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Custom XVM REST response

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I have my own expanding database of 2M+ EU accounts with recent wn8 calculated with 48 hours updates I would like to display it as a rating in XVM. I created my own REST API server that would provide stats for XVM ingame mod (replacement of stat.modxvm.com) however I have trouble understanding some of the json values sent by original xvm rest server. First I want to ask, does the order of values in the JSON matter ? And then could you clarify please some of the params below where I put "?" signs please ?


Thank you.

         "b":13141, //total player battle count
         "e":1129, //efficiency ?
         "r":7461, //rating
         "v":{ //vehicle object
            "b":157, //battle with the vehicle
            "w":95, //battles won
            "xp":81287, //total vehicle xp
            "cap":7, //total vehicle cap points 
            "def":237, //total def
            "dmg":130664, //total dmg
            "frg":249, //total frags
            "mog":2, // ?
            "mom":4, // ?
            "spo":120, //total spotted tanks
            "srv":69 // ?
         "w":7503, //total battles won
         "nm":"nick", //player nickname
         "ts":1605087781676, //time in ms
         "xp":6773619, //total exp
         "_id":502531033, //WG account id
         "cap":6536, //total cap points
         "cid":null, //clan id
         "def":14017, //total def points
         "dmg":12397835, //total dmg
         "frg":17462, //total kills
         "hip":50.56151, //hit ratio ?
         "lvl":5.7281027, //avg. tier
         "spo":9299, //total spoted tanks
         "srv":5577, // ?
         "wgr":7461, //wg personal rating
         "wn8":1954, //wn8 - this I am replacing with recent
         "wtr":7295, // ??
         "flag":null, //flag
         "lang":"", //always empty string
         "dmg_r":5184837, // ??
         "max_xp":2465, //max exp
         "status":1, // ??
         "max_dmg":5721, //max player dmg
         "max_frg":10, //max player kills
         "is_banned":null, // null
         "is_patreon":false //xvm patreon ?


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