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How to get the chariot LWH


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How to get the chariot LWH


Length  = Target.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].x

High = Target.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].y + Target.hull['turretPositions'][0].y

Width = Target.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].z


How will be the middle And not Length Width Height

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def add_observed_piont(vehicle_id):
self = BigWorld.player().arena.vehicles[vehicle_id]['vehicleType']
if not hasattr(self, 'visibilityCheckPoints') or hasattr(self, 'observerPosOnChassis'):
hullPos = self.chassis['hullPosition']
hullBboxMin, hullBboxMax, _ = self.hull['hitTester'].bbox
turretPosOnHull = self.hull['turretPositions'][0]
turretLocalTopY = max(hullBboxMax.y, turretPosOnHull.y + self.turret['hitTester'].bbox[1].y)
gunPosOnHull = turretPosOnHull + self.turret['gunPosition']
hullLocalCenterY = (hullBboxMin.y + hullBboxMax.y) / 2.0
hullLocalPt1 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMax.z)
hullLocalPt2 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMin.z)
hullLocalCenterZ = (hullBboxMin.z + hullBboxMax.z) / 2.0
hullLocalPt3 = Vector3(hullBboxMax.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
hullLocalPt4 = Vector3(hullBboxMin.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
self.visibilityCheckPoints = (Vector3(0.0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0.0),
hullPos + gunPosOnHull,
hullPos + hullLocalPt1,
hullPos + hullLocalPt2,
hullPos + hullLocalPt3,
hullPos + hullLocalPt4)
self.checkpointID = 0
self.observerPosOnChassis = Vector3(0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0)
self.observerPosOnTurret = self.turret['gunPosition']
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I have studied a look

I do not understand

In advice

def add_observed_piont(vehicle_id):
        self = BigWorld.player().arena.vehicles[vehicle_id]['vehicleType']
        if not hasattr(self, 'visibilityCheckPoints') or hasattr(self, 'observerPosOnChassis'):
            hullPos = self.chassis['hullPosition']
            hullBboxMin, hullBboxMax, _ = self.hull['hitTester'].bbox
            turretPosOnHull = self.hull['turretPositions'][0]
            turretLocalTopY = max(hullBboxMax.y, turretPosOnHull.y + self.turret['hitTester'].bbox[1].y)
            gunPosOnHull = turretPosOnHull + self.turret['gunPosition']
            hullLocalCenterY = (hullBboxMin.y + hullBboxMax.y) / 2.0
            hullLocalPt1 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMax.z)
            hullLocalPt2 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMin.z)
            hullLocalCenterZ = (hullBboxMin.z + hullBboxMax.z) / 2.0
            hullLocalPt3 = Vector3(hullBboxMax.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
            hullLocalPt4 = Vector3(hullBboxMin.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
            self.visibilityCheckPoints = (Vector3(0.0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0.0), hullPos + gunPosOnHull, hullPos + 

hullLocalPt1, hullPos + hullLocalPt2, hullPos + hullLocalPt3, hullPos + hullLocalPt4)
            self.checkpointID = 0
            self.observerPosOnChassis = Vector3(0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0)
            self.observerPosOnTurret = self.turret['gunPosition']

LengthPosition HighPosition WidthPosition


To send a message in return self.observerPosOnChassis ????

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def add_observed_piont(vehicle_id):
        self = BigWorld.player().arena.vehicles[vehicle_id]['vehicleType']
        if not hasattr(self, 'visibilityCheckPoints') or hasattr(self, 'observerPosOnChassis'):
            hullPos = self.chassis['hullPosition']
            hullBboxMin, hullBboxMax, _ = self.hull['hitTester'].bbox
            turretPosOnHull = self.hull['turretPositions'][0]
            turretLocalTopY = max(hullBboxMax.y, turretPosOnHull.y + self.turret['hitTester'].bbox[1].y)
            gunPosOnHull = turretPosOnHull + self.turret['gunPosition']
            hullLocalCenterY = (hullBboxMin.y + hullBboxMax.y) / 2.0
            hullLocalPt1 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMax.z)
            hullLocalPt2 = Vector3(0.0, hullLocalCenterY, hullBboxMin.z)
            hullLocalCenterZ = (hullBboxMin.z + hullBboxMax.z) / 2.0
            hullLocalPt3 = Vector3(hullBboxMax.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
            hullLocalPt4 = Vector3(hullBboxMin.x, gunPosOnHull.y, hullLocalCenterZ)
            self.visibilityCheckPoints = (Vector3(0.0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0.0),
             hullPos + gunPosOnHull,
             hullPos + hullLocalPt1,
             hullPos + hullLocalPt2,
             hullPos + hullLocalPt3,
             hullPos + hullLocalPt4)
            self.checkpointID = 0
            self.observerPosOnChassis = Vector3(0, hullPos.y + turretLocalTopY, 0)
            self.observerPosOnTurret = self.turret['gunPosition']

just one note:

at beginning of the battle, you will have no bbox available, so need to call loadBspModel() at 'hitTester' objects

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just one note:

at beginning of the battle, you will have no bbox available, so need to call loadBspModel() at 'hitTester' objects

I still do not understand, give a simple example, can you?


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AimPos.y += AimVehicle.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].y * 0.47 + autoAimVehicle.typeDescriptor.hull['turretPositions'][0].y * 0.47



:gg:  :glare:

This is the height location

Rather than the pixel length and width and height


Show screen test

g_windowsManager.battleWindow.call('battle.PlayerMessagesPanel.ShowMessage', ['0', str(AimVehicle.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].y), 'red'])

Showing 0.0

Obviously he is to take the middle position of the target height

However, I would like to come up with pixel length and width and height


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AimPos = Math.Vector3(autoAimVehicle.position)

AimPos.y += AimVehicle.typeDescriptor.chassis['hullPosition'].y * 0.47 + autoAimVehicle.typeDescriptor.hull['turretPositions'][0].y * 0.47

I would like to know the enemy tanks pixels total width and total height and total length

Now, the code is just total height?

How to x and z total

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