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Korean Random

Disable xvm.log

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I play a lot, so both shrink and SSD claims are true. :-)


At start I've set the file read-only, but it causes python code to crash. Not the best programming here. 99% users don't even know about this file anyway - so I believe it should be enabled only as a "debug mode".

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I play a lot, so both shrink and SSD claims are true.


You're wrong. Just open a calc.exe and calculate it.


But if you still want to believe in this stupid lie about SSD harming with writing of just a few kilobytes and you love to eat placebo, then you can make a symlink to HDD using MKLINK.


But........ It would be better to make some calculations to understand the stupidity of whole idea. Or visit a psychiatrist if you really think that you can feel the placebo effect)))

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