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Korean Random

XVM Battle Stats, Opt-out

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Unfortunately on world of tanks my statistics are decent, I'm near my breaking point. 9/10 if arty has xvm and i'm spotted briefly, unless i'm permanently camping and doing peek-a-boo around hard cover i'll be the prime target. With them constantly smashing me as soon as i try to defend, brawl, push (anything other than camping, which isn't the roles of heavies/mediums) regardless of:

tier, movement, positioning behind slopes, armour or other vehicles spotted on the map.
If i could pay Premium+ where my stats are blocked to other players and vice versa i would sign up in a heartbeat.

I cannot enjoy or do well in any of the games when i'm being constantly punished just because of my record. It's not fair on the less than average players than get scrutinised/insulted/judged and it's not fair on the above average players that are being singled out when just trying to play a random game with a friend.

Why isn't there an opt-out signup option for players that don't want to be constantly judged and penalized for playing well/badly in the past? There could be a trade-off, if you don't want others to see your stats, in return you could not see their stats. It would allow both higher and lower skilled players to enjoy a fairer game. To stay off XVM battle stats you would have to stay activated to modXVM, it could be an option in the settings:


- Stats All (You can see all XVM players stats of players not abstaining, they can see you) \\ Same as current

- Stats Team (You can only see XVM player stats of your friendly teammates, enemy XVM cannot read your stats, while friendlies can) \\ Avoids unfair singling out of players based purely on stats

- Stats off (You can view no-one's in-game stats, vice versa) \\ Same as above and prevents team from insulting you


Mainly i just want a way to play on an even battlefield with the team and not be singled out practically every game. It's really making the games and teamwork unpleasant (oh look top tier is a noob, ect, ect).
I'm just finding it harder and harder to play when there is literally nothing i can do but accept the rain of pain from above every other match.

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You should use forum search for "hide stats" or smth like that

Ok, apologise for this forum. Someone on WOT pointed me here and had trouble navigating the website (didn't catch the flag in the top left) so was navigating blindly and could only see recently posted topics.

So Mr 13 (Admin) shows no sympathy and won't change anything if not told to by Wargaming. Got it.

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XVM is not only mod showing stats, that is opened by WG. So, untill WG is not hiding stats, there will be other seperate mods, that will show it without restrictions.

But. WG have different game politics for local servers)). That is work for RU may not be applied for EU and others

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