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Clan tag depiction

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Hello. In-battle depiction of clan tags works strangely. It started more than a week ago (during previous patch). In website i set to show tags of top100 clans. But in game it only shows top 50-100, while top 1-50 are hidden. These numbers are approximate, as i didn't check for each clan, but i know for sure that highest clans in WG rating are not shown, while lower positioned clans are shown. Thank you in advance for checking. Also, thank you for your work with this mod, i use it long time now and really like it.

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@Mariuxszas , Clan rating is based on the score "wGM".


Are you sure that you checked the position of the clan based on this indicator? Pay attention to the screenshot below, in the first case the clan's positions are sorted by "CR", in the second - by "wGM". The second one is used in the XVM.



Edited by night_dragon_on
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