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During 30 sec battle count down...

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There are flags by players names, an indication if they are using xvm, and some with clan icons. I would like to (no real NEED to) remove all three of these things. Using the "Search" in Notepad ++ I found that "battleLoading", "playersPanel", and "statisticForm" all had the word "flag" so I figured that my answer was somewhere in one or more of these files. Unfortunately everything I tried failed and made no difference at all. I tried // before them so they would be ignored, and I also tried editing them remofing the <...flag...>, <...xvmuser....>, and <...clan icon...>. If you know how I can accomplish this it would be appreciated as this information simply isn't relavent to me. Please be as specific as possible :) Thank you.

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Did you rename xvm.xc.sample to xvm.xc?

Otherwise any changes to the configs in the default folder will be ignored..

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Yes that is the first thing before changing any of the default files - but yes it s actually acting like that - like it is ignoring my changes.


Which file(s) actually causes those things to appear? What should it/they look like after editing those things out?

Edited by Scarecrow22

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You were perfectly right with editing playerpanels (the "ears" on the left and right side during battle), statisticform (tab) and battleloading (same as tab, only visible during loading period)


For example changing the following part in statisticForm

"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",


"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",

would remove the flag of "tab" view



A better alternative is always to generate your own xvm.xc - that way you don't have to make any changes if you update your XVM (because when updating XVM the "default" config files usually get overwritten)


You can start with a simple custom xvm.xc like this:



"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",

"formatRightNick": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> {{name%.15s~..}} <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'>




Put this file where xvm.xc.sample is located and watch a replay - now when you press TAB you shouldn't see the nation flags anymore.

Give this a try and let me know how it worked out :)


EDIT: Basically it works like this:

XVM uses default values (hardcoded somewhere) unless you say otherwise in your own xvm.xc.

So basically:

- See what you don't like about the default XVM

- Find the corresponding part in the default configs

- Copy it to your custom xvm.xc and edit it the way you like it

Edited by Alfalis

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I've tried a number of times to build my own xvm.xc file from scratch. I have taken the @xvm.xc file, removed @ so it is xvm.xc and where it refers to another xc file (such as hangar.xc) I have pasted in the information from that file replacing the existing line.


Trying to make a new xvm.xc file takes a bit of time, and every time I try when I test it the default xvm settings are being used


Is there a "default" xvm.xc file that is not in numerous individual folders but simply one file? In other words - instead of an xvm.xc file that points to the @xvm.xc file - which in turn points to numerous other .xc files - is there one xvm.xc file available anywhere that has all the .xc files combined into one (1) .xc file? If there is such a file I could then simply modify it to my liking and make minor changes to it as you suggest whenever a new version of xvm is released.

You were perfectly right with editing playerpanels (the "ears" on the left and right side during battle), statisticform (tab) and battleloading (same as tab, only visible during loading period)


For example changing the following part in statisticForm

"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",


"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",

would remove the flag of "tab" view



A better alternative is always to generate your own xvm.xc - that way you don't have to make any changes if you update your XVM (because when updating XVM the "default" config files usually get overwritten)


You can start with a simple custom xvm.xc like this:



"formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'> {{name%.15s~..}} <font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font>",

"formatRightNick": "<font alpha='#A0'>{{clan}}</font> {{name%.15s~..}} <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user}}.png'>




Put this file where xvm.xc.sample is located and watch a replay - now when you press TAB you shouldn't see the nation flags anymore.

Give this a try and let me know how it worked out :)


EDIT: Basically it works like this:

XVM uses default values (hardcoded somewhere) unless you say otherwise in your own xvm.xc.

So basically:

- See what you don't like about the default XVM

- Find the corresponding part in the default configs

- Copy it to your custom xvm.xc and edit it the way you like it


I just realized what you were saying - the only things that need to be in the xvm.xc file are the things that are different from the default settings...ok...wish I would have understood that some time ago - my bad - wasted a lot of time because I didn't understand what you were explaining. Now that I understand I will try again but focus only on the things that I want to modify. Thank you very much for pointing that out.

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