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shell penetration holes and bounce marks not visible

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Well, then I'll just have to wait until more people discover they have the problem (and bother enough to post about it), maybe on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th ... n-th try somebody will discover what's wrong. Anyway, thank's for having a stab at it, this game is a perpetual bugfest so I guess there's better things to do ...

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There is no change - holes and bounce marks are not visible. If it's settings related, I've already reset them a few times by deleting the contents of %appdata%\wargaming.net.


If you think it would help, I can uninstall the game again and try it fresh.

Edited by buster_wot
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I just need to know how to reproduce it, because there is no problem on my computer. Try to play with settings, decrease some values.

 HI, I apologize for geting involved in to the conversation. This topic is the same as the one I started when the 9.12 patch came out. (http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/28224-xvm-and-the-penetration-markers/). What I can tell you for sure is that since then I have tryed every possible graphic setting ( high, low, on improved and standard settings with HD and SD client ), I` tried only xvm and the xvm with in the QB-s addon. There is no bar or checkbox in the game settings that I have not pulled up or down, checked or unchecked. I have even reinstalled the game before I downloaded 9.13 and the problem remained. The only way I can get those pen markers and bounce markers to show is by removing the xvm.


What I do not understand is if my graphic settings where the same in 9.10 and everything was fine, and the second I downloaded the xvm for 9.12 (with the unchanged graphic settings) the problem started, why do you keep telling us change this and change that, increase this or decrease that. Don`t get me wrong, I am not trying to disrespect anyone or be rude, but none of us are idiots, ofc we are going to fiddle with our graphic settings before posting, at least I did. And every time someone new shows up with the same problem the line of questions asked by the people who can perhaps solve the problem is the same. Increase this, decrease that, give us log.xyz and log.abc. And all that would be fine if we would get an answer somewhere in the lines of " we think that problem is caused by ...." or even " we don`t know " would be fine by me. What I and maybe others don`t need is the answer "Everything works fine for me ", ofc it works fine, it works fine for every guy I know that plays the game, except for me and I didn`t change my settings for the last year, the only thing I am changing is the xvm.


Anyway, like I said, I am not trying to be rude or insult anyone, but you try and understand my position, after a month and a half, these kind of questions and answers get really anoying.


Best of luck to ya in you`re future endeavors.

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