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Korean Random

XVM Chance to Win issue

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So I have my account activated, latest XVM installed, all of my config files set up correctly (battleloading.xc, battleresult.xc, and statisticform.xc all have show win set to true).  XVM displays all player stats just fine, but chance to win in the loading screen, or the stats page, or whatever, never shows up.  I have completely erased the xvm folder and reinstalled from scratch, but still nothing.


Any ideas?

Think I found the issue - there's a settings button on the main bar that allows you to check what you want.  Never noticed it before.

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I noticed the change as well, the addition of the "settings" link, which opens a XVM Service tab, as soon as it was added.  However, once the settings link is clicked and the Service window is opened, the first 4 choices were automatically checked, leaving both the "Chance to win" and "Chance to win (live) boxes unchecked.  I have logged out and re-logged in, re-authorized the third party applications through World of Tanks and yet, the "Chance to win" boxes will not check.  I have cleared caches, rebooted, logged off, logged in, etc., and yet the boxes will not allow themselves to be checked.  Is there a solution for this?

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