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Help with developing custom dynamic OTM

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Hi guys,


I'm trying to create a marker that displays the distance to the enemy vehicle (when pressing ALT).

Therefore, I created a custom macro and use it in the markersAliveExtended.xc.


What's working:

- Calculate the distance between me and an enemy

- Show it as a text in an XVM OTM marker at the game start

- Re-calculate the distance (and print it to the log) based on silly debug events like "onHealthChange"



However, I have three problems/questions:

- I can already hook into events to re-calculate the distances to all vehicles and update an internal state variable. However, XVM does not call my macro again to receive the new value -> how to make the OTM text dynamic?

- What would be "good" events to hook into to update the distance to all vehicles? Is there a simple frame/time based event?

- Is adding "custom macros" actually a thing or are all macros just coming with XVM itself? How would I "package" this mod to send it to friends?



Attached you find a few debug files of what I'm doing.


Any help or hints on how to make dynamic custom OTM markers is appreciated! <3


distance_macro.py markersAliveExtended-PARTIAL_FOR_ILLUSTRATION_ONLY.xc

Edited by MAMMUTH
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