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Korean Random

Зависает клиент при нажатии кнопки применить бонус к опыту

Go to solution Solved by Mixaill,

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После нажатия в результатах боя которая, крутится шестеренка бесконечно



2024-07-11 22:54:54.933: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/__init__.py, 147):Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-07-11 22:54:54.933: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_wotstat.pyc", line 1, in <lambda>
2024-07-11 22:54:54.933: ERROR: TypeError: wotStat_onAddXPBonusChanged() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/Account.py", line 499, in onCmdResponse
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/account_helpers/Shop.py", line 939, in <lambda>
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/common.py", line 640, in <lambda>
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client/gui/shared/gui_items/processors/__init__.py", line 141, in _response
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 142, in callback
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 132, in call
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 190, in caller
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 180, in wrapper
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR:   File "scripts/client_common/adisp.py", line 157, in doCall
2024-07-11 22:54:54.934: ERROR: adisp.AdispException: ('There was an error during __validate adisp_async call.', TypeError('wotStat_onAddXPBonusChanged() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)',))
2024-07-11 22:54:55.041: INFO: [gui.shared.personality] onClientUpdate: diff = {'prevRev': 497, 'rev': 498, 'stats': {'freeXP': 38516}, 'cache': {}}
2024-07-11 22:54:55.069: ERROR: [Scaleform] Unknown frame "" in rewardMc
2024-07-11 22:54:55.069: ERROR: [Scaleform] Unknown frame "" in lockMc
2024-07-11 22:54:55.081: ERROR: [Scaleform] Unknown frame "" in instance118
2024-07-11 22:55:31.829: INFO: [XVM/Main/LoadUrl] REQ: https://stat.modxvm.com:443/4.0/getOnlineUsersCount/604095547
2024-07-11 22:55:32.136: INFO: [XVM/Main/LoadUrl] RESP: status=200, time=307
2024-07-11 22:55:35.348: WARNING: [gui.shared.utils.requesters.abstract] Client request error: (CommonWebRequestCtx(waitingID = , requestType = 53), []), _Response(code=503, txtStr='', data={'notification_type': '', 'extra_data': None, 'description': u'Ranked leaderboards proxying is disabled', 'title': ''}, extraCode=503, headers={u'Date': u'Thu, 11 Jul 2024 17:55:35 GMT', u'Content-Length': u'71', u'Content-Type': u'application/json', u'Connection': u'keep-alive', u'Server': u'nginx'})


Edited by Duner
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Posted (edited)

Михаил, вы были правы! спасибо.

Старый мод послебоевой статы + окна резалтов боя, похоже окончательно все (

Edited by Duner
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