okay, thank you....  I understand now.




    Why is there a need to do a "separate" color scale for recent?  Can't you just grab the last 1000 battles and that shows ones progress or not progressing, like the same way the Wotlabs signature does for example?


    I mean, the only difference in my mind between Recent and Overall is simply sample size......  Why do you think you need to create a sparate scale?

    Recent would simply be showing the progress compared to overall with the last 1000 battles sample size, like the Wotlabs signature does.

    Yes, the difference like in your example would be 2620 compared to 3000..... but the 3000 simply shows the difference, the progress.

    No new "scale" has to be created in my mind?


    You can easily simply create an algorythm to simply grap the last 1000 battles like all the various stats site do, can't you?

    This is why I don't understand why you haven't implimented Recent already?  No need for a new scale, you're just showing the difference, ones current play compared to overall.


    It works in reverse also.....  I've seen some people who have either bought someones account, or they have given the account to their children or a friend, and their recent is actually WORSE than their Overall.... LOL


    So, I don't get the need for a new "scale".  Just impliment Recent as it is, it clearly works.  Yes, it's not 100% as accurate as Overall, but it's clearly within a reasonable margin of error?

    Thanks again.  :)


    p.s. Forgot to clarify something else, like I mentioned, I know XVM doesn't do "recent" stats.....

    I just need to know if those who are Purple in recent can be considered also "Unicums"?

    They show as purples, so aren't they also technically Unicums in their "current" play?

    • Downvote 1
  15. Hey seriych.....  Sorry to bother you again.

    While I believe I understand what you have said, some other people don't, they are taking different interpretations from what you've said and they have gone to war against me over it.

    So, I want to clarify.....


    You are saying ultimately, Purple is Unicum, no matter if recent or overall stats, correct?

    I do understand that XVM doesn't officially support recent, that it's third party processers that do that.

    But, you are saying that even though you don't have recent currently, recent in the way you would do it, those who are Purples in Recent are also Unicums, correct?


    Let me give you a real world example.....

    My signature above/below indicates WOTLABS.net's algorythm for Recent WN8.

    It seems to work similar to how you have indicated.....  "last 1000 games played, WN8 accordingly"  Is that correct?


    So, if I was Purple in my recent instead of blue as it is above/below.  You looking at it right now.  Would you say those who have Purple in Recent in the above/below image ARE in fact Unicums?

    Or are not Unicums?


    In my view, Purple is Purple, recent or overall it doesn't matter, you are playing at Unicum level play.

    Other people are strongly hating on me for believing that, and saying I'm wrong.

    What is your view?


    Thank you again for your time.

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