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Alpha of WN8 in the list of teams

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Hi all !


I just want to know what is the value of the WN8's alpha (example : Is there write : TankerMetal 1407 51%) What is the alpha value of 1407 by default in XVM .

I have already searched in files of XVM but I'm not sure, can you help me please ?


Thanks you !

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can you help me please ?
    // Dynamic transparency by WN8 rating
    // Динамическая прозрачность по рейтингу WN8
    "wn8": [
      { "value": 360,  "alpha": ${"alphaRating.very_bad" } },
      { "value": 825,  "alpha": ${"alphaRating.bad"      } },
      { "value": 1385, "alpha": ${"alphaRating.normal"   } },
      { "value": 2055, "alpha": ${"alphaRating.good"     } },
      { "value": 2675, "alpha": ${"alphaRating.very_good"} },
      { "value": 9999, "alpha": ${"alphaRating.unique"   } }

  "alphaRating": {
    "very_bad":     "100",  // very bad   / очень плохо
    "bad":          "70",   // bad        / плохо
    "normal":       "40",   // normal     / средне
    "good":         "10",   // good       / хорошо
    "very_good":    "0",    // very good  / очень хорошо
    "unique":       "0"     // unique     / уникально


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I use ARGB(Alpha - Red - Green - Blue) 


I haven't any problems with colors because I convert hex colors in RGB

My only problem is that alpha can't be at 0 :


"very_good":    "0",    // very good  / очень хорошо
    "unique":       "0"     // unique     / уникально    


If alpha = 0 then very_good and unique won't be show because they will be transparent . So why in XVM these stats aren't transparent in my xvm ?

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I have find !


In Hex colors, # means % and he appear before the number :


100% — FF                  
99% — FC
98% — FA
97% — F7
96% — F5
95% — F2
94% — F0
93% — ED
92% — EB
91% — E8
90% — E6
89% — E3
88% — E0
87% — DE
86% — DB
85% — D9
84% — D6
83% — D4
82% — D1
81% — CF
80% — CC
79% — C9
78% — C7
77% — C4
76% — C2
75% — BF
74% — BD
73% — BA
72% — B8
71% — B5
70% — B3
69% — B0
68% — AD
67% — AB
66% — A8
65% — A6
64% — A3
63% — A1
62% — 9E
61% — 9C
60% — 99
59% — 96
58% — 94
57% — 91
56% — 8F
55% — 8C
54% — 8A
53% — 87
52% — 85
51% — 82
50% — 80
49% — 7D
48% — 7A
47% — 78
46% — 75
45% — 73
44% — 70
43% — 6E
42% — 6B
41% — 69
40% — 66
39% — 63
38% — 61
37% — 5E
36% — 5C
35% — 59
34% — 57
33% — 54
32% — 52
31% — 4F
30% — 4D
29% — 4A
28% — 47
27% — 45
26% — 42
25% — 40
24% — 3D
23% — 3B
22% — 38
21% — 36
20% — 33
19% — 30
18% — 2E
17% — 2B
16% — 29
15% — 26
14% — 24
13% — 21
12% — 1F
11% — 1C
10% — 1A
9% — 17
8% — 14
7% — 12
6% — 0F
5% — 0D
4% — 0A
3% — 08
2% — 05
1% — 03
0% — 00


Example 100% white in ARGB = 255;255;255;255 and in Hex Colors = #FFFFFFFF

Before the first FF you have just to put the # (Alt + 35)

Edited by TankerMetal
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